Monday, August 31, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies With A Homemade Fruit Fly Trap

Anyone who has ever left a few bananas sitting out or forgotten to change their garbage knows all too well the problem with fruit flies. It seems that once they've invaded your kitchen, you can't get rid of them. You can scrub, clean, remove tempting fruit and spray the garbage can with disinfectants, but they always come back. You can't help but cringe just looking at them.

We have always had problems with fruit flies, with one of the main reasons being that we live in an apartment and by law - must recycle. Because of where we live, we have to keep our recycling containers inside until they can be disposed of once a week. If the recyclables aren't cleaned well enough after being used, they make a perfect breeding ground for fruit flies. They love bits of rotting food remnants and seem to thrive in even the smallest amount. When fruit flies move in, they just don't want to leave and will lay eggs in and on anything they can find - fruits & vegetables left on the counter, sink drains, garbage disposals, empty bottles & cans, garbage bags, and even mops and rags.

A Few Fun Facts About Fruit Flies:

- Can lay up to 500 eggs at a time

- Their entire lifecycle is complete in about a week

- While considered mainly a pest, they have the potential to contaminate food with dangerous bacteria

We all know that removing the food, getting rid of the garbage & cleaning up plays a big role, but we also know what it's like to move a piece of fruit and have a swarm of fruit flies fill the air only to escape your attempts at killing them. Where are they gonna go? Obviously the ones flying around can't be easily captured or killed, so they'll linger about until they find some other place to lay eggs and the whole cycle starts again.

In all my attempts, I found the best way to capture and remove the ones that escape is to create a simple trap using a jar, plastic wrap and a piece of food. Here's how it works:

1. Get a small jar you don't plan on using again ( like a baby food jar or something similar ) and wash it out well. Make sure it is not a jar with a funky smell such as a used pickle jar or anything that use to have strong spices. You want a clean, odorless jar.

2. Take a chunk of banana and place inside the jar. This is why you want a clean, odorless jar - so that the banana smell won't be overpowered by other not-so-tempting smells. Banana seems to work the best, but you can experiment.

3. Fit a piece of plastic wrap over the top of the jar, making sure that it fits tight and well sealed around the edges. Then take a pen or pencil and poke 4 to 5 holes in the plastic, just big enough for a fruit fly to fit into. Once a fruit fly crawls in, it can't get out. You would think they would just fly back out through the holes, but they won't!

4. Place the jar in an area where you have seen the most fruit flies. Depending on the amount of fruit flies you have, you can expect to start seeing the jar fill up within just a few hours. After 24 hours, you will discover just how bad your fruit fly problem is!

This simple, inexpensive & safe method works perfectly and if you don't want the jar on public display, you can always slip it behind the garbage can, in the cupboard or even under the sink (Just don't forget about it!). You will want to empty the jar every 3-4 days before any eggs have a chance to hatch. While adult fruit flies can't easily escape through the holes, their maggots can very easily, and besides that - they are disgusting to see crawling around in the jar. You don't want to see these things crawling on your counter!

Cleaning out the jar shouldn't be a problem. If you have a kind heart, you can choose to let them go outside. Personally, I spray the little buggers with bug spray, wash out the jar and start the whole process over again if I think there are still some fruit flies left to capture.

For bad fruit fly problems, you will want to use this method for a good two weeks to make sure you've captured the majority of fruit flies. You might even want to use a few jars in different places. Before long, your kitchen will be back to normal.

Carole Nickerson has been a web developer and internet marketer since 1998. Visit for more free articles, tips and software

How to Find the Best Endometriosis Self Help Program

Endometriosis is a Chronic condition that afflicts over 5 millions women between 20- 40 years old age group in the US alone and increases rapidly in the world population, especially in Asia. It is caused by environmental toxins, unhealthy diet, and recent economical prosperity. During menstruation, the menstrual lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues growing somewhere else in the body causes endometriosis.

Here are some essential conditions to find the best endometriosis self help program.

1. Qualification of the writer
Since conventional treatment has some success in treating endometriosis but without some side effects, qualification of the author becomes importance. It not only gives you the confidence to follow the program, but it also let's you know that the author also understands the conventional treatment and its side effect. I, myself prefer people with extensive experience in fields of diets and have been working for years with conventional medication and specializing in endometriosis such as dietitian, RN specializing in nutritional supplements, and alternative medicine.

2. Program written must pin point the treatment
The program should pin point the author intentions. How exactly will the program help ??
How long will it take ?? What types of treatment will you get??

3. Details of diagnosis
The program must also pin point each symptoms and causes. Since each woman experiences endometriosis uniquely, the treatment must also be designed specifically and uniquely for each of them.

4. Exact dosage must be given
Most endometriosis health sites only provide general information and for education purposes, it is hard to find any of them with specific dosage of treatment. For paid self help programs, it should provide exactly how much you should take and when is the best time to take them.

5. Must not alter much of the living style in early stage
Starting a new program is not easy. Some self help programs require you to change your diet or life style completely, this is a no-no for a self help program. Since our body requires time to adjust for any changes in the diet, abruptly changing your diet may do more harm than good. The best program should be one that makes you understand how the change will do in treating your disease and give you time to achieve that goal slowly.

6. Diet must be included in the treatment program
Using nutritional supplements or herbs are helpful in treating endometriosis. Without daily intake of healthy food, the program may not work effectively and the time required for the treatment may take longer.

7. Side effects must be addressed in the treatment
Some herbs may have some mild side effects, if taken in large doses or for a prolong period of time. The best self help program should also address that as well.

8. Given time length for improvement
Nutritional supplements and herbs may need time to take effect, but you will feel improvement within few days of treatment. The author should be able to tell you that.

9. Program must be written in daily English and is understandable for the purchaser
Program should be written in easy understanding daily English, you don't want to have a dictionary with you every time you read the program. Technical and medical term should only be used when it is necessary.

10. Refund policy
Even with the best self help program, it may not work for all women. Be sure you buy from one that has been in business for many years, with good reputations and offers at least 8 weeks refund guaranteed.

I hope this information will help and good luck on your treatment.
Endometriosis is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and a self help course, if you have endometroisis, please look at the bright side.

For the best endometriosis self help program visit

All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact. "Let Take Care Your Health, Your Health Will Take Care You" Kyle J. Norton I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990. Master degree in Mathematics, teaching and tutoring math at colleges and universities before joining insurance industries.

How to Buy Bathroom Sinks

Most bathrooms consist of a shower and bath. But they are in no way complete without a sink. It is one of the most important components where the majority of the shaving, tooth brushing and fixing of appearances take place. This is why it is so important to find a bathroom sink that not only suits your bathroom and house, but one that you can stare at several minutes everyday just before you go to work and go to bed.

There is a wide range of sinks that you can buy that will suit any bathroom. The most traditional sinks are constructed from porcelain and are round, oval or square. Porcelain is the most popular material because it is smooth, strong and waterproof. If you want a personalized sink then it is possible to have custom-made sinks made to your color and liking. This is a more expensive option than buying off the floor.

The more modern bathroom sinks can be made from glass or metal. Glass sinks can be made with a colorful and unique look. Metal sinks can be constructed from brass, chrome, copper or stainless steel. While these are more expensive than porcelain sinks they can look fantastic in more modern bathrooms.

Vanity mounted sinks are a popular choice. They have an advantage over other sinks as they can save space and also hide from sight the plumbing for the sink itself.

Choosing a bathroom sink doesn't need to be a challenge. Browse through the many designs that can be found at your local bathroom showroom and ask for advice. In no time you should be able to have bought a bathroom sink that suits your taste and style.

The Bathroom Vanity Guide can give you more information on choosing and buying a bathroom sink that suits your home and personal taste.

The Bible's Power Over One Child

I mentioned Sean in another one of my articles, the story of a young foster boy that we were taking care of. Sean's father was my ex-wife's uncle, and they were going through some tough times for a while and their three children ended up as wards of the state. We eventually ended up taking the oldest child because he was the hardest one to place and another home. His brother and sister ended up with a family that wanted to adopt them and eventually Sean went to live with them and I believe all three of them were adopted by this family. I don't know this for a fact though.

Sean was a emotionally damaged child. His parents would punish him with some strange and bizarre punishments. They weren't really physical punishments but seemed to leave the emotional scars on him and I often think about where he is and what he is doing.

We watched him for about a year and I learned quite a bit from this young man. He was in the third grade but was still at the first grade level for reading and math. I would spend a couple of hours each night during the week helping him with his schoolwork, I seem to have created some sort of allusion that I would be able to bring him up to the third grade level within a short period of time. Wrong. He must've had learning disabilities and of course I don't think I was that good teacher.

Sean was easy going, polite and extremely obedient. He would do anything to avoid getting in trouble and often blamed others for his mistakes. His punishments must have been more than he could bear before he arrived at our home. I think you're getting the picture about what kind of a child Sean was.

