Thursday, April 30, 2009

Awfulizing Your Way through Life

Are you one of those people who can never do anything right, maybe you should watch this video, it could change your life by changing your thinking.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Would you still be reading this article, if you had no desire, for better life. Find out more by visiting a place for more life-changing skills .

Pay Attention To Your Intuition

Video on Home Repair, Large Hole in Your Wall

Great video on how to fix a hole in your wall .

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more home inspection or home building ideas.

Insulation Blocking Attic Vents

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Flowers in the Workplace: How Motivation can Affect Productivity

With the hectic and aggressive nature of today's economy, it has become extremely important for your business to gain every advantage over the competition. Any combination of things can affect the productivity and motivation in your workplace, including global economic factors and local unemployment rates.

Although these factors are beyond most of our abilities to affect, there are a number of personal changes that you can affect to improve the productivity of your workplace and the motivation of your workers.

Take, for example, the simple idea of introducing flowers to the workplace. What was before a drab and dreary office - draining the motivation and productivity of your workers through its uninspiring environment - could be transformed into a more positive and appealing place to spend the day.

There is often an association with Spartan decoration and a professional workplace, but this is not necessarily true. When you take into consideration the health benefits a pleasant and uplifting environment can affect on your staff, you will realize that they far outweigh those of a decoration-free "no-nonsense" workplace.

Study Links Flowers to Increased Productivity

Texas A&M University has conducted an eight-month study to explore how the addition of flowers to the workplace affects employees. Those participating engaged in creative problem solving tasks in an assortment of standard office environments and conditions in order to determine the affect of flowers on their motivation and productivity.

During the study, participants of both genders were shown to demonstrate greater levels of innovative thinking, resulting in the generation of more ideas and original solutions. More ideas and solutions led to greater productivity, and thus a greater motivation to achieve.

By introducing plants and flowers to the workplace, you will increase motivation and productivity through a pleasant environment. You will affect positive changes and free many from the monotony of beige and sterility.

Think about hospitals and other institutions. You've likely read studies about how flowers are introduced to speed along the healing process. We have a human desire to be surrounded by nature, and as a result, four blank walls and a roof over our head are going to understandably affect our motivation and productivity in a negative way.

Again, since motivation towards greater productivity is an important way to improve your workplace, you'll want to affect as many changes as you can towards that end. An individual in a workplace decorated with flowers will show positive behaviour, and will have a greater relationship with you as a manager and leader. It is, overall, not a bad goal for you to make and pursue.

In addition to flowers in the workplace being a great way to improve motivation and productivity of your employees, think of how it will affect you personally. Striding into work every morning to be greeted by a pleasant environment will just as likely motivate you to greater productivity levels as well. Affect these positive changes and you'll increase your power and approach the top with greater ease.

Remember, motivation is the key to success. The simple act of putting flowers in your office is a great way to achieve it.

Matthew Harley is a freelance copywriter currently writing for

Planting The Seeds Of Suggestion

A Home Painting Contractor and Planning the Project

Many homeowners struggle with all aspects of their home improvement projects, with no real idea of how to best accomplish these tasks. With the help of a professional, many homeowners are finding that the professional approach to home improvement is often the best choice. They not only handle the physical task of performing the project, but they can assist in the planning of the project so that things run smoothly and the project is completed on time.

A home painting contractor is the best resource for professionalism when it comes to exterior painting. This particular project can be complicated and complex, so having professional help is always a good thing. When planning the project, a homeowner should draw on the experience and training that a home painting contractor will bring to the table. Listening to those that have been there and have been trained to perform this project will ensure that all the appropriate steps are taken to ensure things run smoothly. Homeowners hate to go back and repaint an already finished project, so ensuring that the project is done right the first time is important.

With the training and skill of a home painting contractor, homeowners can be sure that their project will be planned to perfection. These contractors often have experience in dealing with any problems that may arise. They may also know how to avoid several problems often associated with exterior painting. This can be a major lift for a project that would otherwise stall when left in the hands of an amateur.

More information on College Works Painting home repair for your home is just a click away.

Water Stains On Shingles

Dealing with Grief with Jack Canfield

Creating super habits are easier than you could ever imagine. Most people have something they would like to change in their lives. If you ask anyone, they are usually able to answer this question, "If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change." All the self help and personal development programs and Books available today are full of useful information that nobody seems to take advantage of. You've seen the TV commercials and listen to other people tell their stories, about how they lost weight.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Sometimes Your The Problem

Spiritual Quest - Top Seven Books to Guide You in 2009

Remember that we are body, mind and spirit. We exercise our body and develop our mind, but what are we doing for our spirit? If you are looking for direction for your spirit in 2009, here are seven books that might assist.

1. The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence by Deepak Chopra

Without our consciousness, or our thoughts, there is no physical existence. We, collectively, create our world. Our thoughts bridge the virtual reality and the physical world. This is a complicated concept, but the spirit domain is the source of the coincidences we find in our lives. Tapping into this domain, into this unlimited and undefined area, we observe the synchronicity in our lives. Then we can create, on the physical level, the lives we desire.

2. The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power by Vernon Howard

"Man's task is to awaken to his true identity. The Kingdom of Heaven is within. Spiritual truths are discovered with an entirely new kind of thinking, quite distinct and vastly superior to the mind that builds bridges and sells merchandise."

3. On God: An Uncommon Conversation by Norman Mailer with Michael Lennon

Mailer states that God is a Creator, but one that is still evolving. Mailer considers that we are developing with God and, because of this, He needs us as much as we need Him. Perhaps Mailer's view is egocentric, but he may be right. If we are still progressing, why wouldn't our Creator be doing the same?

4. Sage-ing While Age-ing by Shirley MacLaine

MacLaine, in one of many discussions on various topics, defines soul mate as the one person that is exactly like us. There is only one for each of us, but this person is often too intense to be around. Twin souls have been together before and find it easier to relate. Companion souls have not been together in many lifetimes but recognize each other immediately. Perhaps a twin or companion might be more compatible in this lifetime.

