Thursday, July 30, 2009

5 Ways to Motivation at Workplace

1. The cubicle or cabin at the workplace is a great place to self motivate and also stir up others. Get one of those motivational posters and stick it in front of you. I personally recommend one of these motivational quotes:

Every morning in Africa a lion wakes up. It knows that it has to outrun the slowest deer or he'll starve to death.
Every morning in Africa a deer wakes up. It knows that it has to outrun the fastest lion or it'll be killed.
So whether you're a lion or a deer you better be running.

No one can stop an idea whose time has come.
Victor Hugo

Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

2. Company newsletters are a wonderful way to motivate folks at your workplace. The weekly or monthly newsletter can have a motivational story from your company. Besides a video from the net, apart from choice motivating quotes. Invite colleagues to share motivational incidents and keep the staff kicked up.

3. Customised calendars can be ordered from the market. Better still you can make one with self publishers like This can have motivational quotes with pictures and can even be sent to clients and vendors.
It can be easily designed and created as a pdf.

4. A board where managers can pin up some interesting stuff their team did the previous day, can also rev up the spirits of workforce. And bring about better relationships amongst various teams.

5. Daily mailers can send out automatically using an autoresponder service. The daily motivational mailer could have motivating news and quotes.

KS Rajasekar writes on Self Improvement, Motivation, Positive Attitude, Self Confidence, Self Discovery and Spirituality at Self Improvement Tips

Building a Wood Fence - Poway Home Remodeling

What if I told you where to get the ultimate fence building Encyclopedia? Better yet, what if I told you, you could get it for under $20? If you're building a standard 1 x 6 dogeared fence, that's 6 foot tall and made from wood, with 4x4 post cemented into the ground, this book might not interest you, but if you're thinking about building a fence, that will make all your neighbors jealous, you might be interested in the "Fence Building Bible."

If you're interested in using your imagination, along with some of the information in this fence building Encyclopedia, if you're interested in creating a masterpiece, instead of just another barrier that divides the property, you had better think seriously about, either running down to your local library and checking the book out, or purchasing the book, so that you have it on hand when needed.

Here's a quote from the product description that could be helpful, "Beneke suggests the appropriate types of fence to keep the swimming pool secure, con fine the livestock, keep deer away from the garden, or create outdoor living spaces. He then discusses the essentials of proper fence design and provides step-by-step illustrated instructions for planning, building, maintaining, and repairing any style of fence."

If you're planning on building a fence to keep livestock, it would be extremely helpful to know what kind of fence will be necessary to keep pigs or cows separated from the other animals, including you. There's nothing worse than building a new fence, putting some large cattle inside of it and having them tear it apart and escape.

The fence building Bible as simple instructions, with lots of illustrations, to give you plenty of ideas. There's a good chance that you will see a fence in this book that you have never seen before. If you're thinking about building something out of the ordinary, I would suggest strongly, that find this book.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors.

If you're really interested in learning more about remodeling, new home construction, home maintenance, home repairs and really want to get the nuts and bolts of home improvement. Visit our web site and select from the best-selling home building books on the Internet.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How is Your Romance Luck in 2009?

The Earth Ox year starts officially on 4th February,0050 hours. How is your romance luck this year? Discover it all in this article...

Rat: Born 1924,1936,1948,1960,1972,1984,1996,2008
After last year's disappointments in romance, the Rat can look forward to a romantic year this year. As Rat and Ox are in affinity, this year will present a lot of opportunities for romance.
Singles are very likely to find their ideal life partner. If you are attached, avoid flirting around. Females will have better romance luck than the males.

Ox: Born 1925,1937,1949,1961,1973,1985,1997,2009
After a romantic 2008, the Ox's romance luck slides back to average. If you are attached, your relationship may be tested. Remember to be tolerant at all times. Be patient and avoid quarrels.
Singles should focus on their careers instead of spending time on relationships which do not work out. Next year will be a better year for romance.

Tiger: Born 1926,1938,1950,1962,1974,1986,1998
The Tiger can back to the hunting ground this year. Romantically speaking, this year will bring you lots of happiness. It may also be a time for you to get married, if you are attached. Singles should go out and socialize more. This is the time for you to find your ideal life partner. Your chances of succeeding are very very high. Go for it!

Rabbit: Born 1927,1939,1951,1963,1975,1987,1999
This will be a boring year for romance for the Rabbit. Most of the problem comes from your internal strife, causing you to be unable to focus on your relationships. You need to focus on things that are important to you. Both singles and those attached should focus more on their careers and studies. Don't expect too much from your relationships this year. And don't overstress yourself by thinking too much.

Dragon: Born 1928,1940,1952,1964,1976,1988,2000
Romantically speaking, this is definitely not a good year for Dragons. Dragon women should look out. Avoid being stubborn and unreasonable. If you are attached, be more tolerant towards your other half. If you are single, lower your expectations and you might find your ideal partner.
Dragon men are not affected as much. Just settle everything peacefully.

Snake: Born 1929,1941,1953,1965,1977,1989,2001
This year, the Snake will have a lot of ups and downs in the area of romance. Snake ladies will find themselves having a lot of potential suitors. Remain loyal to one and not two-time or three-time, as this may cause you a lot of trouble. Snake men should remain calm when it comes to romance this year. Do not allow the ups and downs to affect your career. Keep a low profile when it comes to a new relationship.

Horse: Born 1930,1942,1954,1966,1978,1990,2002
The Horse needs to be careful of being cheated in relationships. Avoid losing your temper and learn to forgive your partner. Avoid being critical towards everyone. Singles may find this year quite disappointing. You may find someone you fancy, but this person might play you out. So be very careful before committing yourself.

Sheep: Born 1919,1931,1943,1955,1967,1979,1991,2003
This is a very bad year for the Sheep's romance luck. Unexpected surprises are waiting for you. Things are not what they seem. You may find your relationship ending abruptly without you knowing why. My advice is to go with the flow. Stop being attached to the outcome and believe that all things happens for your highest good. Singles may find themselves drifting from prospect to prospect, never seem to be finding the right one. Or the relationship may be easy come easy go. Don't take it too hard. Remember, keep a low profile and keep your expectations low.

Monkey: Born 1920,1932,1944,1956,1968,1980,1992,2004
The Monkey's romance luck may not be as dazzling as last year. This year, your romance luck will be stable, with not much happenings. You will be in a very good mood this year. Those attached might want to get married this year, as the Star of Happiness is in your chart this year. This year, you will be more loving and tolerant towards your other half. Singles may find their ideal partner. This person may be someone you have known for a long time, but never expected love to blossom between the both of you. You might want to say that it is a slow, steady and solid relationship, with not much turbulence.

Rooster: Born 1921,1933,1945,1957,1969,1981,2005
The Rooster's romance luck will be dazzling this year. You might find yourself very popular in social gatherings. This is a great time for you to find your ideal partner. Singles will have a great time this year. But don't go overboard. Don't neglect your career because of relationships. You may go on multiple dates and have many choices. Those attached will bring their relationship to the next level. You might want to consider getting married this year.

Dog: Born 1922,1934,1946,1958,1970,1982,1994,2006
This year, the Dog's romance will be stable and peaceful. You will find yourself emotionally free and happy. If you are single, you might find your ideal partner through a slow process. You might be tempted to rush things. Let nature take its course and enjoy the process. If you are attached, you will have a peaceful and stable year with your other half.

Pig: Born 1923,1935,1947,1959,1971,1983,1995,2007
There is no turbulence in terms of the Pig's romance luck this year. Married male Pigs should be wary of third parties coming into your marriage. Remember, one wrong step will cause you your marriage. Be on the lookout and control yourself. Singles may find this a boring year, without much prospects in find your ideal partner. Don't worry, you time will come next year.

In conclusion, I wish you a romantic Earth Ox year ahead! May you find true love this year!

Marco Chong is a practitioner of Indian Numerology,Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui.He has 16 years of experience behind him.His strong points are analyzing compatibility using Indian Numerology and Analyzing Birth Charts using Chinese Astrology.

For more information,visit

Experiment With Your Waitress

Spring Home Projects in Northern New England

As I sit on a plane in route from Chicago to Boston this evening, I realize I have been staring out into the dark abyss contemplating the arrival of spring. Spring is a time of anticipation and renewed life. A time when the snow finally abates and the Robins return to rebuild their nests. And a time when Tulips and Daffodils emerge from the ground and bloom, if ever so briefly. It is also a time for the voracious Black Fly that we northern dwellers know only too well. For me, however, it is a time to shift into a higher gear; there are outdoor projects that have accumulated over the winter months and there is traditional spring tasks that every homeowner is compelled to do.