One day I found myself in a dilemma with Sean, I couldn't get him to tell me the truth, even though I knew he was lying. I forget what the problem was but I remember a hollow look in his face. It was almost like he wasn't really there. It was almost like he was just doing time, sitting on the bed, listening to me asking the same question over and over again, "Sean are you lying", but he wasn't even paying attention.

I normally would not punish my children for accidents, and never tolerated lying. I was trying to explain to him that he wasn't going to get in trouble, I just wanted to know the truth. He wasn't budging at all and stuck to his story. I remembered that his mother and father were Catholics and feared the church, almost as much as they loved it.

That's what I came up with my evil plan. I don't know where I come up with these ideas, but every once in a while one pops up in my head and I run with it.

I told Sean that I was going to bring the Holy Bible in, and if he could swear on the Bible that he was telling the truth, I would accept that and this would be the end of our conversation. I couldn't believe my eyes, as he started crying and screaming, frantically and excitedly as a yelled out, I did it, I did it, don't bring the Bible in, I won't do it again.

I couldn't believe that was all it took to get information from him. I have always been a pretty good interrogator and found myself gathering information from those people easily, but this was amazing. His fear of the Holy Bible got me thinking about how powerful this book actually is to some people. I remember when I looked upon this book, pretty much the same as Sean did.

It's just a book, like any other book. It's not made at a holy factory or a secret monastery in the Swiss Alps somewhere, it's made from paper and ink and can be damaged and destroyed like other books. I would be surprised if I threw the Bible into the fire, that it wouldn't burn. I would be even more surprised, if I seen three men standing in the fire, wait a minute that's another story in the Bible.

Is it possible for this book to actually control the lives of people. It seemed to control Sean, I wonder if I, could have actually been driving a nail home that his parents started. Could I have added to his belief, that the Bible is a book from God the creator of everything.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion. Simple Words Create Powerful Beliefs.

Personal Development

Remodeling Books Save Time and Money - Home Improvement

The other day, I was surfing the Internet and came upon an online home building bookstore that put together a website with the best-selling home building books on the market today. These books range from basic carpentry to advanced structural engineering and everything else you could possibly think of that could be related to the home building, selling, remodeling and construction process.

I couldn't believe the simple and easy to use. Here's a list of some of their books selections.

Photo Guide to Home Repair - The most up-to-date, complete, and useful guide to home repair a homeowner can have. With more than 350 projects and 2300 photos, virtually every home repair challenge.

Exterior Siding, Trim & Finishes - This first ever compilation by Fine Homebuilding on the popular subject provides builders with ideas for choosing the correct finishes for home exteriors, plus solid how-to information.

Flipping Houses - This book is designed for realty investors who want to profit from buying below market, making cosmetic improvements to add value, and then quickly reselling.

Bathroom Remodeling - Remodeling a bathroom is a challenge - it's action-oriented and requires extra energy and stamina. But you, undoubtedly, realize it's a challenge you want to take on.

One $20 home building books or home repairs book, can save you lots of money, if you're willing to do a little research and the labor to complete almost any home building project.

By the way, if you're interested in learning how to repair a roof, build your own house, interior decorating, structural engineering, building a deck, gathering some more information about home painting or even remodeling your bathroom. Our online home building bookstore can save you money if you're willing to do the work.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping

If your looking for some more House Remodeling Pictures or home building ideas

Breaking Through Obstacles With Chop Sticks

I remember accompanying a friend of mine to a workshop and taking part in a little demonstration. We were put in teams of two. One person held a disposable wooden chopstick firmly in front of them, with one end of the chopstick in one hand, the other end in the other. Their partner took a business card and was instructed to break the chop stick with the business card.

As soon as this little game was explained I had a powerful thought. "I'm going to break that chopstick on my first try." I don't know what made me feel so confident, but I just knew I was going to do it. Now mind you, I'm not particularly strong or fast. However, I was feeling particularly powerful and wanted to prove to my friend - and myself - that I could do whatever I set my mind to do.

My partner, Andrea, chose to go first. She whacked away with her business card until it was a pulpy mush. Other people whacked and smacked and swiped to no avail. It took a while, but eventually one person broke the chopstick. Then another and another succeeded. Now it was my turn. I took the card and made a bold swipe. The stick instantly broke in two. Andrea looked at me in disbelief. I just smiled. I did exactly what I imagined I would do.

I wish I could tell you that I'm always so successful. It's not that I (and you) are not capable of these little (and big) victories in life. We are. But little nagging voices of self doubt come marching in like ants to a picnic. Those old, sad stories of how we aren't good enough, or smart enough, or talented enough tug at our self confidence and stop our efforts before we start. I have heard these nagging doubts referred to as "your evil twin" mocking any attempt at success.

You can't tell other people to shut up (not safely anyway) but you can tell your evil twin to take a hike. And you should - as often as the little creep whispers nasty nothings in your ear. As long as you believe these sad stories, they will continue to have power over you. Make it a practice to rewrite your life's script and choose to believe the winning moments of your life as your model. Our actions are the direct result of what we believe we can do.

Robert Collier once said: "Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives."

The proof of this is illustrated as my little story continues. I went home and repeated the chopstick demonstration to my 14-year-old daughter, Brittany. I got out a pair of chopsticks and a business card and tried to replicate my earlier success. There is something a little intimidating about a teenager's disbelief and mocking smile. I took the business card and swiped it against the chopstick. It didn't break. I took a moment and thought about my plight. What was different? It only took a second. A little self doubt had crept in. I paused, took a deep breath, mustered up the power I knew I had within me WHACK!. The chopstick broke in two. Brittany was amazed. I was proud and relieved.

So what is the moral of this story? If we believe in our personal power, rather than focusing on our failures, we can be heroes in our own life story. So, don't just sit there reading. Go out there and do something amazing. Chop, chop.

Sally Marks

Coauthor of upcoming book, Erase Negativity and Embrace the Magic Within. Check out her blog at

Inerrancy of the Bible - Are There Mistakes in the Bible

What does the word inerrancy main? Inerrancy would refer to text that is accurate and totally free of any errors or without any mistakes. Does this sound like any book that you have ever read or have knowledge of. Maybe there is a one sentence book that could fall into this category.

Most books however and even this article has mistakes. If I made a decision to base my life, my entire life and that of my children and grandchildren, I would want to make sure that it was accurate as possible.

Is the Bible, 100%, 90%, or even 50% accurate. Are these stories that were written by people many years ago and the lessons have been helpful but now need to be rewritten.

Does the Bible actually contain the will of God? Some scholars believe that certain sections of the Bible meet this criteria while others do not. How can these people judge if they are not God and how can we believe in this stuff is not true.

If the Bible was inspired by God but written by men, this could actually mean that God had complete control over writing the Bible or does this mean that the man wrote the Bible with gods inspiration. I'm inspired by God daily and often write about it, but don't seem to have enough followers to make it into the biblical Hall of Fame. I'm writing with inspired beliefs right now.

If there are errors in the Bible, how extensive or how many errors are there actually. There are actual stories that can be documented as historical facts. This doesn't mean the rest of the Bible is factual, nor does it mean it is historically inaccurate.

The Bible has some errors in it and some facts that we can prove but leaves us with the question, is this a book from the Creator of the universe or a book written by men, to make us believe, it was written by God and if so why are we still believe being in it. Why do some people read this book and other religious text daily? What motivates them to read holy Scripture regularly but doesn't seem to allow them enough time to find out if they are reading accurate information.

The biggest problem I have with the inerrancy of the Bible is the fact that most people tend to ignore certain truths and cling to their childhood beliefs about religion. If this is not the way or the truth, I would want to start looking for it, instead of following someone else's dreams or religious doctrine.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion. Religious Education And Fear

Greg Vanden Berge Quotes

Indoor Toilets Verses Outdoor Toilets

It is a feature of most modern house to have an inside toilet, this is a luxury that most households have got used to. Many just can't do without it. The reason this subject is raised is quite simply I'd never thought of having a toilet anywhere else other than in the home until I got to live in Bulgaria.

When I was young we lived in a Victorian styled house and had a brick outside toilet. I remember having to go to the toilet my brother, as I was scared of spiders. Later when I was big enough to cope with that I remember having to walk through snow to get there one winter. Needless to say little time was spent on the throne during winters in the UK, not much was remembered about it, it certainly wasn't a problem at the time.

After marrying we bought a modern house with an inside toilet and for 20 odd years this was the norm, part of what is expected and that's where the thoughts of outside toilets disappeared until recently.

Moving to Bulgaria really brought home some more reasoning behind why we have inside toilets. Pardon the pun, but it is purely for convenience, nothing more; a daily requirement can just as easily be managed outside, but it would be far too much trouble and the comfort zone removed.

The turning point for me with thoughts about inside toilets was on a particular day where I had a village man come to my house. He had lived in the village all his life and had never seen an inside toilet before, let alone use one. When he realised my house had one he said, "It was disgusting that people go to the toilet in my house!" Just saying that now sticks in my mind each time I use the toilet indoors. He is right; going to the toilet in your home is quite disgusting, just think about it for a while.