5. The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles by Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.

Dr. Lipton claims that our environment, which includes nutrition, emotion and stress, influences our cells. We know that DNA passes on hereditary traits, but he cites research from a new study, epigenetics, that shows gene modification from the environment is also passed on.

6. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry of Values by Robert Pirsig

The narrator, traveling across country, attempts to define "quality." What he finds is that we all know what quality is; there is no need to define it. The search is important, but the answer is within. Our quest to define "spirituality" is similar. We know what it is for each of us. The search is important, but the answer is within.

7. Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse

We can transcend the two parts of us, the human side that is civilized and tamed, and the "wolf" or shadow side that is wild and instinctive. We can't disown our less-than-human side. We need to let go of one in order to not fear the other. Then we can rise above both and glimpse that other world of spirit.

Cheryl A. Chatfield, Ph. D. is a writer, teacher and inspirational speaker. Visit to request a complimentary 10-page booklet discussing the Top Seven Books for 2009 To Guide Your Spiritual Quest in more detail than presented above. Her nonprofit organization, The Nottingham Institute, promotes materials for an everyday, or practical, spirituality for those who don't find answers in organized religions. Two of her books include Do It Yourself Guide to Spirituality: Seven Simple Steps and The Lost Principles, a novel.

Peace And Religion

Hiring a Contractor For Bathroom Remodeling - Remodeling Contractors

Well here's the age old question, how do we go about finding a decent bathroom remodeling contractor.

Here's some things you will be looking for in a contractor.

1. Is Your Contractor Fair and Honest?

2. Does Your Contractor Have Experience Remodeling and Designing Bathrooms?

3. Can You Actually Find a Contractor Who Will Complete the Job in a Timely Manner?

4. Do You Think the Workers Will Be Able to Clean the Job up Daily?

5. Will the Contractor Show up on Time?

6. Is the Contractor Going to Work At Least Eight Hours a Day?

7. Does the Contractor's Crew Have Experience?

8. Is Your Contractor and His Crew Courteous?

If you find a contractor for your bathroom remodeling project that has answered yes to all questions above, hire that person immediately. Most contractors can sincerely answer yes to half of the questions above. If you're looking for the ultimate bathroom remodeling contractor, you could be searching for quite a while, you're looking for some one that is competent and you feel comfortable with.

When hiring a contractor, look for someone who has your interest in mind first and not theirs. Find someone who is willing to help with the designed process of your bathroom and the remodeling. If you find a contractor to be arrogant or controlling, there is a good chance, your bathroom might not turn out the way you envision it.

When hiring a contractor for your bathroom remodeling project or any home improvement project, the most important thing to keep in mind is, whether or not you feel comfortable with this person or not. Never hire a contractor you're not comfortable with.

If a contractor is referred to you by someone you trust, this does not guarantee you will be happy with the bathroom remodel. Most referrals that I have gotten over the years are like rolling the dice, I believe I would have done just as good picking a name out of a hat.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Bird Poop On Concrete Porch

Spiritual Healing - What is Our Responsibility As Healers?

There are many forms of spiritual healing today. The energy healing known as "Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry" is an excellent example of spiritual healing based on prayer and the laying-on of hands. This type of healing combines:

healing presence



energetic healing (hands-on healing)

anointing with essential oils

As healers, we seek to come to our work with as much knowledge as possible for our clients good. Learning is a never-ending part of being a healer. To help someone come into balance physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually-we need to know:

how the body works

how the mind, emotions and spirit affect the body

how the subtle energy body is affected by both the person's internal and external environment.

When we choose to use essential oils in our healing, it adds yet another layer to our energetic work. By learning about the oils in terms of their physical, emotional, and spiritual properties, we are better able to achieve our mutual goals with the client. We can "intuit" which oils to use but first it's helpful to have a wealth of information from which that inspirational knowledge can evolve.

What Is Our Responsibility as Healers?

Our work in healing is to find those combinations that enable the person to move towards a state of harmony and balance-to one of harmonic resonance. We can assist others with our intention, our prayers, our healing hands and our healing oils. Educational courses in healing energy and aromatherapy can help you understand the significance of touch and anointing with therapeutic grade essential oils. Vibrational medicine is considered the wave of the future for medical care.

Want to know more about healing energy and healing ministry? The Institute of Spiritual Healing and Aromatherapy teaches classes throughout the United States on both aromatherapy and energy (spiritual) healing.

I'd like to invite you to explore our educational offerings. When you go to my site I will have a BONUS GIFT for you--a sample of our work.

You will receive free instant access to a Special Report on Five Biblical Oils when you subscribe to my free monthly newsletter on energy healing and aromatherapy. You can get your free access immediately by clicking on

From Linda L. Smith, Director of the Institute of Spiritual Healing & Aromatherapy, a national program in Christian healing.

Loving People With Kindness

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Home Renovation - Make Your New Renovation Match Your Old House

A large percentage of people who renovate their homes do so to update, add value or prepare their home for sale. All too often though, home owners plan a renovation with no thought of making the new work blend with their older home.

This can result in the new work looking like an ugly wart stuck onto the original home. This often even effects the resale value of the home.

This is because when people shop for an older home they are looking because they like the style and look of the older homes and bad renovations will turn them away.

This means that you should consider the era your home was built in to make sure that renovations and upgrades flow naturally together in your older home. This is most noticeable on new exterior walls of additions, windows, doors and door hardware, light fixtures and things like heating vents, trim and flooring.

That doesn't mean that you need to forgo any new conveniences or not make improvements to increase energy efficiency or convenience. It just means that you need to carefully consider the style of your home before you act.

Look around neighborhoods that are the same age as your home to get ideas about how other people have successfully blended upgrades in their homes.

When you choose a contractor make sure that he has done renovation work with your age of home and understands your goals. Fortunately there are several companies that offer period style hardware designs in new materials.

A good project should make it hard to recognize where the older house ends and the new work begins.