There are two main questions I debate as I compile my spring To-Do list: What to do and when to do it?

As always with a non-vinyl sided house, there is painting. Over the years, I have come to the conclusion it is best to paint a portion of the house each year; one year the clapboards, another year the trim, and maybe in the third year the shutters. I am sure the professional painter would beg to differ with my advice, but hey, not all of us can justify the professional painter every 3-5 years, nor can we dedicate an entire week or two of our spring painting the whole house. I have found it best to do the spring painting as soon as the whether gets above 50 degrees. Any sooner, it is too cold for the paint. Any later, and one has to contend with the other flying insect, the hornet.

Another important job, but not so large in effort, is preparing the lawn for the spring rains. First there is the raking. Then there is the application of the first stage of the four-stage fertilizer process, you know, the one that halts the Crab grass in July and August. Usually every other year there is the additional task of spreading the pest control to prevent grubs and moles. Based on product recommendations and when I actually have time, I do these tasks in mid May.

For those of us with bountiful winter snowfalls, many of us have the unique task of fixing or replacing our mailboxes for hopefully the last time, or at least for the next 12 months. This is particularly an aggravating task as we spend much of the time doing it, cussing under our breath the snow plow operator that we know had pleasure wiping out our mailbox.

Then there is the garden. I am not sure why I still bother. Maybe it is due to a memory of my youth, when I spent two summers working on a farm. It may also be some innate desire to see something grow from nothing, that I had a part in. I think it is the latter, but regardless, every April I go out and till, fertilizer and lime the soil, while I sacrifice my body to the Black flies. By May I begin to plant the Peas, Carrots and Onions. By June I plant the Tomatoes, Peppers and Squash. And by July, I am at war with the local Wood Chuck.

Finally, there is the changing of the machine guards; storing the snow blower away and preparing the lawn mower, or in my case lawn mowers. I have the sit-down one for the main course, and a push one for the dessert. As my father-in-law always insists, sharpen the blades before the start of the cutting season and then a couple of more times throughout the summer. Well, being non-retired, I am satisfied sharpening them once before the cutting season begins and I have yet to see any ill side effects.

I see the lights of Boston approaching in the distance. My flight is almost over; however my spring list is nearly complete. I am sure I have missed a few items, but my wife will surely remind me. I look forward to the warmth of spring, but as I look down at my list, I think, Ill just sit back and savor the final weeks of winter.

Mark J. Donovan

Over the past 20+ years I have been involved with Building homes and additions to homes. I have completed many projects that have included: building a Vacation Home, Family Room Additions, and a Garage. I have also finished the upstairs on unfinished homes. My formal education and profession has been as an Electrical Engineer and Marketing Manager.

Ice Dam Problems And Solutions

Monday, July 27, 2009

Chinese Zodiac - Tiger

The Tiger just like the animal counterpart is fierce less and known for bravery. They are very competitive and can get very aggressive when challenged. They are also very charismatic so people generally find it hard to say no to them. Because of this reason watch out, when you are up against a Tiger personality.

Tigers are very restless. They are constantly looking for the next mountain cross and when they cannot cross the mountain they can get very depressed, isolated and miserable. Tigers have good leadership abilities and they may excel in managing and leading positions. They can be very proud and charismatic leaders, good strategists and always work with a hidden agenda.

Tigers are like magnets. Friends love to surround them because of the confidence they exude. Tigers are very passionate and romantic. They enjoy sex and life.

Because Tigers have a very restless nature it is very hard to tie them to a routine.

Tigers make excellent pilots, race car drivers, artists, actors and writers.

On the positive side Tiger is independent, brave, confident, dynamic, intense, energetic, sacrificing, and faithful.

On the negative side Tiger is reckless, moody, hot-headed, selfish, impatient, impulsive, opinionated, and rebellious.

The gemstone of Tiger is Sapphire.

Find out your compatibility with the other Chinese signs. The strengths and weaknesses of Chinese Zodiac may vary based on their element sign. The five different elements in the order of productive cycle include Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal. It would help to know the element of your Chinese zodiac sign.

Veda Singam offers quality articles, short snippets on Feng Shui and Astrology. Moreover she also offers astrology horoscope content. Her work is published in, a free online resource for astrology horoscopes. Visit the Zodiac Zone of that website for free monthly and daily horoscopes, astrology, numerology, feng shui and kua number resources.

Committed People To Success

Decorating For Christmas

While the holiday season is busy and hectic, there is no doubt that part of your holiday season will start with Christmas decorating. Once again it is Christmas, weather you realized it was upon you or not, it is hear. The fact is that the holiday season is one of the most profitable for businesses and in such they are more than willing to get the Christmas decorations out and up as soon as possible even before the Thanksgiving holiday has even been planned for. Regardless of their reasons, it is likely to put you in the mood for Christmas decorating.

Why Decorate?

As you watch your neighbors climb to the top of their homes to decorate for Christmas you may wonder if they know what they are decorating for. After all, it is a holiday to celebrate the birth of Christ, but in effect it has become much more about decorations. The fact is there is no need to compete with the neighbors regarding your decorations. Definite do your Christmas decorating, but do so tastefully.

The fact is that the holiday season is all about providing time for your friends and family to be together. When you are decorating your home for Christmas, you are doing just that. Instead of getting so wrapped up in the gifts and the overwhelming competition with your neighbors, sit back and enjoy spending time with your friends and family talking about life, love and all that Christmas has to offer. Christmas should not be about cash and gifts, but about family and time together.

Finding Ways To Celebrate

There are many ways that you can do your Christmas decorating for around the home. You do not have to compete and you definitely do not have to spend too much in doing so. Instead, find a way to spread the Christmas cheer that you have with the methods that you decorating in. Create family traditions and spend time doing the decorating together. You may want to consider themes that the family loves for your decorations. Or, think about homemade gifts and decorations that can be used year after year as a memory.

Whatever you do, spend time decorating for Christmas based on the things that you do with your family and friends rather than the expensive decorations that line store shelves. Find ways to be unique and show your Christmas spirit. In the end, when you can step outside and look at your beautifully decorated home, you can be proud of what you have done together.

Adam Peters contributes editing long articles on christmas lights for A website with tips on christmas home decorating, amongst many related topics.

Stud Spacing And Wall Framing

Downtown Boston Hotels

If you are planning a holiday in Boston, be sure to explore the sights in and around downtown Boston. Your kids will absolutely love The New England Aquarium -- a major attraction for families when visiting Boston.

For those of you who are interested in historical and culturally rich places, downtown Boston has much to offer, and it is not without reason that this city is called the Athens of America. You can visit a number of historical buildings or enjoy a stroll with your family along the cobblestone street of the historical Quincy Market. The market if filled with wonderful boutiques, bakeries and restaurants, and you can truly spend an entire day there.

Of course, if youre traveling to Boston, it makes sense that you would want to stay in one of Boston hotels. Among the popular downtown hotels are the Hyatt Regency, situated a block away form the Boston Common; Nine Zero Hotel, located at the center of downtown Boston; Seaport hotel, situated on the Boston Harbor, next to the Boston World Trade Center; Comfort Inn of Boston, located close to the Logan Airport; Radisson Hotel Boston, situated three miles from the airport and a few blocks away from Newbury Street and Wyndham Boston, located on the same street as the New England Aquarium.

All of these hotels offer excellent downtown accommodations and are ideally located for your excursions of downtown Boston. Some of these hotels may even provide you with a complimentary hotel shuttle for your ventures.

Boston Hotels provides detailed information about Boston hotels, Boston luxury hotels, cheap Boston hotels, downtown Boston hotels and more. Boston Hotels is the sister site of Florida Timeshare Rentals.

Attic Safety Handrail Framing

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Game Of Life And How To Play

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ideas About Your Religion and Trees - Something To Think About


Remodeling Costs: How Do I Pay For It?

To keep remodeling costs under control, there are four key remodeling cost drivers: The design of the remodel, the materials you use, who manages the project, and how you pay for it.

Lets review common ways to pay for your remodel and the pros and cons of each.

1. Loan against retirement account (e.g. 401k)

Pros: You pay yourself the interest on a loan against your 401k.

Cons: You lose the interest you could be making if it was invested. If you lose your job, most loans require you to pay the loan back immediately, and there can be significant income tax consequences.

2. Home Equity Loan

Pros: Usually tax deductible. Lump sum is paid to you at the start so you have flexibility of what you do with the money.