I still have my inside toilet but I also have an outside on and use this whenever I get an opportunity. Using that outside toilet that is just a hole in the ground without a flushing system just feels right and so much more environmentally friendly. Added to this is the fact that toiletry goings on in the house just doesn't seem right after, especially in a village where no one else other than expatriates have indoor toilets. My Bulgarian guests here never want to use my inside toilet either, they themselves feel that this 'business' is an outside activity and they could never get used to conducting it inside a home.

The inside toilet is essentially the same as the outside toilet. The outside just drains into the land the inside is flushed away to the outside sceptic tank and then also drains away into the land. The only difference is the vast amounts of fresh drinking water used to move the deposits from a to b. What is the point of that?

So, the bottom line (another pun I'm sorry) is, if I happen to move and renovate another house, I will ensure that I have an outside toilet built alongside, it will make me feel better using it.

If you have never used and outside toilet, then I fully recommend you try it, not for the reason of anything else other than appreciating your inside toilet. Anyone who does this will know what I mean. If you use an outside toilet frequently and regularly, there is not really any hardship in this system, it's just getting used to something new (or old).

Martin Miller-Yianni -

Tricky Home Improvement Projects - Poway Remodels

As homeowners, we have all gotten in over our heads and found ourselves overwhelmed by those tricky home repairs and improvement projects. Deciding we are fully capable of accomplishing a project, we often find ourselves wishing we had hired more capable hands. Contractors are skilled and experienced in their respective fields and are always on hand to provide excellent service to those in need.

Home improvement is often riddled with unforeseen problems that an inexperienced homeowner cannot anticipate. Contractors, with their abundance of experience, can often anticipate problems before they occur and find solutions to any problem that may arise. This is the difference that many homeowners do not consider before making the decision of whether or not to hire a professional.

With a great deal of problems that may arise, more complex projects such as home exterior painting should always be left to professional contractors. Sometimes, a homeowner will be skilled and experienced in a certain field, such as home painting, and in these cases, doing the work oneself may prove to be a better option. However, these skilled homeowners are few and far between, so for the majority of you homeowners, hiring a professional to do the home improvement work on your house will pay dividends in the end. Not only will the project look much better upon completion, but having a professional do the work will allow you to relax and trust that your project is in excellent hands. With so much experience and training in the field, contractors are valuable assets to any project.

More information on College Works Painting home improvement for your home is just a click away.

Collaboration Creates Harmony

Sometimes unwittingly you might engage in a power struggle, both at home or at work. These conflicts often stem from an unconscious desire to retain control of your circumstances or surroundings. However, your strong-willed and defensive approach to solving issues, may cause you to come up against a stronger resistance from perceived adversaries.

When you let go of your need to be in control and engage in a collaborative strategy that will help you work in tandem with others, rather than against, others you will notice that together you can create powerful solutions that allow you each to have your needs and desires fulfilled. You will feel your defensiveness disappear as you seek out a fair and balanced workable solution.

When you cease pushing against those with whom you are involved in struggles for dominance, the conflict dividing you from one another, eases, and you can begin working on an equitable solution to your differences. Hostility only engenders more hostility, blinding you to the cooperative and fair strategy you can use to diffuse aggression.

By avoiding to provide any more resistance, you create a situation in which cooperative energy can flow. Once the blockages that existed between you have been eradicated through the channel of your openness, you can begin communicating with your adversaries. As you gain a new understanding of one another, you are each empowered to devise a universally beneficial resolution. You will gain the power to dispel conflict when you recognize that letting go is the ultimate antidote to anger and conflict.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Dr. Dorothy has the unique gift of connecting people with a broad range of profound principles that resonate in the deepest part of their being. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's daily thoughts and feelings.

Success Starting in Your 40s

You're going to find it hard to believe, but very seldom does an individual peak with creativity until they reach the age of 40. The average individual usually makes the most money between the age of 40 and 60. This doesn't have anything to do with retirement. Most highly creative people keep producing until they die.

If you're 55 years old and looking for a new career or can't seem to find a job in the profession you have worked at your whole life, don't be alarmed or fearful. Do you think you could start your own business? Is there something, you have always wanted to do but have put it off until retirement, or until you had enough time to do it?

Why wait, if you can't find a job in a business you never truly enjoyed, maybe you can find a new job doing something you love.

I have worked in construction for 30 years and at 44 years old started to pursue a career in writing and plan to create award winning websites and best selling books, for the rest of my life. This doesn't mean, I won't work in construction ever again, but I will become a best selling author within the next 20 years.

Most people don't take the time required to learn a new profession. If you're sincerely interested in another career, and you're 50 years old, there is plenty of people out there to give you hope and inspiration.

If you would like some proof, here's a couple successful American businessman who succeeded after the age of 40. Henry Ford is probably one of the most popular and became extremely successful after the age of 40. Andrew Carnegie, an American industrialists who transformed the steel business and did not start reaping the rewards of his efforts until he was well past the age of 40.

I gathered this information from the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. There is a section in the book where he talks about people after the age of 40 with phenomenal success. Anyone who's interested in gaining wealth through spirituality or finances should read this book.

I've often heard the statement, "People Often Over Estimate What They Can Do in a Year and Often Underestimate What They Can Do in a Decade." If you want to accomplish something after the age of 40, I would advise you to start with a plan and then put that plan and the action. Your plan could take five to 15 years to achieve or longer but think about the rewards, whether spiritual or financial.

Gregory Vanden Berge is working to promote personal development ideas and spiritual reform. He has started a web site for videos and articles based on current information about subject he is very familiar with.

"Education has freed me, to pursue other ideas and release me from the bondage and fear of organized religion."

Gregory Vanden Berge

Christian Articles

Ice Dams - House Remodeling Ideas

There is nothing like winter in Michigan when 12 or 14 inches of snow pile up overnight and its Saturday morning with nowhere to go. But soon there looks like an ice flow from an Antarctic glacier hanging over the edge of your house. Now you start to worry about the gutters you didn't clean last fall because the freezing temperatures came even before the leaves fell. Well good news: Full gutters do not cause ice dams!

Ice dams are caused for two reasons: Heavy snowfall and poor design, insulation and ventilation of the roof and attic of the home. When snow stacks up on the roof and temperatures remain well below freezing, the snow melts from the bottom next to your roof. The heat lost from the house through the roof causes the snow to melt and run down under the snow pack to the eves where it refreezes and starts to stack up and hang over the edge. Water will pool behind this wall of ice and eventually work its way under the shingles and leak into your attic, through your ceilings and even down the walls into the basement! During the winter your gutters are filled with snow and ice and do not drain at all. Many people experience water in the basement when we have a sudden rain in the winter before their gutters have a chance to thaw. The water runs right off the roof, over the gutters and drains down the basement walls.

Many houses were built over the years with short eves, or that portion of the roof that overhangs the wall. Some houses have no eves at all! This type of design does not allow for much soffit ventilation. Look under the eves to see if you have grates or vents installed. Generally the more you have the better. These vents let cold air get sucked into the attic by the warm air heated because of poor insulation in your attic. This air is then vented through roof can or ridge vents. Now look at the roof of your house. How many can vents do you see? A ridge vent instead looks like very thick shingles along the peak of the roof. "Can" style vents are now being thought as better than ridge vents that have been popular recently.

So here are two things you can do to lessen the impact of ice dams: First, check your attic insulation. This is not complex work but very demanding physically. You'll have to be able to crawl and scoot your way around the attic without putting your foot through the ceiling. Lay the rolled, bat or loose insulation carefully but do not block the soffit vents from the inside! Go into the attic and turn off the lights and you should be able to locate the vents by the light coming up through the grates. Wear protective clothing and a breathing mask. Second, increase the number of soffit vents under the eves. This may be a job for a contractor and is not that expensive considering the utility costs you'll save.

So OK, you'll get to that insulation and venting thing ASAP but you have water dripping trough the ceilings now. You need to act right away: First, drill or push a sharp tool through the ceiling where ever you see water stains. This will drain water into a bucket and decrease the amount of damage to the ceiling. The small hole can be patched latter and touched up with paint. Next get some calcium chloride to put on the roof. (Calcium chloride is a salt that will not damage your shingles and be easier on the plants below) Spread the calcium along the top of the ice dam concentrating it in several places to melt a "trough" to drain the water away. You can also pack panty hose with the calcium chloride and lay them across the ice dam (and no, this is not the time to make jokes about your wife's skinny legs! She's mad enough about the ceilings already)

Never go on the roof or allow anyone else to go up there; this is lunacy! Roofs are dangerous, even deadly on a warm dry day, don't take the risk! It will be a mess but throw the salt up from the ground or step ladder if necessary. Never use an ax, hammer or hatchet; this will damage the roof for sure. And never, ever use a torch! (Beyond lunacy!)