Bob Current writes about a variety of subjects including tips on home renovation. Get his free report about tips for Choosing The Best Contractor for your renovation at

Toilet Wall Damage

Inspirational Video from Steven Jobs

this is one of the most moving videos I've seen on you to, Steve Jobs contribution to this world is beyond that of most of us. His ability to persevere can be a wonderful example to others who wish to achieve what he has. Thanks for the wonderful speech Steve and the person who put the video on the Internet.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Get Motivated Today

Greg is currently working on a personal development library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Believe And Achieve

Happy Chinese New Year!

Unlike the Western Calendar which has the passing of the year as a fixed date each year, the Chinese calendar is based on a combination of solar and lunar movements with New Years being celebrated on the date of the second full moon after the winter solstice.

The misalignment of the solar and lunar cycles creates an imbalance over time which needs to be corrected by realigning the two calendars. Within any 19 year period, there are seven years where one month is added to maintain some form of alignment.

In addition to this cycle of realignment, from ancient times the Chinese have associated each year with an animal which they consider to be auspicious and the characteristics and traits of these animals are said to be imparted to any newborn. The list of revered animals is, starting with 2009; Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Cat, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Ram, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Boar and Rat.

Chinese New Year celebrations are heavily influenced by tradition and the Spring Festival, to give Chinese New Year its' more correct name is the holiday most celebrated during the year with family and friends gathering together to honour their ancestors with prayer and a banquet.

There are many customs associated with the celebration including the cleaning completely the home and the application of the principle of Feng Shui. Like their western counterparts, families stay up late and as the New Year approaches, all of the windows and doors are thrown open to let the old year depart along with any bad luck and to allow evil spirits to make way for good.

The welcoming of the changes in the seasons is represented symbolically by the use of flowers symbolizing that nature has reawakened.  This symbolism extends to the use of fruits and candies representing prosperity and happiness; oranges and tangerines are traditionally placed around the dwelling and a tray of eight different types of candies made from lotus seeds, longan (a small juicy fruit), peanuts, coconut, cumquat, lychee (a small fruit with sweet flesh), red melon seeds, candied melon is commonly found in the main living area. Other decorations will be bright red and gold, both colours being associated with good fortune, and will include wall hangings wishing good luck and good fortune on all.

Aside from firecrackers which are an intrinsic part of any Chinese celebration, the Spring Festival is celebrated all around the globe by Chinese New Year Dragon Parades. The Dragon dance is a vital part of any Chinese New Year Celebration and the rich colours, drumming beat and its overall spectacle make it a must see event for Chinese and others alike. If you watch carefully, the Dragon, who is searching for wisdom and knowledge is actually following the Pearl of Wisdom which is atop a pole carried by the leader of the procession.

If you fancy holding your own celebration this Chinese New Years; it's never been easier. There are plenty of websites that can offer advice on recipes on creating your own Chinese banquet try the BBC webpages, and most fancy dress internet retailers have large selections of Chinese themed costumes and accessories. Chinese themed decorations are also becoming easier to source so it's never been easier to have a great Spring Festival or Chinese New Years celebration. Enjoy.

Karnival Costumes stocks a huge selection of Chinese themed fancy dress costumes and accessories, simply click on the following link;

We stock a comprehensive range of Chinese themed costume accessories and decorations including wall hangings, buntings and much more. See them all by clicking the link: Feel free to browse our website and purchase your costumes, accessories and decorations with confidence from one of the leading costume suppliers in the UK.

We also have a large selection of articles on a wide range of party themed topics. Why not join our newsletter for up to date information on the latest trends in costumes, news and notification of our special offers.

Article submitted by: KV Sinclair. Keith Sinclair has over 35 years of business experience and in addition to being a part time University Lecturer on Business Studies, he is CEO of Cavalcade; a group of companies operating in the party sector. Cavalcade operates Karnival-House one of the UK's leading internet Fancy Dress Retailers. With massive stocks for immediate dispatch and an ever expanding range, Karnival-House continues to strive simply to offer outstanding service combined with outstanding value.

Organizing Your Kitchen the Easy Way

Have you ever walked into your kitchen still yawning from that Sunday morning slumber to put a kettle of tea on and started making that healthful breakfast? Suddenly, it dawns on you: you don't even know your way around your own kitchen because it is so chaotic and unorganized! You are surely not alone in your despair. The majority of kitchens that you will see are so jumbled that finding where anything is can occasionally take almost as long as preparing the food that you intend to eat.

What it comes down to is that over time, a lot of of us permit our kitchens to become sprinkled with disarray, normally due to the fact that we just can not seem to find enough time to actually reorganize items in the most useful manner. Realistically, getting the kitchen area in order can be a time consuming task that many will procrastinate. But there are some rather simple steps that you can take to get your kitchen back into shape, provided you are prepared to commit the compulsory time in order to do so.

The first step seems rather backwards, but it is a necessary evil on your road to the kitchen of your dreams. Start by eliminating all of your things from all of the cabinets, cubbies, drawers and other storage areas. Take everything out from everywhere and put it aside in organized piles. For example, group all of your pans in one pile and all of your silverware in a different one, and so on. In order to get your kitchen back into order you will first have to create chaos, so to speak.

Now that you have piles of your kitchenware strewn about in heaps across the room, it's time to decide how you plan to organize this mess. Make an easy-to-follow diagram, a simple pen and paper pad will be adequate for this, and use it to decide where to place all of your stuff. First, use big, bottom cupboards for the most space-consuming things like pans, deep fryers, large mixers, etc. Next, reserve one or more drawers for assorted items like tape and string, notepads, and others. Third, use the top cupboards for mugs, plates and bowls. Fourth, if you have top space above your cupboards, save this for vases, large serving platters and jugs. And finally, if you have a pantry, consolidate most food items in order to make space for other cooking utensils.

Once you have made your diagram, and you have a good idea of where to begin, it is time to get going. Be sure to dedicate a few hours of your day to organize your kitchen, because you will need the time. It is prudent to you try and draft a friend or two to help you, and entice them with pizza if necessary. Be sure to stick to your diagram and your kitchen will become efficient and organized in a just a few short hours.