Cons: A second loan to manage. Shorter term than a standard mortgage. Requires that you have sufficient equity in your home. You have to pay interest on the entire loan amount even though you may not need the money to pay for remodeling right away.

3. Home Equity Line of Credit

Pros: You only borrow the money you need at the time, so finance charges are lower at the beginning.

Cons: A second loan to manage. Shorter term than a standard mortgage. Requires that you have sufficient equity in your home.

4. Construction Loan

Pros: Good for larger remodel projects and if you don't have enough home equity to qualify for a loan to cover construction costs.

Cons: Higher interest rate than home equity loans. Not tax deductible. Usually short term until construction is complete and then is replaced with a new first mortgage, which may have processing fees or closing costs.

5. Loan from the contractor

Pros: Available to most homeowners.

Cons: High interest rates. Not the best terms. Can lock you into working with a specific contractor. Not recommended.

6. Refinance and cash out

Pros: You only have a single loan for your home. Usually tax deductible interest. A single larger loan will usually have the lowest interest rate.

Cons: Requires that you have sufficient equity in your home. You have to pay interest on the entire loan amount even though you may not need the money to pay for remodeling right away. May have significant closing costs.

7. Credit Cards

Pros: Most homeowners have this as an alternative.

Cons: High interest rate, not tax deductible.

8. Your savings

Pros: The least expensive way to pay for your remodel.

Cons: Make sure you don't use all of your savings. Always have some available for emergencies.

For free expert advice on the best way to pay for a remodel based on your specific situation simply complete the form at Or you can visit to find out how much a remodel project may cost.

About the Author
Dan Fritschen, founder of, a homeowner advocacy organization, speaker at Home and Garden shows Nationwide, author of the award winning, best selling book Remodel or Move? and The Complete Remodeling Workbook and Organizer (available at has recently been interviewed on CNN, in Better Homes and Garden Magazine and in Newsweek.

Do you have remodeling or moving questions? Email Dan directly at

Copyright 2005 ABCD Publishing LLC

Wood Rot From Stucco

Good Explanation of Old Testament Tithing

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Do it Yourself Shower Faucet Replacement

If you are not a plumber you will be one after reading the do it yourself information on shower faucet replacements. Contrary to popular belief replacing shower faucets is not a mammoth task. It can be very simple provided you follow the correct steps.

There are many kinds of shower faucets available in the market today. Some are washer type faucets and some are washer-less. There are different reasons why you will need to replace shower faucets. The washer might have worn out, stem may be corroded or the problem may be in washer seat and cartridge. Whatever may be the reason, with the correct set of tools the job can be done in a jiffy.

To replace washer type faucets shut off the water supply of the entire house. Then remove the faucet handle by turning the screw clockwise. This can be done with the help of screw driver. After that remove the stem and examine the threads. If they are corroded or worn out then take them to a retailer. If the stem is dirty clean it. If the brass screws are corroded you can replace them too. Take a look at the washer seat. If they are worn out you can reface them using seat dress tool. As faucets are available in various shapes and sizes do remember to install the correct faucet washer. Some stems use O ring. In such cases replace the rings too.

If it is a noisy faucet then the problem may be in the loose washer. In such cases remove the faucet and tighten the washer. The faucets might be noisy due to poor design and construction also. When threading the stem back in faucet body try moving the stem up and down. If it moves then entire faucet may have to be replaced.

In washer-less faucets you will need to replace the working parts. Pre-packaged kits are available. Just follow the instructions carefully.

The diaphragm type faucets are similar to washer type faucets. Here instead of washer you will have a disc. To replace these you need to remove the handle and the stem. If the rubber diaphragm does not come out with the stem it may be still inside the faucet. In such cases, use pliers to peel it from the faucet. Then replace the diaphragm around the disc.

In ball type faucets there will be a ball inside to control hot and cold water. Due to improper ring tension the handle may be leaking. In these cases you will have to replace all the working parts of the faucet. You may need the help of spanner or hex wrench. If the ball is coated with scale you will need to clean it.

For cartridge type faucets you will need to remove the handle. Then there will be a swing spout which needs to be removed. Using a screw driver pull out the retainer clips and then cartridge can be pulled with the help of pliers. While replacing the cartridge, use silicon-grease to lubricate the cartridge.

Remember to :

  • Always read the installation manual.
  • While soldering copper pipes make sure you remove the cartridge. This is because the excess heat generated may damage the smaller parts in faucet body.
  • Clean out the faucet body with a wet cloth after you finish soldering to remove the flux.
  • Always have an access panel on the opposite wall behind the faucet. This will make it easier to install a new faucet in the future.

Learn exactly how to generate 100's or even 1000's of positively *BRILLIANT* Bathroom Remodeling Ideas ... F-A-S-T ! And here are 25 Dirt Cheap Home Improvement Ideas that could increase the value of your home by several $1000's ...

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Friday, July 24, 2009

Should I Update My Bathroom With a Medicine Cabinet, Or Do the Full Enchilada?

It's the last major room in our house that needs an update. The main upstairs bathroom, the primary for the entire house. It's not really a master bath since it's down the hall from the main bedroom, but it does have the only bathtub and is definitely the biggest bathroom we have. When we bought the house it was reasonably well decorated except for the striped wallpaper that played with your eyes. I think I made it worse when I added mirrored closet doors to a wall opposite a mirror already in place so now the stripes are truly everywhere and seem to disappear into infinity through the mirrors.

Regardless, it may be time to redo that room completely. We won't sell the house for another 10-15 years, but as it is perhaps it isn't meeting our needs anymore. I'd love to have a large whirlpool tub with a separate shower, something opulent like you'd see in a posh hotel. I'd want to keep my three way medicine cabinet and vanity mirror, and I'd want to enlarge the sink area so I have more room for my beauty supplies. As the children get older they'll be taking over more space than now and I don't think this bathroom accounts for that.

I could just replace the medicine cabinet and gain mirror space as well as storage space for hair products. It seems that I never have enough room for those. It would be nice to have room to put real medicine in there so we don't have it scattered all over the house in places impossible to uncover when you really need it.

I could just upgrade the bathroom vanity and the medicine cabinet together, but then I think to myself, "why stop there? If you're going to do that then replace the floor, the falling ceiling, the older tub and shower and put that toilet somewhere other than the middle of the room." As you can see I have big dreams and lots of options, but I just don't know how to start small without turning it into a major project.

Perhaps I'll just stick with the medicine cabinet.

For more information on various bathroom remodeling projects you can do please visit our sites on bathroom medicine cabinets and bathroom vanities.

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Shower Curtains - Selecting the Perfect One For Your Home

Shower curtains are not usually one of the major decisions a homeowner spends much time considering before buying. The consideration and purchase of a shower curtain, however is not something that should be done without the proper attention. There are many things that should be taken into consideration. Cost, material and durability are just three items to think about before your purchase. All of these will help you achieve the appearance and impression you are hoping for.

When planning to buy your shower curtain it is important to think about the "look" you are attempting. This may be casual, formal, playful, tailored or un-tailored. Is it going to be hung in a child's bathroom? Perhaps it is for a master or guest bath. Will the shower curtain be where visitors will be seeing it? Is it in a bathroom that is used daily or perhaps just once in a while? All these instances should give you an idea of what type of material would suit the spot best. Shower curtains made of cotton or linen give the appearance of elegance. They are usually more full and flowing and therefore are a bit more formal than a vinyl or plastic curtain. Perhaps you want a clean, simple look in which case your "shower curtain" should actually be a glass door.

Durability and the resistance to mold and mildew are often a deciding factor when choosing the right shower curtain. This is where the amount of use a bathroom shower gets is crucial. While the fabric curtains are beautiful to look at, they may not be practical for long term, every day use. It is difficult to let a full and luscious shower curtain to air out and dry properly between each use. This means that mold and mildew will grow and multiply easily and abundantly. Vinyl and plastic shower curtains are less likely to have mildew grow on them and, if it does, cleaning is a snap. Many homeowners get the best of both worlds by hanging a vinyl shower curtain behind their more decorative fabric curtain. A fairly new fabric on the market is hemp. Hemp is a good choice because the heavy fabric is made from plant fiber, like linen or cotton. Hemp however is naturally antibacterial and antifungal, so it repels mold and mildew. For the environmentally conscious, hemp often grows organically and gets colored with natural dyes. These shower curtains remain durable after many cycles of wash and usually don't need a vinyl liner underneath. Of course a glass door is extremely durable and easy to keep clean.