Because ice dams are caused by certain weather patterns everybody and his dog is buying snow or roof rakes after a heavy snowfall. If you are lucky enough to find one of these light-weight tools at the hardware you can rake the soft snow from the roof too. This is also a good preventive measure if it can be done soon after a snowfall.

Mother Nature will have the last word but taking action now and being prepared to deal with ice dams quickly and safely will reduce much of the damage and danger to you and your home.

Frank Kalinski is a licensed builder in the State of Michigan and has run a gutter repair service for five years. Now doing home residential rental inspection for property owners he has seen many homes and how people live in them. He sees many products and designs years after construction; some things work well and some not. Simple, basic, tried and true generally last the longest and are most economical. Please visit my new web site at

Sunday, August 30, 2009

How Long Should I Keep My Bathroom Rug?

Do you have a rug in your bathroom? If you are like most homeowners, you have at least one of these in each bathroom in your home. But a better question may have to do with how long you have had these types of rugs. When it comes down to it, some people keep these for entirely too long. On the other side of things, there are others who get rid of them too often and end up wasting money in the long run. Which group do you fit into?

When it comes down to it, it can often times be difficult to determine how long to keep a rug in your bathroom. Although you would think that this would be pretty self explanatory, it rarely works out that way. There are many different details that you will want to keep in mind when deciding whether or not it is time to make a change. As you can imagine, the right decision is not imperative to the overall look and feel of your home, but it is something that you should want to do right.

Generally speaking, if your bathroom rug looks bad it is time to get rid of it. If you are in this situation, it is safe to say that you are one of those people who waited a bit too long. As you probably know, your bath area rug goes through a lot of stress day in and day out. Not only does it get walked on time and time again, but it must also deal with high amounts of water. And on top of this, since your bathroom probably gets steamy when the shower is on it must also deal with these conditions.

At the same time, your bathroom rug may look good on the surface. But before you keep it around any longer, you will want to check the bottom side. In most cases, this is where you will begin to see just how bad it is getting. There is a good chance that you will turn your rug over just to find mold and mildew. If this is the case, it is about time that you make a change. Not only is this bad for your floor, but it can be bad for your health at the same time.

On the other side of things, there are those people who are always making a change to the way that their bathroom looks. These homeowners get rid of their rugs in their bathroom area on a monthly basis because they are always changing their color scheme. While these rugs do not cost hundreds of dollars in most cases, you should probably try to find a color scheme and then stick with it.

All in all, you can keep your bathroom rug as long as you want to; there is no rule for this. But at the same time, you need to make sure that it is in good enough condition to do its job for you everyday.

Looking for a great selection of bathroom area rugs Bold Rugs has a wide selection of area rugs from casual area rugs to outdoor area rugs.

The Different Types of Buddhism

Just like there are many different denominations of Christianity including Protestant churches and Catholicism, the different types of Buddhism reflect the way that this religion is practiced.

Buddhism is a dharmic religion and form of spirituality that revolves around certain beliefs and practices all of which are aimed at bringing the participant closer to Buddhahood the highest level of spiritual awareness. However, because the religion has gained followers in several different parts of the world (mostly in Asia), the way that Buddhism is practiced has split into several different sects. All of the Buddhist sects believe certain things in common: all accept Buddha as their teacher, use the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path in their teachings, and believe that Buddhahood is the highest attainment.

Most scholars divide the different types of Buddhism into three sections. The first of these is Southern Buddhism, or Theraveda Buddhism. The word Theraveda is a word in the Pali language (thought to be spoken by the Buddha) that means the Doctrine of the Elders. The biggest aim in the Theraveda practice is to use meditation to train the mind, and to encourage freedom of the mind from suffering. This freedom from suffering will allow you to reach the greatest spiritual goal Nirvana. Theraveda Buddhism is the only surviving school from the earliest years of Buddhism, and it is mostly practiced today in Sri Lanka, Laos and Cambodia.

The second type of Buddhism that is mentioned is Eastern Buddhism, also known as Mahayana Buddhism. This sect not only teaches the Pali Canon (which is the religious text of Theraveda Buddhism) but also includes additional texts and beliefs. In order to reach Nirvana, Mahayana Buddhists believe that a person must practice universal compassion, which is the altruistic quest of the Bodhisattva to attain the Awakened Mind of Buddhahood. Mahayana Buddhism also has a level of mysticism involved. This type of Buddhism is practiced in China, Korea and Japan, as well as parts of other Asian countries.

The third of the different types of Buddhism is Northern or Tibetan Buddhism. Tibetan Buddhism is also considered to be a type of Mahayana Buddhism, but it also embraces other teachings, texts and practices that are not seen in the Eastern type of Mahayana Buddhism. Tibetan Buddhism is also sometimes called Tantric Buddhism or Vajrayana. This type of Buddhism uses both the Mahayana and Theraveda scriptures, as well as a number of Buddhist Tantras all of which are aimed at attaining Buddhahood in just one lifetime instead of requiring many reincarnations.

While all of the different types of Buddhism have the same goal and same basis for their beliefs, the way that Buddhahood is obtained varies from sect to sect. It is important to understand the way that each sect works before choosing to practice a type of Buddhism.

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Putting God on Trial

I was listening to something interesting the other day when someone mentioned putting God on trial for some of the atrocities in the world. If God is the creator of the universe and all that is, or all that ever will be, how can we put him on trial, he's our creator. We can't put our spiritual master on trial can we, he'll just escape anyway if we convict him, won't he. He's got to be smart enough to break out a prison.

As a child I often thought about God and why he would allow such suffering throughout the world. It never made sense to me when I was child and it still doesn't make sense to me today. Why would the creator, want us to suffer, with even the littlest of problems. Other religions have explained it as if God was teaching us a lesson and that's why we have hardships in our lives.

Do you think God ever went through these hardships? Did God have problems finding a job or gathering some food? Does God even eat? Okay now I'm getting off the topic here,(I wonder what God does eat)... if children do something wrong, most of the time their parents will discipline or correct them. If adults to things wrong, the government will discipline and reprimand them. Sometimes these punishments can be severe. It depends on the crimes committed.

If man has to be put on trial for committing crimes like murder, genocide, and general atrocities towards mankind, should God also be put on trial or is he above man because he's God. I can't imagine the creator of the universe ever being put on trial for man's crimes against humanity or other men, but it seems like someone who is all powerful and all knowing could help his children out of this little mess that we're in today.

Couldn't God help us like we help our children. We as parents might not have all the answers, but we do not claim to have them. We are not all powerful and all knowing, like we would assume God to be. When is God going to help us solve some of our major world problems, like genocide and starvation.

Putting God on trial might not solve all of our problems today but it would be nice to have some help with our problems. If he created us to please him, do we have to go on trial one day, for all the things we did or ignored while we were alive. Something to think about isn't it.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development. Check This Out What Happened to the Wise Men's Gifts

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.

Questions To Ask Your Pastor

Install Kitchen Cabinets - House Remodeling Ideas

One of the best ways to economize on your kitchen project cabinets, thank about installing on your own.

If you have the correct hardware with some strategic planning, the procedure is really quite simple.

You will need to make up a plan to successfully attack the installation of you your kitchen cabinet with a friend or partner, though, because it's very difficult to position those cabinets alone.

Continue to study this to learn the information about how to easily install kitchen cabinets by yourself!

* Before anything else, assemble the cabinets employing the instructions that accompanied them.

* Employ a pencil to lightly mark the cabinet positioning. Insure that they will be level and will not interfere with your electrical outlets, will permit you to use your current plumbing, and things if this nature. How dreadful would it be if you found when your installation was complete you determine that your sink doesn't fit..

* It does not matter hardly at all, you can choose to install the wall or the floor units first. Included instructions direct you need to install the units of the floor first, however if you are more comfortable you can do it the other way around.

* Employ a stud locator to find the studs for each cabinet. Make certain to fasten the cabinets to the studs, and use cabinet screws instead of using drywall screws. Drywall screws just can't cope with the weight of kitchen cabinets.

* Bore guide holes. This prevents your cabinets from splitting and results in the cleanest joins.

* Fasten the cabinets to the wall studs employing a cabinet screw at the top and bottom of the cabinet unit. For sturdier cabinets, it's a very good idea additional to screws to buttress the weight.

* Examine each cabinet to make sure that it's level before securing it to anything. It could be necessary to add filler material like wood slats or tile underlayment beneath the units to insure your cabinet's level.

* Set the corner cabinets first, since it will be impossible to move the wall if you end up with less space than anticipated! Subsequently install the other units around them. If you have voids between the units or need to adjust one down to allow for the wiring or plumbing, place a wood panel in-between the units.

* When you're ready to install non-corner units, it would be a important idea to fasten them together, and then attach them to the wall. This assures that the front panels are flat and flush with each other.

* In the case of wall units, the procedure is nearly the same, however if you have really sturdy ones, you will most likely need to employ wood pieces called "shims" beneath them to help underpin the bulk.