If you are looking for a new home, be sure to check out the Bluffview condo property or the Bonham cheap housing. Not only are these homes gorgeous, there is a wonderful selection available.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Exploring Yoga Training Today

Yoga training is not only about relaxation and meditation, but also about its application towards effective management of life. The self-control attained through yoga helps in the over-all development of an individual. Very few people know that yoga training comprises of eight steps, with meditation and contemplation at the top. The other six steps of the ladder are being ethical principled, having and trying to live up to your ideals, bodily postures, energy control, impassiveness, concentration and deliberation.

Training, at least in the west, often initially begins with a fundamental course which is followed by an intermediate then advanced training course. Few if any master training programs exist in the west and this level can only be obtained by direct personal supervision by a spiritual master. The motive of any yoga training is mainly to develop the self and eventually reach enlightenment, either in this life or the next. Many people show interest in continued training even when they do not have any intentions of becoming a yoga trainer or teacher, this is mainly because they have already benefited by regular practice of yoga and hence they want to deepen their knowledge and experience by participating in more yoga training programs.

Yoga is a discipline which has been practiced for centuries by the yogis, yoginis and sanyasis of India. There are many and exact references of the best yoga methods to employ in the ancient Sanskrit literature, and it is good to observe that the Sanskrit literature places more emphasizes more on the spiritual aspect of yoga than the physical aspects. However, no yoga teacher can discount the importance of physical exercises or the knowledge of poses of yoga which are considered as essential for the overall development of the individual.

Yoga training in the initial stages, amongst other things, is intended to stimulate the flow of energy to various parts of the body by increasing the blood circulation to all the various organs of the body. Yoga utilizes all the aspects of personal development from postures to mantras and contemplation in a systematic manner to achieve an in-depth knowledge of inner self.

These ancient methods also help move individuals toward achieving perfect harmony and unison between one's body, mind and spirit. Yoga training has the power to take one from using it as a simple holistic body practice to a mystical and the sacred inner trust. The mind is connected to the whole body through energetic power (through the nervous system) and yoga training effectively facilitates learning to work along with these energies, which in turn gives power, balancing the chakra, thus bringing the body temple to the state of perfect health with the mind clear and calm. Going through the various and many yoga training steps results in the awakening of a consciousness which is free to embrace its own spirit, and gives rise to a mind which is peaceful and clear, and to a body which is healthy and strong and creative in all its endeavours.

Lisa Michaels is a yoga practitioner, writer & editor. For deeper insights into Yoga Training please visit

Choosing a Home Renovation Contractor

So you've decided that you want to renovate your house. Great, there is no better way to create a home that reflects your tastes and style than renovating your own home.

Home improvements can raise the value of your home and create a better lifestyle for you and your family.

Planning home improvements generally fall into two categories. There are the Do It Yourself home improvement projects where you supply all the work. Then there are the home renovations where you hire a contractor(s) to complete the work for you. We will focus on the second type of home renovation.

The best place to find skilled contractors are referrals from family or friends that have had similar work done to their own homes. You can also use one of the on-line services that will refer pre-screened contractors for your project. Make sure to check with the Better Business Bureau under the company and personal name of the business owner for anyone that you are considering.

Before you even get to the bidding process you need to call and verify that each contractor has workman's comp, property damage and personal liability insurances. They should also be licensed as needed for the work they are doing. Make sure that they understand that if they are requested to bid they will need to present proof of this information and that all work must be to local building codes.

Next step is for you to whittle down your list to the best three or four possibilities. You do this by requesting at least three referral names and phone numbers for completed work that is similar to your project from each potential contractor.

Don't be shy about asking each referral for a chance to see their finished renovation work. Ask questions about the timeliness of the project and whether it was completed on budget. Most people will be happy to share with you and may even have a couple of good ideas to pass along.

After this you should be able to choose the best three or four contractors who you then ask for a bid based upon the same exact work and materials. Don't automatically pick the lowest price.

At this point, you should start expecting to feel a certain chemistry with the individual contractors. Remember that the home renovation contractor that you choose will be in and around your home for the duration of your project. You need to feel comfortable with them.

Make sure that you understand whether or not each contractor is doing multiple jobs and whether you can expect them or a foreman to be on site during the work.

Once you choose the contractor that you want to use, make sure that you get your agreement in writing. This is the time to ask for a copy of their contractors license and insurance binder that state you are covered for your project.

Make sure that the entire scope of your project is outlined including items like who pays for everything from trash hauling to the porta-pot. The agreement needs to outline who is going to be responsible for demolition, materials and clean-up.

Try to think off everything that will be used or needed. It is only fair that a contractor charge extra for extra work so if you forget something it can easily cause your project to go over budget.

When specifying materials avoid the use of the terms comparable or equal. Make sure that you check on-line or at a hardware store so you understand the costs of materials, electrical fixtures and plumbing fixtures and materials. Any changes in the specific materials or brands should require you to sign off on and agreeing to the change.

Make payments as the work progresses. Try to keep the initial deposits as low as possible. You should be aware that subcontractors can place a lien on your property if they are not paid. Make sure that as you pay for each portion of the completed work you get a release of lien signed or at least proof that your contractor is paying the subs in a timely manner.

Do not sign any type of completion document or pay the final balances until all work has passed the final code inspections.

Finally, you should also be aware that during renovations of older homes surprises can appear. Things that couldn't be expected until actual demolition started. Make sure that you keep an extra reserve funds for those situations. It will allow you to take them in stride and make sure that your whole renovation project gets completed just the way you envisioned it.

You can make your next home renovation project go smoothly following the tips and suggestions of author Bob Current. For more information and ideas check out

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Enhancing Your Sex Life Through Sensuality

Description: Sexual intimacy, not just sex is important in a relationship.Taking time to understand sensual sex can greatly enhance a couples sex life.