The cost of your shower curtain is dependent on which type you choose. The vinyl or plastic curtains are the most inexpensive. The fabric curtains vary greatly. You can find many that are rather cheap or have one custom made by drapery seamstress. Hemp is a relative inexpensive alternative. Glass doors are usually the most expensive.

Whatever look and feel you are attempting to pull off in your bathroom, you can achieve it by giving some thought to your shower curtain. Consider the cost, durability and material. Ask the salesperson for any advice she can offer. Take your time so you are pleased with the final decision. In the end, you will be glad you did.

Chuck R Stewart recently purchased a new shower curtain for his new condominium. He was amazed by the selections available for entire sets of shower curtains that could outfit each bathroom of his home.

Ceiling Repairs

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Examples of Prayer and Their Effects on Your Life

Zsuzsana Summer
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Materials Preferences - Bathroom Tile

Ceramic tile is probably the best option when bathroom tile is considered. Aside from being waterproof, it can have a textured surface that resembles a stone. On top of that, ceramic tiles are quite cheap. Although stone has a better appearance because of its naturally rich and textured state, it costs a lot compared to ceramic tiles. However, people who do not have problems about blowing the budget can indulge by using stones. Both ceramic tiles and stones can be slippery and can get quite cold. Using smaller tiles may be helpful as it would use more grout. On the other hand rubber and other kinds of mats can help with the coldness that tiles feel on bare feet.

Vinyl flooring is also used for bathroom tile primarily because it is cheap. A lot of people like this because there are limitless options for designs and patterns. It can also be installed by anyone that it does not require the homeowner to pay for installation services. On the other hand, it is not the best choice for many people because it looks cheap. It looks plainly like vinyl flooring and nothing else.

Some people like the idea of using wood for their bathroom tile because it does not feel cold under their feet. However, solid hardwood is not so good with moisture. The only way to solve this problem is by perfectly installing them which would entail paying someone else to do it. Laminate flooring is a better option for the bathroom tile because of its resin components which makes it more water resistant.

For more information on bathroom renovations, small bathroom makeovers and bathroom tiles visit

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

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How to Buy Bathroom Sinks

Most bathrooms consist of a shower and bath. But they are in no way complete without a sink. It is one of the most important components where the majority of the shaving, tooth brushing and fixing of appearances take place. This is why it is so important to find a bathroom sink that not only suits your bathroom and house, but one that you can stare at several minutes everyday just before you go to work and go to bed.

There is a wide range of sinks that you can buy that will suit any bathroom. The most traditional sinks are constructed from porcelain and are round, oval or square. Porcelain is the most popular material because it is smooth, strong and waterproof. If you want a personalized sink then it is possible to have custom-made sinks made to your color and liking. This is a more expensive option than buying off the floor.

The more modern bathroom sinks can be made from glass or metal. Glass sinks can be made with a colorful and unique look. Metal sinks can be constructed from brass, chrome, copper or stainless steel. While these are more expensive than porcelain sinks they can look fantastic in more modern bathrooms.

Vanity mounted sinks are a popular choice. They have an advantage over other sinks as they can save space and also hide from sight the plumbing for the sink itself.

Choosing a bathroom sink doesn't need to be a challenge. Browse through the many designs that can be found at your local bathroom showroom and ask for advice. In no time you should be able to have bought a bathroom sink that suits your taste and style.

The Bathroom Vanity Guide can give you more information on choosing and buying a bathroom sink that suits your home and personal taste.

Plaster Wall Moisture Problem

Planning Your Bathroom Remodel Budget - Home Improvement Ideas

As a bathroom remodeling contractor, I get calls from people, that have no idea what they want or how much anything is going to cost. Here's some simple tips that can be very helpful when planning a bathroom remodel budget.

Bathroom Remodeling Investment

In 2008, the average mid-range bathroom cost around $16,000 and you could recoup around $12,000 of your original investment upon the sale of your home. According to a popular remodeling magazine, larger bathrooms using expensive fixtures, tile, bathtubs, woodworking, toilets and showers had an average of $52,000. Upon the sale of a home, you could recoup around $36,000 of your original investment.

Finding out How Much Things Cost

My first suggestion, would be to visit your local home improvement center, lumber yard or plumbing supply warehouse. Larger stores like Home Depot and Lowe's, seemed to provide you with value pricing but don't have a large selection. While doing some research on the Internet I noticed that some of their pricing is outrageously, outrageous. Some plumbing supply warehouses can provide value but beware others won't.

Create a List of Bathroom Remodeling Parts

You can get a good idea of your bathroom remodel costs for your budget by making a list of bathroom parts with pricing and then adding them up for a grand total. If you're a total bathroom remodel budget is $15,000 and you have a $6,000 bathtub with $4000 worth of tile, you could have a budget problem.

Figuring out the Labor

You will have to contact a contractor to get an actual cost for the labor. Sometimes you can double the cost of your bathroom remodeling parts to get a rough idea. If you have a list or a couple of lists and a few pictures of some sample bathrooms, this will make the contractor's job easier and often they can give you a labor price within a few days.

Give Yourself a Cushion

I would suggest leaving yourself a small financial cushion for any additional remodeling items. For example, you could see a different toilet, or instead of painting the walls, you now choose to wallpaper, you could incur additional expenses that you haven't planned for. If you know exactly what you want and stick to the original bathroom remodeling plan, you shouldn't need the cushion.

Financial problems often transfer into construction problems, so spend some time figuring out, how much money you want to spend on the bathroom remodel and try not to go overboard on the budget. I hate to see homeowners struggling with home improvement loan payments. Try to create a bathroom remodeling budget that is realistic and will not create a financial burden upon you or your family.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more bathroom remodeling or home building ideas.

Home Water Heater Damage 1

Psychics and Psychic Readings - The Higher Level

When people research or debate also talk about psychic clairvoyants or precognitions, and try to expand their knowledge about this phenomenon, and when people try to find facts about this subject using known theories, this in itself becomes a conflicting challenge about their personal theories, and not many people would like the fact that their theories are challenged.

There are many people who experience events and somehow feel that it is more than coincidence, through out our life of human history. Psychic intuition skills have helped us whether we were aware or not. To glimpse in to the future sounds out of this world, but as we know, we live in a very complex world indeed. And the advancements of modern science answer many unknown facts about our existence. Example being; we now know that our beautiful planet is round instead of flat. Yet also, ancient cultures without such scientific advancement have astounded us with their marvelous creations such as the Pyramids of Giza. They have placed high regard, rather evolved around the concept of spirituality for their spiritual masters. We can all agree we are far from really understanding our true nature.

Also we must place high respect for science and their findings as well, especially the science of consciousness. Many research and energy is being put towards subjects of psychics clairvoyants extra sensory perception telepathy just a name a few. As you maybe aware that psychic readings give insights to events and situations. Psychic readings and psychics ability to accurately advice people, on matters that concern them has forever been within our human history. Also we all have seen movies where in past history, when people who practiced or explored different beliefs or concepts have been tied to a tree and prosecuted. Thank goodness that is in our unintelligent past, as freedom of speech and choice of belief, is the most important factor, rather a sacred treasure, we must all uphold.

Psychic intuition is built in us to protect us from danger, guide us to our true nature (spiritual) just like a little new born turtle hatched and knows to swim straight to the ocean. We too are drawn to spirituality, almost all the people around this complex planet believe in spirituality. And almost all the cultures have a psychic to consult when faced with spiritually unfamiliar waters. The ocean of emotions in every heart thirsts for spiritual reason, guidance and spiritual answers. And only the calm waters will reflect the stars. When we expand our beings then calmness can become part of our hearts ocean.

It is possible to glimpse also anticipate near future events, this requires an art, art of seeing; whether one likes to label such visions as predictions or perception. To have a real psychic ability, one must attend life from a view point of purity of heart, and when a spiritual psychic advances in wisdom through proper guidance and learning for many many years, will develop an intuitive psychic ability. Every human is equipped with this psychic ability; it's just only select few choose to explore the boundaries. And just like any chosen subject, the more we attend the more we learn of it. Also when we debate a subject of reality, then this becomes a personal matter. As what is real for some might not be real for others. Yet if we were to draw a straight line _______ and we both at the same time see this line. We will both see and agree that it is a straight line. The truth cannot be bent. And the truth of the matter is, within the garden of every spiritual heart, there is a rose that is blossoming silently, which is called YOU.