* You may choose to employ a friend or partner to help hold up the cabinets, however if you followed the suggestion to connect your cabinets into a row before you put them up, it's going to be difficult to handle all that bulk. Experiment with stacking buckets or paint cans beneath the units to assist in keeping them up there. You should still to have your helper hold tightly; it would be really despicable if they fell over and were blemished or fractured

* Once you have got all of the screws into place, you will need to carefully remove the supports.

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Choice - More Or Less?

The hundreds of decisions we now have to make in our daily lives doesn't necessarily make for a richer life.

Some years ago, choice was either a fluke or a privilege. Choice only came to you on special occasions such as your birthday. Then you would get to choose things like which of two outfits you wanted to wear , which three friends you wanted to come to tea, and maybe if you were really lucky, the style of your birthday cake. Or if you won at the fairground you could choose which goldfish or cuddly toy you wanted, and would it be candyfloss or toffee apple?

But now our lives are ruled by choice. Even asking for a glass of water in a restaurant has turned into a major decision. Should it be still, fizzy, tap, Finnish, French, or Derbyshire? Surely it doesn't matter as long as your thirst is quenched!

Choice has infiltrated every aspect of our lives. Make a telephone call to any department store, supplier or doctor's surgery and before you even get to speak to a real human being you will have had to choose which button to press, probably a number of times!

The TV provides such a bewildering choice of channels is it any wonder so many people just use their favoured one or two?

Some Advice When Decision Time Comes.

When making a choice, think about what you really do want. We're conditioned to think we want many things, in fact many of them are totally unnecessary and living without them gives a less cluttered life.

Try to consciously make a choice. Don't just "go with the flow", or act out of habit. This can leave you feeling stuck in a rut.

Don't regret your choices. Once you've made a decision, focus on that - rather than thinking about other routes you could have taken.

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Old Versus New Construction Adhesives

When I first started building in 1978 as a young carpenter and an apprentice to my father. I had the grand illusions of becoming what they call on the east coast a master carpenter and on the West Coast a journeyman carpenter.

Part of my training in construction was learning to use the proper adhesive and caulking for different parts of the building project. We used to use a standard solvent-based construction adhesive when we were building our stairs and they would also use this adhesive on the floors to eliminate squeaks.

This glue dried extremely hard and everyone thought the harder the better. This construction adhesive was great when I started using it in 1978. There wasn't the polyethylene super elastic expandable multi-use glue and caulking construction adhesives at that time.

We used this brittle glue and it always seemed like a waste of time. As the wood dried and started to shrink the brittle hard glue would crack and break away from the wood it was glued to. Normally the glue was breaking away from plywood floor sheeting. I have seen 2 x 12 shrink 3/8 of an inch before in as little as a few months during the summer.

Now as time went on the old construction adhesives were replaced with a new window sealant made by a company called TOPS. This stuff was the hottest and best product of the decade to me. I used this stuff for everything.

This new urethane glue was now being used for sub floors, stair treads, sealing the windows flashing and siding. This stuff is still in use today and is a great choice for all of the uses I mentioned above. The price for this sealant is about double that of most water-based or solvent-based glues. But it's worth it.

So there you have it I like the urethane glues because of their flexibility, elasticity, their ability to adhere to wood concrete or metal and their performance in the years ahead.

There is one thing to keep in mind when using construction adhesives. Most construction workers seem to ignore the fact that the wood needs to be dry and clean before applying the construction adhesive. There have been quite a few times I have witnessed carpenters working with me and ignoring my advice.

Don't put yourself into this category. Doing quality work and following the manufacturers recommended installation instructions for their product will decrease your liability if there is ever a problem. Read the instructions carefully on all of the building products you use.

The manufacturers of these construction adhesives have thoroughly tested them. So use them properly and follow all safety warnings.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on building and remodeling your homes and Carlsbad Structural Repairs

Religion Articles

Planning Your Bathroom Remodel Budget - Home Improvement Ideas

As a bathroom remodeling contractor, I get calls from people, that have no idea what they want or how much anything is going to cost. Here's some simple tips that can be very helpful when planning a bathroom remodel budget.

Bathroom Remodeling Investment

In 2008, the average mid-range bathroom cost around $16,000 and you could recoup around $12,000 of your original investment upon the sale of your home. According to a popular remodeling magazine, larger bathrooms using expensive fixtures, tile, bathtubs, woodworking, toilets and showers had an average of $52,000. Upon the sale of a home, you could recoup around $36,000 of your original investment.

Finding out How Much Things Cost

My first suggestion, would be to visit your local home improvement center, lumber yard or plumbing supply warehouse. Larger stores like Home Depot and Lowe's, seemed to provide you with value pricing but don't have a large selection. While doing some research on the Internet I noticed that some of their pricing is outrageously, outrageous. Some plumbing supply warehouses can provide value but beware others won't.

Create a List of Bathroom Remodeling Parts

You can get a good idea of your bathroom remodel costs for your budget by making a list of bathroom parts with pricing and then adding them up for a grand total. If you're a total bathroom remodel budget is $15,000 and you have a $6,000 bathtub with $4000 worth of tile, you could have a budget problem.

Figuring out the Labor

You will have to contact a contractor to get an actual cost for the labor. Sometimes you can double the cost of your bathroom remodeling parts to get a rough idea. If you have a list or a couple of lists and a few pictures of some sample bathrooms, this will make the contractor's job easier and often they can give you a labor price within a few days.

Give Yourself a Cushion

I would suggest leaving yourself a small financial cushion for any additional remodeling items. For example, you could see a different toilet, or instead of painting the walls, you now choose to wallpaper, you could incur additional expenses that you haven't planned for. If you know exactly what you want and stick to the original bathroom remodeling plan, you shouldn't need the cushion.

Financial problems often transfer into construction problems, so spend some time figuring out, how much money you want to spend on the bathroom remodel and try not to go overboard on the budget. I hate to see homeowners struggling with home improvement loan payments. Try to create a bathroom remodeling budget that is realistic and will not create a financial burden upon you or your family.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more bathroom remodeling or home building ideas.

Finished Basement Projects

What to Look For As You Plan Your Finished Basement Project

Follow these two principles as you plan your finished basement project and we guarantee you will be delighted with the results.

1. Get A Professional Design

Above all, you should have a complete and professional design done at the outset of your finished basement project. This is the only way to guarantee that you will:

  • Use and enjoy the space like you intended.
  • Avoid misunderstandings which result in a much higher final cost than you expected.
  • Get it done on time and on budget.
  • Get the best value for your money.
  • Maximize your return on investment upon resale.

Here is why:

Use And Enjoyment

What do you feel when you think of the word basement? Dark? Cold? Dusty? Cluttered? Maybe even spooky? Do you like to be down there? Chances are, you'd rather be somewhere else.

So the first secret of finished basement success is to come up with a design that removes the basement stigma from your space. You must change the look and feel to that of another living level... an inviting and seamless extension of your home.

In other words, if your basement still feels like a basement when it's done, you may part with a bundle of cash for something you will never-or rarely-use.

Resale Value

You probably would not finish your basement if you planned to move soon. But we live in fast times. You never know. So resale value is important. Hard data for home improvement resale values is hard to come by. After all, these costs aren't itemized in resale asking prices and you can't buy a finished basement separately.

Fortunately, there is help in this area. Remodeling Magazine surveys Realtors throughout the United States to get estimates of home improvement resale values. Estimates for finished basements range from 37% to 115% of original cost nationwide.

The factors that most influence finished basement resale values include:

  1. How well your lower-level space complements your main living areas.
  2. The basement should feel like it was built when the house was and have the fun additions that the main floor might be missing.
  3. Inclusion of key features like bedrooms and bathrooms in your design.
  4. The scarcity of homes in your area.

Think about it. If your main living area is a four-star hotel and your basement is a truck-stop, you will obviously not realize a high return on your investment. If, on the other hand, you convert your 3-bedroom home into a 4-bedroom home by including a cozy bedroom and full bath in your lower level design, you will pull top dollar.

Finally, if you follow the "use and enjoyment" principles we noted above and insist on high-quality design and construction, you will further maximize your resale value.

Getting The Best Deal

Every expert in our industry will give you the same advice: get multiple bids to make sure you aren't getting ripped off. That's good advice. But the fact is, people still screw up this step badly-but not because they fail to get multiple bids. Rather, it is because they have no idea if the bids they received are at all comparable.

Using a square foot price to determine what your basement might cost is a flawed and misleading method. Here's why: If you have a nicely designed bathroom that costs $5000 for instance and you have a 500 square foot basement, that bathroom costs $10 per foot. That same bathroom in 2000 square feet is only $2.50 per foot. So if a contractor tells you a square foot price without actually basing it on an accurate design, that one room alone can have a margin of error of as much as $7.50.

Avoiding Change Orders

If you want to avoid costly change orders, disappointing results, or both, you must get an accurate and professional design before you sign your contract. Your design should include 3D elevations and renderings. This is because what happens above the floor is especially important-and challenging-in finished basement design.