When we talk about sensuality in relation to sex, we are speaking of the things that arouse your sexual senses without involving the genital areas, things such as touching, caressing, and cuddling. Sensuality is not sex, but it can lead to a more pleasurable and fulfilling sexual experience. Sensuality in a relationship is very important. Many times when it seems that sexual intercourse is not frequent enough, sensuality can compensate for that.

Pleasing your partner and getting what you need from a sexual relationship sometimes can be a very delicate balancing act. Sometimes there is a tendency for one partner to always be the giver while the other partner is the taker. Eventually, this will lead to neither partner being fully satisfied.

The Sensual Massage

Touching is the most basic way to communicate love effectively. The combination of scent and touch is a very effective way to open up intimacy between two people. Many times the touch can be more effective in communicating our feelings than words. The sensual massage is a very special way to do this, and can bring not just relaxation, but also a keener sense of intimacy to both partners. As you massage, your touch will elevate the level of oxytocin, the hormone that is needed in high levels for the process of sexual arousal.

Most women are very receptive to a massage. However, how receptive she is will depend on her mood. You may want to start with a regular massage, then ease your way into more intimate massaging and touching.

Think Sexy

There is nothing sexier than a confident man or a confident woman. Even if you're not feeling very confident, learn how to look that way. People usually respond to the image that is portrayed. So if you think and act sexy, you will find that the people around you will think that way about you too.

Create a Sensual Atmosphere

Is your bedroom sexy, or does it feel like a room to just sleep in? If you intend to spice up your love life, creating a sensual atmosphere in your bedroom is a good way to start. This doesn't have to take a lot of work. Often, small touches can make a big difference. Warm vibrant colors like reds, pinks and oranges can enhance sensuality. Also, displaying a sexy picture of yourself wouldn't hurt. Do whatever it takes to make you and your partner feel relaxed and uninhibited.

Jackie Beck is the owner and founder of Healing Combinations.

Healing Combinations can help you enhance your sex life. They produce natural remedies for common emotional and physical issues using Bach Flower combinations. The Sensual Sex combination can help increase your sex drive and help you to have more fulfilling sexual experiences. It is available at Think of it as an affirmation for your soul.

Problems With Catholicism

Why Women Sabotage Relationships

Are you feeling frustrated with your relationships? Do you want a loving partner and seem to be unsuccessful in reaching your goal?

If you answered "yes" to either question, you may be sabotaging your efforts. As a Marriage, Family Therapist, I helped many clients, through a process I developed called HART (Holistic And Rapid Transformation), get in touch with their negative, self-defeating thoughts and change them to positive ones. Since beliefs are magnetic, they were then able to attract what they wanted.

The following are 20 unconscious reasons why you may be pushing away the relationship you desire and deserve, an example, and a positive thought to turn the negative belief into a positive one. If you recognize a negative thought is one of yours, then first imagine that you are deleting (erasing) it from your mind, and then say and write the positive thought. Keep repeating the affirmation until it becomes part of your automatic thinking.

1) I will get hurt if I am vulnerable. (Her first boyfriend broke off with her in high school.)

I am being vulnerable and I am safe because I believe that I am okay and lovable no matter what anyone says or does.

2) Men don't like intelligent, successful women. (Her boyfriend rejected her when she was hired in a big company.)

I am attracting men who like intelligent, successful women.

3) I don't deserve a loving relationship. (Her Dad left when she was five-years-old and she felt responsible.)

I am only responsible for myself, I am a good person, and I deserve a loving relationship.

4) Relationships do not fit my self-image. (She saw herself as unlovable because her dad never said he loved her or hugged her.)

I am lovable.

5) I can't be me and be in a relationship. (Her mother told her that she gave up her dreams to be with her father.)

I am in a loving relationship and I am being me.

6) Men don't like me when they get to know me. (She did not like herself and she projected that feeling on others.)

I like myself and men like me.

7) My friends will be jealous. (When she was a teen-ager, her friends rejected her when she became popular.)

I am in a loving relationship and my (true) friends are happy for me.

8) Relationships don't last. (Her parents were divorced.)

I am in a lasting relationship.

9) Men try to control me. (Her brother and father were controlling.)

I am attracting a loving partner who supports me being me.

10) I am not good enough. (No matter what she did to please her mother, it was never enough.)

I am good enough.

11) Men are mean and abusive. (Her father was mean and physically and verbally abusive.)

I am attracting kind, loving men to me.

12) My mother will be jealous of me. (I am afraid that my mother will feel badly if I am happier than she is (or was).)

I am in a loving relationship and my mother is happy.

13) I am unattractive. (Her mother would often criticize her looks.)

I am attractive.

14) I am unimportant. (Her Dad was usually working and he spent very little time with her.)

I am important.

15) Men only want me for my body. (She is very attractive and men seemed to focus on her body.)

I am attracting a man who wants to be with me because he likes and loves who I am.

16) I can't trust men. (Her father had affairs.)

I am attracting a partner I can trust.

17) I feel guilty for leaving my last partner. (She felt she did not deserve a loving relationship.)

I am a good person and I deserve a loving relationship.

18) There is no one out there for me. (She was attracting men that were not suitable for her.)

I am attracting my perfect partner at the perfect time.

19) I am afraid that I will have affairs. (She cheated on her first boyfriend.)

I trust myself to be loyal to my partner.

20) Men want me to be weak and submissive. (Her mother told her that she had to make men feel superior and let them win in sports.)

I am attracting a loving partner who wants me to be his equal.

If you related to any of the negative thoughts, cleared them, and said the positive thought, you probably feel better about relationships and yourself. If you still are not attracting what you want, then write down the following: "I can't or won't be in a loving relationship because____ (and finish the sentence)." Then do the same process as above. You do deserve a loving, healthy relationship. Go for it!

Copyright 2007 by Helene Rothschild, MS, MA, MFT, a Marriage, Family Therapist, intuitive counselor, speaker, and author. Her newest book is, "ALL YOU NEED IS HART!. She offers phone sessions, teleclasses, books, e-books, MP3 audios, tapes, posters, independent studies, and a free newsletter., 1-888-639-6390.