Tolga Savas
International psychic clairvoyant answering all your metaphysical questions, and offers real psychic readings, dream analysis, psychic chat online, Kumalak the Mirror of Destiny, See the Future that is Now

You Have To Start Somewhere

Repairing Scratches in Laminate Flooring

When I moved into my home, the floor in the living room had just been refinished with beautiful honey toned laminate flooring. It was beautiful and it fit my decor perfectly. The only problem was the fact that one of my chair had popped a cap, unbeknownst to everyone involved, and it wasn't until a few weeks later, when I went to rearrange a few pieces of furniture, that I noticed it. Much to my horror, the gleaming floor beneath the chair had become a scratched mess and I shuddered at the thought of having to fix them.

Now, I'm sure that I am not the only person who has had to deal with scratched laminate flooring. In fact, I'm almost positive that the problem is universally shared. The simple truth is, if you are going to own laminate flooring, at one time you will own scratched laminate flooring. Most people would simply sigh and shift the furniture around to cover the evidence, something that I actually did for a few months, but laminate flooring can be fixed without having to tear out pieces and replace them.

Most repairs in laminate flooring are pretty minor. A glass may have fallen and gouged a small hole or the kids may have scraped a toy car, minus wheels, across a small section. The scratches and holes are simply surface damage but they definitely detract from the once shiny beauty of your floors.

With minor damage, you will only need to do minor repairs to your laminate. Unfortunately, as with most repairs, there is nothing regularly stocked in your shelves that will fix the floors. You will need to make a run to the local home hardware or flooring store to pick up a repair kit. Some manufacturers will make repair kits for their flooring so the best place to start is the store where you purchased your flooring.

If you aren't sure of the manufacturer or the manufacturer does not have a repair product, simply purchase a generic repair kit. A repair kit usually consists of a tube of putty or wax. This is your actual filler. Some repair kits have colored putty while others have paint that you mix to create the matching floor color; this you mix with the putty before applying. Both are perfectly fine to purchase and you will usually run yourself about ten to twenty dollars.

Some repair kits come with putty knife and everything else you need but if it doesn't simply pick up a putty knife while you are at the store. Popsicle sticks work perfectly for applying the putty to the crack.

Before you start repairing your scratches and dents, make sure the area is clean of any debris and is dry. There is no sense repairing a spot if a patch of dog hair is going to be glued into the floor. Once the area is prepared, it's time to get mixing.

If you went with a colored putty that matches your floor, all you will need to do is spoon in the putty, but if you went with a mix, you will need to match and create the desired color. Once you have that, spoon in the putty and smooth with the putty knife. Remove any of the excess putty so you have a smooth surface. Lastly, wipe the area around the scratch, being careful to not touch the repaired scratch with a clean cloth to wash away any residue.

Once it dries, your laminate flooring should look as good as new.

Sometimes, you will find the occasional scratch that is too shallow for the putty to work properly. If this is the case, the best product on the market is ScratchAway. This is a spray on treatment for any small scratches on laminate and other wood flooring. All you need to do is spray the area and then buff until it is dry.

So with a few little tricks of the trade, there are very few reasons why you can't enjoy scratch free laminate flooring for years to come.

Sirena Van Schaik is a professional writer who provides information on wood flooring and laminate flooring for A1 Wood Flooring

Oh God The Contractor From Hell

Remodel Instead of Selling Your Home - Home Tips

Why sell your home when you can remodel and create the home of your dreams

After living in your home for a long time, you may end up getting bored looking at the fixtures and decor of your home. The options you have for a change are to either sell the house and buy a new one, or a better option which is to remodel and create your dream home.

Buying a new home does not always prove to be a practical choice as you may have to shift the kids' school, spend more time commuting to your workplace, need more time getting accustomed to the stores and markets near you and of course, get your old home sold for the right price.

Keep your budget in mind

When remodeling your home, you will first have to keep your budget into consideration, if you have any additions or requirements to be added to your home and any particular style that you intend to implement in the house. The rooms that need most attention when remodeling are bathrooms and kitchens as these are the most used rooms, and have new accessories coming up that will make your rooms look much better than they were before.

Like if you lack a room for your kids or a guest room, consider adding this by perhaps adding an extra room to your home. You could consider transforming a basement to a game room or your garage into an apartment to give that extra space to your family.

If you like outdoor entertaining, you could consider adding a patio or deck to facilitate this. And if you are suddenly involved in becoming environmentally conscious, you could consider using environmentally friendly products in the remodeling of your home.

You get better rates by meeting neighborhood standards

Instead of just renovating and remodeling your home to your ideas and budget, with some research, you will be able to find out what changes will bring the best rate to your home in the future.

If you find out that your home is the only home that has only one bathroom, you could consider adding a bathroom to your home when remodeling. This is because if you can meet the neighborhood standard, you will be able to get a better rate for your home when selling it.

If you plan any additions to your home, make sure it is in proportion to the house. It should be an accent to the house, and not end up as a focal point. Your remodeling should always work to your benefit as it is not always that home buyers will like the house the way you have remodeled it.

Remodeling your home gets a better resale price

Remember that though you may be selling it in the future, you have to remodel it so that you are all comfortable in it till you sell it. It is not necessary to spend a fortune on remodeling; you can make quite an impact with a restricted budget.

Not only do you get a new home by remodeling your home, you also get extra years of pleasure, which may in turn increase the value of the home. This will fetch you a better price, if you intend to sell the house in the future.

James Tyler is the owner of Ace Builders, a residential remodeling company serving the Raleigh, North Carolina area. Tyler writes about issues relating to all types of remodeling and home improvement projects.

For more information, tips and advice visit

Double Roof Rafters Over Beam

Modern Bathroom Accessories

Are you finding a new design for your bathroom? If you want your bathroom to be comfortable, it should be equipped with modern accessories. Bathroom is one of the important room in your home. The most important elements you can add to your bathroom are tub, shower stall, sink and commode. You can not imagine a bathroom without accessories. Today people are using bathroom not only for cleaning themselves but also to get rid of all day stress. It is very important that all your accessories should match with the design of your bathroom.

Bathroom is a place which reflects lifestyle of a person. Before designing your bathroom you should try to find information about all the accessories available online or in the market. The most important thing which increases comfort as well as beauty of your washroom is a shower. A bathroom shower can be bought in different shapes, colors and design. Showers can be bought according to your needs and budget. Many people use designer mirrors to increase the beauty of their washroom. Mirrors reflects natural and artificial light and makes the bathroom look more spacious. While buying bathroom accessories you should pay attention not only on beauty but also on safety. A bathroom accessory should be made up of organic and eco-friendly material. Washroom items can be bought on furnishing stores and on the internet. Modern bathrooms are place where you have a lot to install and all that you install add to the comfort you will enjoy in the future.

If you want to know more about Bathroom Furniture, feel free to visit Bella Bathrooms.

House Foundation Books
Home Siding Books

Developing Wealth Building Habits

If you want to be successful, you need mentors or in other words find people that have succeeded. These people can include the ultra rich like Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, but don't forget about the people around you that have created good wealth building habits.

Some of the people have great advice and will need to be listened to very intently, while others need to be put on a list and never spoken to again. If you're going to be developing wealth building habits, you're going to need some advice from wealthy people. Let me make myself clear, when I'm talking about developing wealth building habits, I'm not talking about spiritual, knowledge, Biblical or religious wealth. I'm talking about making money, as much money as you desire or feel you need.

Wealth building habits start with you. Ask yourself this question "how bad do I want or desire wealth?" Really, really, really bad or are you the kind of person that would like to be rich, but that's as far as it goes. Developing any of these habits does not include sleeping in until 11 o'clock in the morning and then complaining the rest of the day about your finances.

Bill Gates used to work 16 hours a day. How many days a week did he do that? These are the questions you're going to find the answers to. If you're interested in making $50 million, you need to find someone who can teach you, how to make $50 million.

It won't be necessary to contact Warren Buffett but I would advise you to gather as much information about him as possible. Wealth building habits start with learning about wealthy people. If they get up at four o'clock in the morning and read the newspaper until six o'clock, then exercise for 30 minutes and start working at seven o'clock, you need to start doing this also. Developing good wealth building habits over time are what most successful businessman and women have been doing for years. Study their habits and start changing yours.

If you do something every day, it will usually become a habit within 30 days.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Concrete Stained Sheathing

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Solar Garden Lamps

Everyone seems to be in harmony these days when it comes to making your home environmentally friendly. Outdoor solar garden lamps light up your garden in the most eco-friendly way.