Designing a basement is harder than you might imagine. Basements pose unique design challenges:

  • How to conceal pipes, poles, soffits, HVAC, plumbing, and electrical.
  • How to provide adequate light and safe egress.
  • How to deal with stairs, water heaters and furnaces that are in the way.
  • How to create inviting areas that complement the rest of your home.

But the biggest challenge is combining all these things in a way that doesn't look like a cheap retrofit. This is almost impossible to do with just hand sketches and 2D elevations. If your design does not include 3D elevations and renderings, you may not discover important problems until it's way too late.

Summary On Design

Complete, skilled and accurate design is critical if you want to use and enjoy your basement as intended, maximize resale value, get comparable and reliable estimates, and avoid costly change orders. Don't short-cut the process.

2. Hire A Company With Genuine Design-Construction Expertise

Great design doesn't happen by accident. It takes skill, experience, and attitude. So when you evaluate contractors for your finished basement addition, resist the temptation to chase the lowest bid or hire the "nice-guy" handyman. Look for a company with proven design-construction expertise.

Elsewhere on our web site we talk about why The Basement Finishing Company is uniquely qualified to do this work and how we make the process of planning and contracting your job as easy and risk-free as possible.

Visit: The Basement Finishing Company

About the Author: Eddie Case

The Basement Finishing Company of Harrisburg PA's owners have remodeled hundreds of basements in the Harrisburg PA local area since 1992. Eddie case is a 3-D basement design expert and high-end construction practice specialist, all geared towards basement finishing projects.

Optimist Or Pessimist - Self Help Tips

For myself, I am an optimist. It does not seem to be much use being anything else. -Sir Winston Churchill-

Even though most of us know the above quote is true, it is still easy to become a pessimist in the world in which we live today. We know that it generally makes things worse to always look on the negative side of things, but many times it seems much easier than the discipline it will take to think positive.

All good change has come to the world by different people who had a vision and carried it out. Most inventors are called eternal optimists because they are passionate about what they do and truly believe they can make the world a better place.

The problem with pessimism is that you confine yourself to only what you can see with your physical eyes, and much of it is negative. You then make all decisions based on that information instead of focusing on how things could be made better.

Our natural inclination is to look at what we see around us and take it at face value. We rarely think that God could use one person, namely us, as an instrument for positive change.

The Holy Spirit can give you a vision as to what you need to do for the future, and give you the faith to bring it to pass.

God has an awesome plan for the life of every Christian, because we are all part of the Body of Christ. He has given us certain gifts in order to carry out His work here. Our job is to discover those gifts and let Him use us in the areas where He sees fit. No earthly person can see the BIG PICTURE, so it is hard to imagine how everything will fit together when the work has been completed.

Some jobs will be tough and others easy, and you might never see exactly how things will fit together in the end; but you can have the assurance that God is in control and whatever He does is always perfect and good.

Perfect satisfaction, peace, and joy can only come from being in the center of Gods Will and submitting your whole life to Him. Only people who have a vision can change the world. Ask God to show you His Vision for your life; then ask Him to give you the faith to attain it.

Choose to think positive and see the great things God can do through your life.

Cathy Deaton is the author of Handbook for Victorious Christian Living, practical ways for the Christian who is seeking God to learn to live in victory in every area of their life.

Check out her site at

Also check out her blog at

God has done remarkable things in her life and she has found that He is truly a God of wonder and amazement, and wants to bless His children in more ways than they could ever imagine.

Her site Blueprint for Victorious Christian Living takes passages from the Bible and gives the meaning of key words in the Greek or Hebrew. The articles are short and can be printed out easily for study, or be read online in about 5 minutes.

Is Money a Big Part of Organized Religion?

Where do you think most modern day religious organizations would be without money? Is money really a big part of modern day organized religion or is that something in the past. Why do certain scriptures require their believers to donate a portion of their earnings?

Does this money improve the lives of religious believers? I'm asking these questions because most people won't. Most people don't even no where the money they earn is going. If you donate money to a religious organization and they choose to hire someone to install stained glass windows throughout the sanctuary, is this really going to help the congregation. Is this a want or a need?

When does a religious group become too powerful for its own good. Do you think the Catholic religion, which at the time of me writing this article, is the largest organized religion in the world, by itself, is very powerful or driven by finances. This organization has seeked wealth and power for centuries, creating an establishment that has its hands in everything all over the world.

Is it fair to have religious leaders living a life of luxury, while some of their followers suffer and go without food or shelter. Should some of this money go towards the aid of others who choose not to believe in the religious culture of their patrons?

Why do some people give money to their religious organization, even though they can barely survive. Are these people driven to contribute money because someone makes them feel guilty? Some of these people give money and time, even at the expense of their own family. It's just not fair, when I see people who are barely scraping by but give faithfully to an organization that promises them a better life after they die.

Your rewards for living a good life on Earth will be received after you die and are allowed to enter the kingdom of heaven. Does anyone have any proof of this? If you choose to base your life entirely on faith instead of seeking knowledge and wisdom, or even questioning your religious doctrine, you're not doing yourself any favors.

Money plays a big part in organized religion and honestly does a lot of good throughout the world. Christianity has had a large impact on the United States of America but only time will tell if it was a good thing or not.

If you have extra money and desire to give it to a religious organization of your choice, feel free, but if you're giving 10% of the money you've earned and really can't afford to, I wish you would take the time to research what your church actually spends it's money on. If your church is building another church in Mexico but you don't have enough money for food, clothes or other necessities, I would suggest that you let other people donate their extra money instead.

It might not be mentioned anywhere in your religion, but I'm sure your God or the ultimate Almighty power of the universe you believe in, does not want anyone to suffer or go without, because your religious organization chooses to make you feel guilty if you do not contribute a certain amount of money, for whatever reasons they can possibly come up with.

If everyone that believes in this interpretation has the keys to the kingdom of heaven, wouldn't Jesus be suggesting a life kind of like Mother Teresa but without any money. She wouldn't be allowed to ask any wealthy people for money, let alone use it if she acquired it somehow.

Have you ever ask yourself is there any Hope in Religion .

Would it be safe to a sound that by asking for money from a wealthy person would mean I would not be going to happen. Does it say anything in the Bible about using money from a wealthy person for great earthly deeds and you get to go to heaven but he does not. If this is starting to sound a little confusing, welcome to my world. There are very few people that follow organized religion, that even ask these questions, let alone seek the answers and find the truth and keeping an open mind to future information that possibly could change the old answer that they accepted as a truth but now realize, the possibility that the old information could be wrong.

If you were a religious leader and could not answer some of the major questions that you yourself had, would you continue living a life of confusion or seek relentlessly to find the answers until you are satisfied. Knowing that if you were satisfied with the answers to your questions and now your religious beliefs have changed considerably, would you retire or quit working with the religious organization you were involved with.

This is one of the biggest obstacles for most people that seem to get comfortable in their religious environments. If the interpretations of a you Bible verses are incorrect and can be proven, either scientifically or through translation errors, does this mean that there are more verses in the Bible that could be incorrect or misleading.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Should The Bible Be Edited

Room Acoustics & Home Cinema Rooms

Room acoustics play a huge role in creating a successful home cinema. The best home cinema hardware in the world will fail to perform at its best in a badly designed room.

The main issue in a home cinema tends to be excessive reverberation time - this is the time taken for a sound from a speaker to decay by 60dB below its original level - i.e. the amount of time it takes for a sound to dissipate in the room.

If you can imagine standing in a completely empty room with hard floors and ceilings and clapping your hands, the sound will echo for quite some time and therefore take a long time to decay (it reflects off the walls and floor). Now imagine standing in a carpeted bedroom and clapping your hands, the sound would not echo as much and disappear quite quickly (the bed and the carpet would absorb some of the sound). The bedroom has a lower reverberation time than the original room.

In a home cinema it is generally good to have a shorter reverberation time as if the reverberation time of one syllable overlaps the other it can be difficult to make out speech. The same thing happens with sound from the surround sound speakers - one effect overlaps another resulting in a muddle of sound.

Home Cinema Treatments

There are several ways to treat excessive reverberation time - changing the shape of the room is one. Imagine a square box, a wave comes out of the speaker hits the back wall and comes back 180 degrees on itself - muddled sound. Now imagine a complex shape like Octagon, some waves will still bounce back at 180 degrees but the majority will bounce off in different directions - the sound still exists but all the bouncing will reduce its energy quite quickly (and therefore volume) and keep the sounds distinct.

The other way to treat excessive reverberation is to absorb the wave - acoustic panels consist of acoustic substrate finished in fabric. This tends to be the most practical way to improve the sound in your room and the finishing fabric can be almost any design - improving aesthetics at the same time as the sound. Manufacturers such as Cineak and Cinematech have products available in a variety of sizes and shapes to cater for most situations.

Written by: Dave Chester

Custom Controls

Custom Control & Entertainment Solutions - Home Cinema, Multi-Room Audio Video, Home Automation & Lighting Control. Premier Dealers for Crestron, Kaleidescape, Lutron and Bowers & Wilkins.