Thinking Like God

The New Modular Home - Chic, Eco-Friendly and Fabulous

The modern prefab and modular homes are experiencing a resurgence for many reasons. These days it seems architects and designers are eager to create new environmental-chic versions of the modular home, and these new designs offer so much versatility and and appeal that their popularity is naturally on the rise. With the employment of new methods of construction and transportation, designers are cutting waste and energy consumption, slashing production costs while achieving greater overall methods of sustainability.

Before diving into the interesting benefits if investing in these new homes, let's take a look at the definitions of prefab/prefabrication and modular, and then take a closer look at the new and modern prefab modular homes.

Prefabrication is the practice of assembling parts in a factory, then transporting the complete or partial module to the construction site. Modular homes are homes in which there are design elements that are separate modules of the whole that can be used interchangeably to create different designs. Modular design, benefits the buyer because the interchangeable components can be moved around to better accommodate different spaces, styles, and needs. Think Rubik's cube- the premise of the modular aspect of a home is similar. As long as the exterior dimensions remain the same, the rooms and walls within a design can be shuffled around.

So, what are the benefits of these new homes that combine elements of both prefabrication and modularity? First off, as already mentioned, the modular aspect of these homes, makes it possible to design a home that'll complement the space you are placing it on. You can play around with a variety of different designs and create the perfect fit.

Since the modules are constructed in a factory, a high quality of construction is ensured. The fasteners are accurately applied, materials are cut with more exactness, and since they have to be transported, everything is tighter and more secure. This extends the life span and cuts on upkeep. Modular prefabrication factories also produce less waste as compared to standard home construction. The production of modular homes generates somewhere around 2% of waste, as compared with the 30-40% of wasted material generated from a standard home construction. Additionally, since the duration of pre-fab modular construction is shorter, and so the cost of production is lower.

Many companies use a very responsible cradle to cradle method of transportation. With this method, the components of the home are intended to be flat and standard and so the design can be sent to a computer and cut in masses at regional locations, packed flat and then shipped to local distribution areas.

Companies like Michelle Kaufman Designs are very conscious of the building materials they use. Sustainable touches with her designs include bamboo floors, energy efficient windows and doors and thick insulation. Her designs promote natural cooling, through the use of long shallow spaces and cross-ventilation. The need for artificial lighting is reduced with the gliding glass wall design and the placement of clerestory windows. Some homes include water conserving toilets, faucets and bathroom counter tops made of Richlite, a recycled-paper product. Outside, exterior walls are made of maintenance-free Cor-Ten steel, Galvalume (anodized alloy-coated steel), Hardi panels (cement board) or sustainable harvested Western red cedar planks.

Through afford ability and convenience, the development of the new modular pre-fab homes has brought eco-chic construction to a wider audience so that we many continue to live well, but tread lightly.

John West is a REALTOR with expertise in the Las Vegas real estate market. For information on Las Vegas senior living or to view fabulous listings in the Las Vegas area, contact John with Specialists Real Estate.

Stained Stucco Block Wall

Gulf Shores Real Estate - An Affordable Permanent Get-Away

The coastal resort city of Gulf Shores, Alabama, has waterfront real estate dedicated to vacation homes and condominiums, a reflection of its economy based on tourism. Maybe it's something about the bright "sugar white" quartz sand on the beaches (so powdery soft to the touch) that brings large influxes of shivering "Snowbirds" every winter from the northern U.S. and Canada.

Always affordable, Gulf Shores real estate has become even more so with the better interest rates and reduced condo purchase prices of late. Because of the competitive number of property management companies available, managing a rental property purchased as an investment is certainly an option that many have chosen.

Gulf Shores real estate is comprised of older and well-established condominiums, as well as new developments, which were erected after Hurricane Ivan in 2004. Although prone to hurricanes, the area has a very mild climate year-round; however, all new construction is built to the specifications of a higher standard code so that hurricanes and tropical storms don't cause as much damage. You can certainly find renovated older homes alongside luxury buildings and family-friendly neighborhoods, all within an hour of airports both in Mobile, Alabama and Pensacola, Florida. From gated golfing communities to beach houses backing on Intracoastal Waterway canals (where you can dock your boat), the properties available in Gulf Shores fit every lifestyle.

In fact, the 5,000-strong city even holds a "family-friendly" Mardi-Gras every year, and you may have heard about their annual National Shrimp Festival which attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors.

RE/MAX of Alabama ( is a real estate brokerage that specializes in Gulf Shores real estate. Billings Farnsworth is a freelance writer.

Faith Belief Or Education

Going Green in Okotoks Alberta

Okotoks, Alberta is a growing Canadian town that's located just outside the cosmopolitan city of Calgary. It is a unique community that real estate buyers should take note of due to its strong commitment to environmental sustainability and responsible economic growth.

With newcomers moving to Okotoks every year, the residents and City Council decided to work together to ensure that the community continues to expand in a smart way. Their goal is to encourage growth, but with consideration for the so-called carrying capacity of the local environment. Determined to build an environmentally responsible community, "About 10 years ago, the folks there decided they were going to live within their local environmental means. Today Okotoks can fairly call itself the greenest community in Canada." -Prime Minister Stephen Harper

As part of their commitment to environmental stewardship, the town of Okotoks challenged the nearby city of Airdrie to a 'battle of the green.' Through the One Million Acts of Green, One Act at a Time movement, residents of both towns post details about their eco-friendly acts online. The town who commits the most green acts by the end of three months will win the contest, but by simply participating, both communities are setting their sights on environmental victory.

In addition to the Green Acts challenge, the town of Okotoks has also set up a Long Term Sustainable & Environmental Reward Program to acknowledge residents who have become more environmentally responsible.

The town itself has received several awards as well, including the Leadership in Sustainability Award, a silver medal for 'Communities under 20,000' and a gold medal for 'Solar Initiatives' through the International Awards for Livable Communities.

With thoughtful planning and fiscal responsibility, Okotoks is walking the walk of being an eco-friendly community. Housing density, open space, and water consumption are all factors in their plan to manage the city's predicted future population of 30,000 people. There are approximately 20,000 residents living there today.