Solar power is the answer to landscape lighting that is free and earth friendly. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, outdoor solar lights use solar cells to convert sunlight to electricity, storing that electricity in batteries during the day for use at night. The department adds that outdoor solar lighting systems and solar-powered products will only perform well if they receive the manufacturer's recommended amount of daily sunlight. So as your garden lamps stand in the garden throughout the day, they receive the power they need to shine for you at night.

Products that power themselves from natural sunlight are becoming more popular and are moving beyond the basic.

Solar strings lights are a fun way to accent your patio lighting and are fun for entertaining as they come in the form of flowers, butterflies, and ladybugs.

The solar powered address stone offers an illuminated way to show off your street address with a natural looking stone finish.

The garden gnome has always been a popular garden accessory, and now you can get garden gnomes in the form of solar garden lamps.

Animal statues are becoming extremely popular. Add an animal statue holding a solar lantern and you have some very sweet lighting solutions. You can get these statues in the replica of your favorite dog. Other animals are also available such as turtles, bears, bunnies, and much more.

Solar lighting is also available in the watertight version. This is especially nice for floating lights on a pond or a swimming pool. This makes a great accent for a poolside dinner party.

The traditional solar garden lamps come in stainless steel, copper and also plastic. You will find that these lights are so easy to install. Basically, you just stick them in the ground and leave everything else up Mother Nature. Solar garden lamps usually come in sets of 2, 4 or 6, however because they are relatively inexpensive, purchasing a fair amount won't break the bank and the more you have the better the ambiance and the illumination.

You will find an endless variety in style and usage of solar outdoor lighting. You will also find it to be versatile. It is easy to pick up your solar garden lamp pieces and move them from place to place because they are light and portable and you will never have to worry about re-wiring them or needing an outlet close by.

The solar lighting that you find in the marketplace today is a much superior product to when they were first introduced to the consumer. In the past, they major complaint was that the illumination was weak. Well that is a thing of the past. So with brighter illumination, sleek and diversified styles, plus the added value of eco-friendly, powered by the sun capabilities, the solar garden lamps are the perfect choice for your landscape lighting need.

Robin Buckley is a nationally known wedding photographer who has photographed hundreds of weddings and whose work has been published in countless wedding magazines.

Robin brings her experience and advice to her own wedding magazine, The Brides Best Friend. A free copy can be obtained at

For Garden Lamps see

What Does A Gfi Do

Spirituality - 3 Questions to Develop Your Personal Spiritual Relationship With Your Higher Power

Women often find themselves searching for deeper meaning in life.

We all know a woman who seems to be at complete peace with her divine relationship. She is serene, has confidence and her life works.

  • Maybe she grew up in a spiritually rich environment and has always felt guided and protected by her Higher Power.
  • Maybe she grew up without a spiritual foundation at all and has developed her Divine Relationship on her own.
  • Maybe she had to reinvent her relationship with her Creator for various reasons.

Whatever her path, a woman in an intimate relationship with her Higher Power is a beautiful being indeed.

So, what about you?

You intuitively know that you are intricately connected to something greater than yourself but if you don't have an established spiritual belief in place, where do you start?

Start here.

Ask yourself these 3 Important Questions designed to help you develop your own deeply personal and satisfying relationship with a Divine Power, however you choose to understand that Power.

#1 What is your current understanding of a Higher Power?

  • You may or may not have had any religious or spiritual instruction growing up. Some of what you did receive may no longer fit what you truly believe. Maybe you have gleaned bits and pieces from various sources and haven't taken the opportunity to put it all together. It doesn't matter really, you are who you are, and you are enough.

#2 How would you like to feel about your relationship with your Higher Power?

  • This may seem like an unusual question. By answering it you will understand what you need from your Divine Relationship. Everyone will want something different.

#3 What questions would you like to find your answers to?

  • You undoubtedly have some questions about spirituality. Gather them up and go looking for answers that feel right.

In the end, all paths lead to the same place.

There are no right or wrong answers. There are so many aspects of spirituality in the world. With a bit of insight you will find the path that feels right for you. You will know when it is a good fit. It will feel like you have "come home".

Caution: Some of us have been wounded spiritually at some point in our lives. If this applies to you, please give yourself the gift of finding a support system. This journey is supposed to feel good, you are supposed to feel connected and loved. Anything less than that is unacceptable. Ask someone for help.

Wishing you Peace & Abundance... Joyce Lee "Your Life Empowerment Coach"


Are you ready for more opportunities to explore and reflect? Go to for your special gift of "20 Profound and Provocative Journal Prompts" designed to help you focus on your life with a spirit of peace.

Joyce Lee is a certified Life Empowerment Coach, Personal Growth Facilitator and Law of Attraction Practitioner, specializes in helping women understand the Law of Attraction and deliberately creating the life they really want.

Spending 15 Minutes Each Day

Several Items to Think About When Building a Home

What type of Personality do I want my home to have?

When you consider building a new home, the first thing you should think about is your own personality and interests. There are many questions you should ask yourself. For instance, how often do I entertain? Do I like large gatherings, or just of few close friends? Am I the type of person who likes lots of daylight and therefore plenty of windows? Do I want to climb stairs every day, and will I still want to in ten years or so if I still own this home? Am I a craftsman-type who wants extra garage space for tools and equipment? Will I need space for an RV, quads, yard equipment, etc? Next I would want to consider the yard. For instance, if you have kids you may want a flat lot with a large grassy area for them to play.If not, a terraced garden or even a pool with lots of concrete around would be more your style. It would also be advisable to pick up one of the software programs readily available to the consumer today. There are also various magazines available to peruse for ideas. Another good idea is to drive around and take several pictures of homes that you like.

Check out the neighborhood:

One suggestion I would have is to take a drive around the area you are planning to build in several different times of day on different days of the week. This way you would get a good feel of what the neighborhood is really like. It would also be wise to check out the local school that your children would be attending. Notice the type of houses that are already there. Will your style and size fit in nicely to the existing surroundings? This may be your dream house, but you need to always think of eventual resale.

How are you going to get your new home built?

Just as there are several different ways to design your home there are also several different ways of getting it built:

1. Do it yourself. This method would likely cost less, but would definitely be more time consuming. This is not a good choice for someone with no construction knowledge or skills.
2. Act as your own general contractor. This is a great choice for those people who can do some of the work themselves. You can pick and choose what you want to do, and hire sub-contractors for those jobs that require more skill, such as electrical work. Get several bids, and remember that the cheapest is not always the best when it comes to contractors. Check all references for anyone you consider hiring!!!
3. Hire a semi custom builder. This is a builder that usually builds several houses per year, and has a set of plans that you can choose from.This would be a fairly quick method of raising the house as they are accustomed to building the same plans and they already have all their sub contractors lined up and ready to work. They often will allow some alterations to the existing plans.
4. Hire a custom builder:These folks normally build a small number of homes a year. Custom builders would work off of a set of plans presumably supplied by you. They would be much more willing and able to deviate from the original plan if you wanted changes made. They would also be likely to take pride in their work and stand behind their workmanship.

Several alternatives:

There are other options to building a home. You could choose to purchase a home that had the basic floor plan that you desired, and do a quick remodel on the inside. Or, purchase a total fixer upper and "go to town" on it, changing whatever you desired inside and out. If you already own a piece of land, you could choose a modular home, or prefab. These homes have come a long way from the "trailers" of the past. Many of them look just like a traditionally built house.

I hope this has given you plenty of "food for thought" before beginning your journey.

John writes articles on Home projects, Do it yourself, Tools and other general interest subjects you can learn more by visiting one of my recent blogs. Building your own home? or Products for men

Window Flashing Under Window

Vista Del Valle - A Great Hotel in Costa Rica

Looking up a 300 foot waterfall wondering how I was going to get the whole thing into my shot without soaking my new high-definition video camera on day one of 35 day shoot had me feeling more like I was in the heart of the rainforest, not 20 minutes west of the international airport.

But that's exactly where I was. Vista del Valle is the perfect place to begin and end any Costa Rica vacation. Its location is perfect for accessing the rest of the country, and for being fairly close to San Jose, you can still experience the beauty that Costa Rica offers.

Vista del Valle lies at approximately 2,500 ft./ 762 meters. The restaurant is perched on a cliff and overlooks the Rio Grande Private Nature Reserve. At night, looking in the same direction, are the lights of San Jose. Which in my opinion, is the best way to see San Jose... at night and from a distance.