Linen Cabinets Saved the Day

I can't stand it...not for one more moment! My bathroom is a mess, with lotion bottles, brushes, and other toiletries just all over the place. There's no place to put anything away, and I've been wrestling with things on the counters for too long. Then my mother gave me a solution, because you know those moms are usually right about everything. Haha! She told me that bathroom cabinets were the solution to my overcrowded counters and shelves.

I wasn't too sure about her idea, because I don't have a lot of room in my bathroom for a linen cabinet and I don't have a huge budget for buying furniture. So I shopped around, and actually found what I was looking for online, believe it or not! There are some deals to be had online, like free shipping and no sales tax, and some of the retailers will give you extra discounts if you ask for them. I found the perfect cabinet to put in my bathroom, which is entirely enclosed so that I can put everything away and my bathroom will look tidy. The espresso finish really looks great with my white porcelain pedestal sink and retro theme fixtures.

I wasn't sure if I could find a size to fit my little wash room, but luckily there are bathroom cabinets in all shapes and sizes out there. I wanted to put a lot in my new cabinet, because it takes a lot of work to be a girl sometimes. I have all kinds of skin, hair, and dental products that take up room on my counter which I wanted to be able to organize and stash away in my new cabinet. So I found one that was narrow but tall, so it can hold all my makeup, lotions, hair brushes, dryers, etc. and I still have room to put my extra towels in it.

I'm so happy my mother told me about bathroom linen cabinets. My new cabinet has really saved the day, and my sanity. I couldn't be more thrilled with how great my new cabinet looks, and how organized and tidy my old cluttered bathroom has become.

If you would like more information on bathroom cabinets or bathroom furniture, please visit the Premiere Vanities website.

Affirmations - Far More Than Just Positive Thinking

When someone mentions affirmations, the first thing that comes into your mind is positive thinking. The classic positive thinking affirmation was created by Dr. Emil Coue. "Everyday in every way, I get better and better. The idea behind this type of affirmation is to create new positive habits and thoughts. This works very well but, it is only half of the story. There is another type of affirmation and it is just as important as positive affirmations.

The problem is that the subconscious mind accepts any belief without question. For example, the old belief that you wish to replace is that wealthy people are greedy. You have heard this throughout your lifetime and it becomes set in stone in your subconscious. When you realize that you have this false belief, normally, you would create an affirmation that will give you a new belief. For example, you might start using an affirmation like: I am grateful that my wealth grows each and everyday for with great wealth I can do great good.

This is an excellent new belief for your subconscious but, it also creates a problem. Although the subconscious has accepted this new belief, it has also created a conflict in your mind. Although you have created a new positive belief, it has not eliminated the old negative belief that rich people are greedy. Both beliefs are existing side by side in your mind and the old belief still has it's self-limiting effects.

What I use to overcome the old negative thought pattern is what I call a reprogramming affirmation. The point of this is to convince the subconscious that the old self-limiting belief needs to be eliminated from the data bank. Reprogramming affirmations tend to be somewhat more complex than positive affirmations.

For example, my reprogramming affirmation might read something like: Many people say that the rich are greedy but this is a false belief. Rich people have an abundance mindset and readily give away large portions of their income because they know that their is a limitless supply of wealth. For example, Bill Gates out of the kindness of his heart has created numerous philanthropic organizations and given away millions of dollars of his personal worth to help the poverty stricken of the world. He is super rich but obviously not greedy.

The subconscious is not capable of judgment. It runs automatically in the background and helps us make it through the day. It is our conscious responsibility to control and correct any data that is held within it's data banks. Properly programmed, the subconscious will rapidly propel us toward limitless wealth and self-fulfillment. But, only when there are no conflicts within the data of this most powerful of digital computers.

Stan Pontiere has been an avowed self-help geek since high school-more than 40 years ago. For more information on self-fulfillment please visit: or my blog at:

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Stair Lighting Problems

Walking up and down the stairs in the dark could become a safety issue. If the stairs in the house are not that old, there should be a light switch at the top and a light switch at the bottom of the stairway. This is a three way switch and is designed to allow you to turn the stair lighting on as you walk up the stairs and then turn the stair lighting off, once you've safely reached the top of the stairway. And vice versa as she walked down the stairs.

If you don't have a light switch, there are motion sensor lights that are battery operated and can be installed easily in the stairway. These lights can provide you with peace of mind, while protecting your family from accidents.

Stairway accidents are nothing to joke about, I lived in a two-story house with four other people and was the last one to fall down the stairway. None of us got seriously injured and the stairway was built to meet local building codes and was inspected by a building and safety inspector. The stairs were built correctly and the stair lighting was no problem, but people still fell down the stairway and it always happens in the evening.

During the day time there were two windows that let plenty of light into the stairway and in the evening the stairway became quite dark, rarely was the stair lightning ever turned on. This could have been outright laziness but nevertheless, it was rarely used and eventually became a safety issue.

Lighting your stairway might not end all of your problems but it can and some of your problems. There are plenty of stair lighting systems available on the market today and some of the battery operated stair lighting systems can be installed by most homeowners.

Think safety always and do your best to solve your stair lighting problems as soon as possible to prevent injuries or accidents.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more building stairs or home building ideas.

When Do We Get To Meet God

Concrete Mixing & Techniques

Once you have established a basic understanding of a simple concrete mix you can begin to learn more about new concrete technologies and the true limitations of this incredible building material - hint, there are not many!

By changing the volume and type of aggregates that you use in your cement mix you can create many different types of concrete suited to different applications. In general the goal of substituting aggregates is to have the concrete remain consistently strong as a finished product. Some examples of concrete advanced techniques are:

1) Color or dye in the concrete
2) Lightweight concrete
3) High strength concrete
4) Decorative concrete

Even all of these options are just the tip of the iceberg for what concrete is capable of. The extreme limitations of current concrete technology being researched and developed are transparent (translucent actually) concrete which will show a silhouette through concrete that is meters thick! Limitations of concrete strength is self supporting concrete which does not require the mechanical assistance of steel grid work. Concrete strength used to be measure is PSI however mPa or mega Pascals is the current unit of compressive concrete strength referring to the amount of force the concrete can ensure before failure.

Coloured Concrete
You can add powder or liquid pigments to your concrete to achieve interesting and dynamic colors. Common colors would be brown, red, dark grey, tan and other similar earth tones. To get more vibrant concrete colors you can use pure white Portland cement in place of regular cement, as well as pure white sand instead of regular sand. This white mortar mix will react well to more vibrant colors and pigments. The amount of pigment or dye that you use will depend entirely on the brand that you choose. The best method is to purchase from a specialty concrete supply store which will have a far better selection of quality concrete color additives than your local hardware supply store.

Lightweight Concrete
You can replace all or part of the sand in a 3:1 mortar mix with aggregate materials that are much lighter in nature than sand. The result will be a concrete that is much lighter, but also vastly weaker than a 3:1 sand mortar. There are many applications for lightweight concrete with many of them being decorative such as planter pots or garden statues. The most common lightweight aggregate material substitutions for making concrete are:

Vermiculite - which is a mineral and often sold as "pool base" in larger quantities from pool stores which will make a relatively strong, but compressible concrete. The insulation value of vermiculite is very high, more than ten times as high as sand, so vermiculite concrete mixes are often used for sound dampening and insulating.

Peat Moss - Using peat partially in place of sand will result in a concrete that is much weaker than traditional 3:1 mortar and even much weaker than vermiculite concrete. The texture of the concrete is somewhat earthy and finishing and detail work con be slightly difficult by comparison with other mixes.

Saw Dust - This is another readily available and cheap aggregate substitutions used to achieve a lightweight concrete. In addition to providing a rough and inconsistent texture to the concrete, the wood ingrained will often stain and discolour creating an interesting and unique pattern. Too much sawdust can make the concrete unacceptably weak very quickly - more so than vermiculite and peat moss.

Perlite - This is commonly used for gardening and is recognisable in that it is completely white and very similar in texture to styrofoam beads. The main advantage of this aggregate choice is the fact that it is white. It has a similar overall feel as vermiculite however the concrete produced with vermiculite is much easier to work and finish than concrete made with perlite.

Usually you can replace up to two of your three buckets of sand with an alternative aggregate. Vermiculite can be mixed with straight cement without sand and still remain strong enough to suit several tasks such as swimming pool floors. The other aggregates will yield a concrete that will break under its own weight.

High Strength Concrete
The current strength for concrete is measured in mPa with the average sidewalk concrete being 10-15 mPa where as foundations for homes usually start at 20-25 mPa. High rise commercial concrete is closer to 35 mPa as is swimming pool construction concrete.

The strengthening of concrete over and above what a 3:1 mortar mix will yield requires engineering and testing. If you order concrete from a ready mix or bath plant you can specify precisely how strong you want the concrete to be. If you are mixing it yourself and want to make the concrete as strong as reasonably possible there are a few things that you can do.