In addition to managing infrastructure, Okotoks is also committed to keeping urban forest and green spaces as vital and respected parts of the community. An example of this is can be found in Okotoks Air Ranch, which is one of the few airpark communities in Canada. The homes in this very special neighborhood not only have access to a private grass runway and their own airplane hangars, but they're also surrounded by an abundance of open space and a 23-acre reserve of protected land. Here, local plants and wildlife are free to thrive in their natural habitat-and residents can enjoy the view.

Okotoks is a wonderful example of how communities can satisfy the needs of residents and local businesses, as well as take care of the environment. By taking steps now to monitor growth and encourage sustainable practices, the community of Okotoks is preserving its environmental heritage-and its future.

Complete Calgary real estate search: View all Calgary property listings including spectacular airport real estate. Access photos, virtual tours, neighbourhood info, maps, and connect with a trusted Calgary real estate agent at

Planters Block Crawl Space Vents

Home Inspection Services - Should You Get a Home Inspection When Buying?

Home inspection services can help ease the confusion and stress of buying a house. When you are buying a residence there are things that you can choose like the price range and location. But whether you are planning to get a new place or an existing one, you still have to worry about the unknown. Especially - does it have any problems that could be very costly later down the road?

Knowing if there are any problems before you purchase can be very beneficial to both your finances and the safety of your family. You can definitely find out if there are any problems by hiring a professional home inspector. Their services should provide you with a professional assessment. It should be an unbiased review of the condition of the building.

You will receive an expert evaluation and a thorough report about the condition of the dwelling, the physical structure and various systems within it. Before a thorough report is prepared, the inspector will perform a visual inspection of the house. A good company will want you to attend and go with them during the process.

You should ask questions to help you become familiar with the house. You should be encouraged to ask any questions that you see fit during the walk-through. Your questions should be answered in a clear and concise way so you can understand the information. Make sure that the review includes foundation walls, framing, the roof and attic, the electrical system, heating and air conditioning systems, all bathrooms, the kitchen and the plumbing system. Depending on the square footage, this will take anywhere from three to five hours to complete.

An experienced person will look out for leaks and moisture where black mold could be growing. Black mold can be hazardous to your health. Once the evaluation is complete the inspector will explain to you in detail and discuss any problems that he or she has discovered. Your report should include all this information along with pictures so that it will help you with any decisions you need to make about requesting repairs.

You should also be informed of any routine maintenance that should be performed. If you have questions about maintenance, ask the company representative any questions you may have.

The company that you decide to use should be trained and certified. Many states do not require any kind of training, licensing or certification. In Chicago, a license is required but it is very easy to obtain. Instead, check to see if they are certified by an independent organization such as the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI).

Do not be afraid to ask for proof that their people are trained and certified. If they will not guarantee their work, hire someone different.

This is likely to be the largest purchase you will ever make. Properly done, these services should provide you with peace of mind about your new investment. The cost is minimal compared to the price of your purchase. And it is worth every penny because your investment is protected by hiring an experienced, professional home inspection company.

Choose a home inspection company as carefully as you've selected the home you're buying. Author Gary Monfeli provides professional home inspection in Chicago. Click now to view frequently asked questions about Illinois home inspection.

Choose a home inspection company as carefully as you've selected the home you're buying. Author Gary Monfeli provides professional home inspection in Chicago. Click now to view frequently asked questions about Illinois home inspection.

Water Damaged Venetian Plaster

The Power of Alpha - Instant Meditation - Success, Vibrant Health and Happiness is in Your Hands!

God has made us awesome and wonderful creatures. He has created us with a mind that can enable us to achieve whatever we set out to accomplish.

Most of us do not realize that we have the power in us to achieve the things that we most desire.

~ Man can shape circumstances, but circumstances should not be allowed to shape the man. We should seize upon circumstances as instruments by which to work. We
are to master them, but should not permit them to master us. ~
Ellen White

Did you know that you can easily re-program yourself to become the person you most desire to be?


By slowing your brainwaves to the Alpha Level. You can achieve the Alpha brainwave state by learning meditation techniques that can be time consuming and difficult to master. Or you can achieve instant meditation by listening to sound or music that has been recorded in the Alpha brainwave range.

All the changes that you want to make in your life are now at your fingertips!

~ The greatest discovery of the 19th century was not in the realm of the physical sciences, but the power of the subconscious mind touched by faith. Any individual
can tap into an eternal reservoir of power that will enable them to overcome any problem that may arise. ~
William James

What is Alpha?
Normally, we operate in the beta state. In this state our brain waves range from 15-26 HZ. When we are in the Alpha state our brain waves average range are around 7-12 HZ.

The Alpha state is a state of "aware relaxation". Emotions experienced in the alpha state include a sense of well being, pleasure and tranquility. The Alpha brainwave level appears to link the conscious to the subconscious mind.

At the Alpha level you can re-program yourself and reap numerous advantages. The Alpha brainwave state:

  • Calms and relaxes your body and mind. The brain's thought process is slowed and the mind is clear. Tension and stress just melts away.
  • Enhances Positive thinking and Emotional Healing. Releases Negative Attitudes. Research has found the Alpha Brainwave rhythm puts you in a Positive state of Mind and Mood, enabling you to erase your negative attitudes and gives you an overall feeling of Wellness.
  • When you are in Alpha state you are mentally able to Re-Program yourself to achieve anything you Desire:

    • Gain Complete Confidence
    • Stop Addictive Habits
    • Lose Weight
    • Release Disabling Fears
    • Goal Setting and Achieving
    • Achieve any success you desire.

    ~ Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will. ~
    George Bernard Shaw

  • Accelerates Healing and enables you to Achieve Vibrant Health
  • Enhances your Learning Ability, Memory, Creativity and your Ability to Focus, Concentrate and Think more clearly.
  • Boosts Peak Performance - During speaking engagements, competitive sports and in all areas where peak performance is critical.
  • You achieve the Alpha brainwave state with ease when listening to music or sound recorded in the Alpha range. The best times to go to your Alpha level are first thing in the morning and again before you go to bed at night.