The food is Vista is like the food at all the lodges I'll be writing about, wonderful. The nice thing, when it comes to the food at ecolodges or small resorts, is the pride they take in food preparation. Because they're not cooking for big crowds, each dish is prepared with love and the freshest ingredients available at the time. Enjoying your meal while overlooking the Rio Grande will your first of many memories.

The pool has a shallow end for kids and there are lots of personal floatation devices to enjoy. There is also a Jacuzzi. My first thought when I saw it was 'wow, a hot tub in Costa Rica, isn't it a little hot in Costa Rica for a hot tub.' However, with the elevation, nights can get a little chilly making the hot tub option a good one. It's also a great way to enjoy the rain.

The suites, cottages and rooms are all very comfortable offering all the amenities one requires.

The gardens are a great way to introduce yourself to the botanical beauty of Costa Rica. I've spent many hours walking their gardens filming plants, butterflies and birds.

Vista del Valle is owned by Michael and Joanna Bresnan. They have been in Costa Rica for over 40 years. Their love and respect for Costa Rica is evident in the way they run their business and the respect they have garnered from their neighbors.

I became instant friends with Michael and Joanna and consider them to be some of the truest people I have ever met.

Current projects include making the hotel a model of sustainability. They have an impressive, organic garden and hope to build a 'center for sustainability' where people can learn about and practice the concepts of sustainability.

Please visit them at

For more information on this hotel as well more great places to stay in Costa Rica, please visit or contact me personally at

Mitch Popa is an independent video producer working on promoting Costa Rica's Ecotourism Industry.

Landscaping Books
Feng Shui Books

Cost Effective Stair Building

What is the most cost effective way of building stairs? Why do the tract homes use on site methods of construction? When you think of a factory assembling a product on a assembly line you think why not a home. Why do they still build homes on lots or residential home sites?

If homes could be built in a factory cheaper than on site that is exactly what every home builder would be doing. They just haven't quite figured it out yet. When dealing with the large amounts of materials required to build a house and of course the expense of shipping. It is not cost effective to build a conventional home in a factory and ship it over long distances.

This is the biggest problem with cost effective stair construction. Most prefabricated stairs you will notice are spiral stairs. These stairs are smaller than most stairs that are used for multi level construction.

Spiral stairs are hard for your average carpenter to build. These stairs can be purchased from a factory easily and quite inexpensive.

The stairs in your average two story house are going to weigh about 3 times the amount of a spiral set of stairs that could be shipped in a cost effective way. Spiral stairs are not going to be the main stairway in a home and normally go up to a loft or an attic. Most spiral stairs don't meet the minimum building requirements for the main stairway in your home.

When building tract homes the lumber is shipped in bulk directly to the house site where it will be assembled. The lumber and other building materials will be shipped once. If it went to a factory and then assembled it would also have to be sent to the site on which the house was to be built. This added expense in shipping the materials twice is the problem for such a large and heavy item such as a set of stairs.

There are other prefabricated types of stairs that are built locally and the shipping usually is not a major expense. If you are building a stairway that is not to difficult to build for the average carpenter it will normally be cost effective to build the stairs on site. This would require having the carpenter build the stairs as part of the rough framing and then after drywall have the finish carpenter build the stair handrail system.

Visit us now for easy Home Constuction Help

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Rust Stains On Concrete Floor

Inspect Foundation Problems - Carlsbad Home Construction

The foundation walls are connected to the top of the footings. The purpose of a foundation is to carry the weight of the house structure down through the foundation to the footings.

Whatever their construction, (concrete, brick, concrete blocks, etc.), foundation walls crack because of lateral force, settling, heaving or uneven loads (more weight than designed on a specific section of the foundation), of the foundation walls. Natural forces such as earth quakes can also be a contributor in earthquake regions.

To begin your inspection, use a pad and pencil while observing the exterior foundation. Make notes of cracks and their locations. When inside the lower level, you will want to try to locate them on the inside. If the crack goes entirely through the foundation it may be a red flag. Small hair-line cracks that do not go through the foundation wall are common and nothing to worry about; they may have been caused by shrinkage of the concrete or mortar joints.

A found crack sometimes has a similar type crack on an opposite wall of the foundation. Similar cracks on opposite walls may have the same cause, with the exception of horizontal cracking caused by a lateral force.

Types of Cracking
Vertical and 45 degree cracking is usually caused by settlement and heaving. Horizontal cracking is commonly caused by side pressure on the foundation, such as hydrostatic pressure (a lateral force). Surface cracks that do not go entirely through the wall and with no signs of displacement are not normally a structural defect. Isolated vertical cracks that do not extend to the lower edge of the foundation wall are usually shrinkage cracks. They are caused by the concrete shrinking during curing.

Causes of Horizontal Cracking
The foundation should act as a retaining wall, resisting lateral pressure of the soil on the outside of the basement or crawl space. If the foundation does not provide enough lateral support, the walls will deflect inward and create horizontal cracking. Some of the causes are foundation walls that are too thin or do not have, (or not enough), reinforcement, such as rebar in the concrete foundation, backfilling the foundation too soon before the foundation has a chance to fully cure, or during back filling if big stones or hard frozen chunks of ground were dumped against the foundation.

Causes of Heaving Foundations
Heaving cracks in foundations made out of brick, blocks, or stones,(not concrete), will generally have cracking in the form of a step, called "step cracking". Step cracking usually follows the mortar joints in these materials.

In concrete foundations, cracks from heaving are usually vertical and are wider at the top of the crack than at the base.

Some areas of the country have expansive soils, which increase in size when they absorb water, causing heaving cracks. Moisture added to dry expansive soils, say from a sudden down pour, will drastically change the volume of the soil and cause serious heaving problems as well as structural damage in some cases. When the expansive soil dries, the shrinkage can also cause a pulling effect on the foundation. The method of prevention is to maintain the soil moisture content, by keeping the soil as dry as possible along the foundation. This can be achieved by proper grading around the perimeter.

Causes of Foundation Settlement
Settling of the soil under the foundation is usually the cause of settlement cracks in the foundation walls. Cracks caused by settling resemble cracks caused by heaving, except the crack is wider at the lower end of the crack.

If a crack is active the crack may still be moving, (getting bigger, etc.) To identify an active crack, it will have sharp edges, clean inside of the crack and sometimes with bits of concrete still in the crack. Old cracks will have dust, dirt, paint and insect parts in the crack.

To determine the severity of a crack or its cause, it may need to be evaluated by a geotechnical engineer. Large cracks 3/8" wide should be carefully examined. Cracks can be measured by the engineer, to determine if it is moving or if it is stabile. Many times Home Inspectors call on the services of an engineer, to be sure the foundation is sound. As a past Home Inspector, I have been surprised several times to find questionable cracks were sound without a concern. I was always glad it was verified for the sake of the buyer or yourself in your case.

What to look for inside the house structure:

Doors and windows that are stuck and misalignment (gaps)
Foundation settlement can cause doors and windows to be come misaligned. This can be seen when observing the edges around the windows or doors, where they close. Look for gaps larger on one side than the other. This can help determine where the settling is occurring.

Cracks in the walls
Settlement will usually cause wall cracking. Settlement cracks are wider on one end than the other. Let it be known wall cracking can also be caused by the house expanding and contracting through its seasons. If there is no evidence of foundation defects and there is wall cracking, it, more than likely, is caused by the latter.

Sloping or tilting floors.
I have learned during my home inspection career that most people will not notice sloping less than 1/8" slope per foot. 3/16"slope per foot is noticeable to most people. A family living in an older home for a long time might not notice sloping even if severe. We tend to adjust to gradual sloping over time.

If there is doubt, use a level to determine if the floor is level. Floor elevations should be recorded for future reference in the inspection.

Unless the sloping is substantial or extensive remodeling is planned, the best repair would be to stabilize the foundation. Extensive re-leveling in an older home may cause more than expected damage to the interior walls, ceilings, doors, windows and cabinetry.

If the home has been stabilized and future movement is unlikely, buyers will often accept the uneven floors.

This article was written to act as tool to guide and assist a DIY Inspection on foundations. Gary wrote the BAIR (Building Analysis Inspection Report) System, which is a DIY Inspection that consists of a lot of instructional detail (a guide) written about any of the many components found in the home. The BAIR System has instruction on how to inspect a foundation and explanations on the findings; this article will help with more information, if needed.

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Materials For Stair Treads

Solar Lights - An Easy Way to Outdoor Lighting

Solar lights are the safest and easiest kind of outdoor lights to install. Each fixture contains a scientifically designed solar collector panel that converts sunlight into electrical energy. The energy is stored in highly efficient rechargeable batteries which light the fixture at night.