Glass Fibres - Glass fibres and fibreglass are two different additives which you can put into your concrete to help make it cohesively stronger as well as minimize hairline cracking in the concrete during the curing process.

Water Reducer - is a liquid that you can put into the concrete in place of water. The water reducer will increase the viscosity and workability of the cement dramatically without affecting the finished strength negatively. The more water that you put in concrete the weaker the finished product will be. In place of water reducer you can also use the absolute minimum water possible to get the concrete workable to make it as strong as possible.

Powder Additives - Combinations of highly dense powders such as silica fume and fly ash can potentially help to make concrete stronger by filling in some of the microscopic spaces left in regular concrete by the larger sized aggregates. These tiny aggregates are dangerous to work with because the airborne particles are small enough to damage your lungs should you breathe them. Most of these powder additives will be hard to locate for the average DIY enthusiast.

Decorative Concrete
In place of sand you can also add just about any other substance such as glass or coloured beads, pieces of plastic or metal, rubber or anything else you can think of. Most commonly you would use this concrete to create an exposed aggregate where loose aggregate is imbedded into the top of partially cured concrete. Exposed aggregate with small coloured stones is very common and you likely have seen this before. Exposed aggregate with marbles and microchips is less common to be sure - but not any less possible.

With some basic practice you can learn to create incredible things such as statues, pool decks, artificial rocks, ponds, waterfalls and decorative art.

Canadian author and second generation swimming pool expert Steve Goodale has written dozens of online tutorials for swimming pool and artificial rock construction, renovation and repair - Tutorials on how to build artificial rocks, ponds, waterfalls, statues, planter pots and more

Recapture Your Dreams

Have you ever wondered why your once exciting dreams have somehow lost their luster? Perhaps you have not positively attended to your plans, or maybe it goes a little deeper and getting off track has evolved over time.

To embrace and achieve the mindset that leads to the success you truly desire, a shift in thinking may be necessary. Often, after years of trying to get ahead and following the directives of other people, we lose site of our own aspirations. Getting back to your dreams and nurturing their growth can sometimes be a challenge. But it is a challenge worth taking on.

As children we start out with innocence, a sense of invincibility, and the natural ability to imagine exciting possibilities. Then, as we grow and enter society we are increasingly surrounded by people bombarding us with limiting beliefs and diminished images.

Little by little our belief that anything is possible is often whittled away and we seem to accept a diluted version of what we had hoped to achieve. Some people are fortunate enough to slip through the deluge of the 'can't - don't - no way' mentality.

However, most of us, as we grow into adulthood, find a time in our lives when we must choose between being inundated by self-defeating patterns or to take control and consciously decide to reverse the damage. Optimally, the choice is to participate in successful ways to nourish the mind and reach for imaginative and ambitious goals. This is called Success-Minded Thinking and it takes practice to get the mindset where you want it.

Consider this exercise: Begin by making a list of all the things you believed in before you were told they were impossible. Do this without any editing. For now, just get your imaginative thoughts noted. Keep adding to your list, and new ideas are okay too. Bring your dreams and creative ideas back to the surface You may want to take several weeks to let your thinking percolate.

When you feel that you have captured a healthy list of possibilities, then begin to view them with an open mind. Warning: with all the old tapes of what you should or should not do playing in the back of your mind, you may need to really work on that 'open mind' concept. Keep in mind that this is your life and your future that you are addressing. So, allow yourself to consider how your recaptured dreams and new ideas can possibly be engaged in your life.

After identifying what you want to act on, begin to establish clear goals and action plans for achieving your desired results. You must make a conscious choice to participate in successful ways to nourish your mind and act on imaginative and ambitious goals. Engage in Success-Minded Thinking to pursue the dreams you want to fulfill in your life.

Success Coach-Author David Schaefer offers an outstanding FREE AUDIO CD about Breakthrough Success at -- Also visit

Tips For Battling Bathroom Mold

Not only is bathroom mold ugly, it's also bad for you! That's why it should not be ignored no matter how common it may seem.

But if you have it, don't despair because are lots of bathrooms that have mold, in fact it is actually rather common. That's because mold loves a moist and warm environment, so what better place to grow than in your bathroom? While a little bit of mold can easily be wiped off, letting mold build up can be problematic as the more mold that you have, the harder it may become to get rid of it.

If your house is like so many others and has some bathroom mold, here are a few things you can do to battle it:

The first thing you should do is to check if your drains are draining properly. If your water is not draining properly, then this leaves your bathroom moist for long periods of time thus creating an environment for mold to thrive in.

Another thing you can do is to minimize the number of items that you have in your bathroom. This means your toiletries such as shampoos which are almost empty, facial scrubs as well as soap cradles and toothbrush cups. All these items are potential breeding grounds for mold.

Of course, cleaning the bathroom is a must. Remember to clear out all the items inside your bathroom when you clean it. Use store bought cleaning products that are proven to work and use it on all the soiled, moldy and damp areas within your bathroom. Use a sponge when doing so for brushes tend to leave scratch marks and make bathroom fixtures look aged.

You might also want to start doing small repairs and remodeling jobs inside the bathroom. Replacing old fixtures such as the faucets, old tubs and the shower itself would help prevent mold and remove the mold that has accumulated on these surfaces as well.

Unless your mold problem is excessive, battling bathroom mold is not that difficult - it just takes a little bit of time and elbow grease!

Chances are that you have bathroom mold in your home! If you're ready to learn how to get rid of it then visit today!

Is Money a Big Part of Organized Religion?

Where do you think most modern day religious organizations would be without money? Is money really a big part of modern day organized religion or is that something in the past. Why do certain scriptures require their believers to donate a portion of their earnings?

Does this money improve the lives of religious believers? I'm asking these questions because most people won't. Most people don't even no where the money they earn is going. If you donate money to a religious organization and they choose to hire someone to install stained glass windows throughout the sanctuary, is this really going to help the congregation. Is this a want or a need?

When does a religious group become too powerful for its own good. Do you think the Catholic religion, which at the time of me writing this article, is the largest organized religion in the world, by itself, is very powerful or driven by finances. This organization has seeked wealth and power for centuries, creating an establishment that has its hands in everything all over the world.

Is it fair to have religious leaders living a life of luxury, while some of their followers suffer and go without food or shelter. Should some of this money go towards the aid of others who choose not to believe in the religious culture of their patrons?

Why do some people give money to their religious organization, even though they can barely survive. Are these people driven to contribute money because someone makes them feel guilty? Some of these people give money and time, even at the expense of their own family. It's just not fair, when I see people who are barely scraping by but give faithfully to an organization that promises them a better life after they die.

Your rewards for living a good life on Earth will be received after you die and are allowed to enter the kingdom of heaven. Does anyone have any proof of this? If you choose to base your life entirely on faith instead of seeking knowledge and wisdom, or even questioning your religious doctrine, you're not doing yourself any favors.

Money plays a big part in organized religion and honestly does a lot of good throughout the world. Christianity has had a large impact on the United States of America but only time will tell if it was a good thing or not.

If you have extra money and desire to give it to a religious organization of your choice, feel free, but if you're giving 10% of the money you've earned and really can't afford to, I wish you would take the time to research what your church actually spends it's money on. If your church is building another church in Mexico but you don't have enough money for food, clothes or other necessities, I would suggest that you let other people donate their extra money instead.

It might not be mentioned anywhere in your religion, but I'm sure your God or the ultimate Almighty power of the universe you believe in, does not want anyone to suffer or go without, because your religious organization chooses to make you feel guilty if you do not contribute a certain amount of money, for whatever reasons they can possibly come up with.

If everyone that believes in this interpretation has the keys to the kingdom of heaven, wouldn't Jesus be suggesting a life kind of like Mother Teresa but without any money. She wouldn't be allowed to ask any wealthy people for money, let alone use it if she acquired it somehow.

Have you ever ask yourself is there any Hope in Religion .

Would it be safe to a sound that by asking for money from a wealthy person would mean I would not be going to happen. Does it say anything in the Bible about using money from a wealthy person for great earthly deeds and you get to go to heaven but he does not. If this is starting to sound a little confusing, welcome to my world. There are very few people that follow organized religion, that even ask these questions, let alone seek the answers and find the truth and keeping an open mind to future information that possibly could change the old answer that they accepted as a truth but now realize, the possibility that the old information could be wrong.

If you were a religious leader and could not answer some of the major questions that you yourself had, would you continue living a life of confusion or seek relentlessly to find the answers until you are satisfied. Knowing that if you were satisfied with the answers to your questions and now your religious beliefs have changed considerably, would you retire or quit working with the religious organization you were involved with.

This is one of the biggest obstacles for most people that seem to get comfortable in their religious environments. If the interpretations of a you Bible verses are incorrect and can be proven, either scientifically or through translation errors, does this mean that there are more verses in the Bible that could be incorrect or misleading.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Are Your Prayers Being Answered