There are some differences between solar lights and incandescent or fluorescent lights. Solar lights are equipped with LED's which stand for light emitting diodes. An LED is a semiconductor device that emits visible light when conducting current. Because of this, solar lights give off a different type of light than incandescent or fluorescent lights. You should not compare wattage in LED units versus incandescent and fluorescent lights. Wattage is a function of power consumption, not brightness. LEDs may not be as bright as a conventional incandescent or fluorescent light.

Solar lights are usually not as bright as other forms of outdoor landscape lighting. The benefit though is that they give off a softer, more subtle accent lighting that makes your outdoors look attractive in the dark.

An advantage of buying solar lights is that LED bulbs will never burn out during the lifetime of the product. Low voltage incandescent and fluorescent systems need bulb replacements often and add cost and inconvenience to the product.

The length of time that the lights stay on is dependent on the amount of sunlight received during the day. This will vary during the seasons and whether the part of the country gets inclement weather. With fully charged batteries, most solar lights stay lit for up to 10 or more hours.
One big advantage of solar lights is that they require no wiring and are very easy to install. Because they run on the sun's energy, they cost nothing to operate. They are environmentally friendly, and help us conserve our fast-depleting regular energy resources.

The only maintenance required for solar lights are occasional cleaning of the panel surface to keep it free of dust and dirt, regular battery checks, and replacing the batteries when required. The batteries are designed to withstand a minimum of 1000 deep discharges which is at least 1000 nights of light. They are readily available and easy to replace, rechargeable batteries.

The LED's in solar lights are not replaceable. However, their life expectancy typically exceeds 25 years, based on running 10 hours every night. With this durability, LED bulbs will never burn out during the lifetime of the product.

Jerome Sturgeleski started a website in May of 2005 when he decided to share his passion for enjoying his yard after hours. He thought that if his newly renovated landscaping project could be lighted after dark it would be enjoyable even in evening hours. He started small and is now offering many different types of solar lighting that would fit in in any number of applications.

Plumbing Vent Turn In Wall

Does God Not Like Corner Backs?

I am a person that has been on a journey. Over that last few years I have really searched for a spiritual centeredness in my life. I grew up in a very religious family. Religion tore our family apart because certain philosophies could not exist. Everyone felt they had the true way to heaven. Now mind you all of them considered themselves Christian, but with their own brand of Christianity.

My family for me is a microcosm of the world. Everyone is not Christian but each religion feels as though THEY have the way to heaven. As a matter of fact if you do not believe as THEY do then you and others that think like you deserve to die! I never could understand the thought process that another creation of the God you worship should not live because you disagree on some miniscule point. For me it is difficult to understand how a creator of all things can choose one group or one person over another.

One day I was watching a football game. My team did win the game on this particular day. One of the receivers was very emotional during the game after he caught a touch down pass. He sat on the sideline actually crying! After the game a reporter asked the receiver what was going through his mind at that time. The receiver stated that he had spoken with his pastor at church the day before or sometime during the week. He said the pastor told him that God would allow him to do something great in the game to glorify him. Because the touch down was a turning point in the game the receiver surmised that this was the great thing that God had allowed him to do. God was on his side that day according to the receiver. A thought came over my mind at that moment. What did the corner back (this is person that plays a position on defense in American football) do to fall out of favor with God? Did God not like the corner back so he allowed him to get embarrassed on national TV?

I make lite of the situation with the cornerback, but it puts religion in a perspective that we should start to think about someday and I hope soon. Many people think of God as someone watching over all facets of our existence. I know some days he must get tired and just rest. He takes his eyes off the window to the world for brief times. I know this is true because I was going to the barber last week and prayed for a good hair cut. The barber messed up!

I figured I got in the same dog house as the cornerback or else he would not have gotten beat for a touch down and my barber would have had a steady hand. Or maybe he was busy with the guys involved in the war that had the guns praying that they be the ones to live and the other guy die? Have you ever thought how a God would choose which one of his creations would live when they were in conflict? People often speak of God as being the father. If that is so then how does a father choose one child over another? If you are a parent, what could your child do that you would never forgive them for and send their souls to burn in hell for eternity?

I don't think any religion has it right. When there is any thought that God will favor one over another for any reason it is wrong. When we start to question why a God does not work favorably for everyone then maybe we can move away from the thought process of God punishing one person over another. That cornerback has to know that he was not out of favor with God and that is the reason he was embarrassed by that receiver. I have come to believe that God is not a being in any sense of the word. However, there is a source that is greater than us, a source that we are all connected with. This source does not favor anyone anymore than the next person. One day I hope that religion will come to grips with its contradictions and let that lowly corner back know that him being out of favor was not the reason he was beaten on national TV. In our connection with universal consciousness, we all are as great as we choose to be.

Hi my name is Reginald Martin and my perspective is one of a holistic approach with the knowledge of how the universe weaves its interconnected tapestry and affects our lives. I am just like many of you. I have been through many of life's major ups and downs, like the birth of my children, raising a family, a divorce, Amway (any former distributors out there?) starting out dating again after years of marriage and being laid off from a job. These ups and downs can either make you or break you! My friend they made me. Although when my Amway business went under that was close to the straw that broke the camels back for me. J Just kidding. I developed a consciousness about life through the school of hard knocks that I would like to share with you. I look back on many of those events now and can laugh a little. I have been where many of you are about to go. There is a saying that I like, "you can learn from your experiences or from the experiences of others. The former will take you a lot longer to get the lesson but you will eventually learn it." I have mucho experience! My expertise is the areas of man, husband, father, brother, uncle, boss, friend and neighbor. I enjoy sports, reading, blogging and manly things like crotch scratching, yawning and stretching in the morning. Unless you have not lived you know that anything going haywire in those areas can cause you to have mental breakdown followed by a spiritual awakening, or not! And oh yeah, I kinda look at life in an irreverent quirky kind of way. I swear this is like writing an online dating profile!

Helpful Habit Planning Tips

Monday, July 20, 2009

Home Improvement Remodeling - Start in the Kitchen Or Bathroom

Modifying a room in your home can be a huge task. Your home improvement remodeling may need lot of planning and your time. You will see that many home improvement remodeling projects may require a considerable amount of monetary resources as well yet hiring a local remodeling contractor can make the planning process hassle free.

Lots of times, just a bit of home improvement remodeling can perk a space up by giving it added color. Even the littlest alterations in an area can provide a big lift both visually and emotionally. Numerous projects can be accomplished on your own with store-bought kits. On the other hand, an area builder has equipment, experience, and relevant suggestions that are highly likely to be much better.

If you want to remodel your home, you should first consider remodeling your bathroom . You can find some photos about bathroom remodeling online for reference. Then you can simply install new faucets and shower accessories to give your bathroom a whole new look. However, if you want to remodel your bathroom effectively, you may want to ask a contractor for advice .

You may possibly change the fashion of a space to any point in history. To mend the temperament of a room is to take a predictable looking one and change it to a contemporary one in some way. Modern style uses a blend of conventional and intermediary objects, which show fine in any room. We are coming to know local contractors that are incredibly well versed in these remodeling techniques.

When you are looking to soften the appearance of a room or an area, consider the large selection of decorations and accessories possessing an antique, warm brushed, or satin tone finish. The hard luster of chrome can be replaced with the soft sheen of brushed nickel. Antique copper is another exquisite, silky metal often available through remodeling contractors for a reasonable price.

Simply painting a room can drastically modify the feel of the room. Remodeling contractors around the country boast of new painting methods still not available to the general public. In order to choose the best color scheme for your room, consider the direction the windows are facing. If the windows face to the south or the west, then cooler colors provide a better lighting effect. If the windows face to the north or the east, then hot colors like orange, yellow and red are the best choices.

When deciding that more than one color should be used for your project, it is recommended that you lean towards the strong color as your main look. You will want the bolder color to be the main theme and then select a more subtle color that will give it added style. You might want to get the advice of a local contractor for advice for your home improvement remodeling job. It can be rewarding.

Your home improvement remodeling can be a diminutive venture that can go a long way. Alterations in fashion can radically change a room. Kits can help homeowners, but nothing replaces a contractor's expertise. The bathroom is a good location to start. Most bathroom remodel projects can be completed in a short time. Changing the hardware is one way. Replacing faucets and shower heads can revolutionize the room's appearance. One technique to change the mood of a room is to paint. A process that contractors are using is if the windows face south or west use cool colors. If the windows face north or east then choose bright warm colors.

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