    While listening, think about the things that you want to change in your life and visualize that you have already gained success in that area. Visualize what that looks like physically and what that feels like emotionally. Always visualize your success in the present tense.

    For example, to heal an ailment, visualize your white blood cells surrounding and smothering the ailment until it is gone. Visualize yourself completely healthy and well.

    Give yourself positive affirmations, such as the positive affirmation by French physician Emile Coue, "Everyday, in every way, I am getting better and better."

    Practice Alpha meditation daily and gain the levels of success and healing you have been looking for. You have the power in you to change your life.

    Petrea Dishman at

    Missing Years Of Jesus

    Saturday, April 25, 2009

    Emotional Numbing Can Stand in the Way of Happiness

    As a therapist and coach, I find that people often struggle with their emotions. One version is that people have trouble feeling their emotions at all--they have numbed themselves so completely that they neither feel particularly good nor particularly bad.

    This is a problem because they don't know what they feel.There isn't enough intensity to register the emotion.Unfortunately, they don't have the experience of feeling great joy and happiness.They have difficulty in relationships, especially expressing their love for a partner.

    While numbing emotions may have once made sense to help them survive intense or repeated negative emotional experiences, many people carry the numbness forward when it no longer is necessary or useful.

    For example, people who experience trauma in childhood may learn to numb their reactions.This is a survival tool which helps them survive an emotional experience that is far too intense to manage given the resources they have available to them at the time.They may not fully understand what is happening, and don't have the tools to cope with it at a young age.They dissociate themselves from the pain and intensity by numbing their emotions or anger, fear, sadness or hurt.

    They survive, sometimes amazingly well.When they learn to numb their emotions often, or if the situation in which they have learned to numb themselves repeats, they begin to develop a pattern of numbing in response to these emotional events.Again, this is a survival mechanism.

    Done repeatedly, the numbing becomes a habit.It may become so automatic that it is carried over into all emotional situations. This can cause problems because it blunts the ability to feel all emotions-good and bad.

    Individuals who want to change their emotional response are often concerned that it has become impossible.They have built walls and despair that the walls they've erected to protect themselves can't ever been breached.The problem is that emotional numbing as become an unconscious process that operates automatically, like a computer virus, below awareness.

    The good news is that this habit of numbing emotions can be changed. It IS a habit.When you are willing to let it go, you can begin to lower those walls and allow in emotion in manageable amounts.

    It is helpful to have support while you are learning new emotional habits and how to cope.You'll be learning new ways to navigate emotional waters, and having a guide in the process can be very useful.

    While numbing your emotions may have had survival value in other situations, it isn't always useful now.Learning to overcome this habit and manage emotions doesn't have to be overwhelming.Learning to cope and actually feel those emotions of joy, happiness and even anger, can definitely be worth the effort.

    (c) Linda Pucci, Ph.D.

    Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach, trainer and owner of Inner Resource Center, LLC. She has 30 years of experience helping people overcome obstacles, change their lives, and reach goals they had not thought possible using her solution focused approach. She specializes in helping people get unstuck from negative emotions and limiting beliefs that sabotage their happiness. Get additional free tips and challenges for getting unstuck from her Inner Resources report or contact her for a free 20 minute consultation at

    Home Building With Steel

    Home building with the use of steel framing is exactly what you must go for. Aside from the traditional method of using wood construction in order to frame your new home, you will see that your contractor may make use of steel beams to hold up your home. Going for steel framing will allow your house to look and feel stronger than wood construction, since it does not undergo warping like wood. Furthermore, steel is impervious to insect infestations. With this, if you intend to build a new home, it's important to think about metal stud framing.

    Probably the biggest draw for you to make use of steel to frame your home is the structural integrity that it gives. Even if you search everywhere, you can't find a stronger and more resilient framing within the market; this is why steel framing has been the popular choice of people living on areas that are susceptible to earthquakes and hurricanes. Steel has a less tendency to split or crack and it can deal with winds ranging to 180 miles per hour!

    The major argument against the use of metal stud framing is the fact that it hasn't proven to be energy efficient as compared to the wood version of construction. However, with the use of proper construction techniques, steel can become energy efficiency which tends to be higher than the traditional wood construction. Furthermore, if you are concerned about its impact on the environment, you can consider the fact that it is created from 25% recycled steel hence it is 100% recyclable.

    Welcome! is Your Online Resource for Do-It-Yourself Home Remodeling Projects.

    Chinking For Log Siding

    Happiness Means Different Things to Different People

    When it comes to happiness there is not a one size fits all. This is because happiness comes in many different forms and it means many different things to many different types of people. For a star athlete happiness is winning and for a mother happiness is seen her children do well and receive all the love they deserve. Before you can be happy in your life you must ask yourself what happiness means to you.

    This is what we call the assessment phase of a solid happiness attainment strategy. First, you must list all the things that make you happy or at least those things that you think make you happy. Sometimes the things we think make us happy are not what make us happy at all. This is because we are bombarded with television commercials and selected ads, where marketers tell us what makes us happy and show us happiness if we buy their product.

    Psychological researchers spend lots of money in time and studies to find out how to manipulate our emotions, imprint our minds and get us to believe that a certain brand name will bring us happiness. Because of the trickery and their tricky marketing strategies they use, often people associate happiness with things; material happiness if you will. "If I buy this, I will be happy."

    Although, most people realize deep down that happiness is more about how you feel than what you have, virtually no one will deny that they are often tempted by these advertising methods. And judging by a snap shot of our society, well, it's pretty obvious, folks really believe they will be happier, wearing a pair of Nikes, driving a BMW, wearing a Rolex and having a great smile, thanks to Crest Toothpaste. Think on this.

    Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

    Patio Fireplaces

    Fireplaces are traditionally inside additions. Bringing a pleasant ambiance to any room, fireplaces are the romantic touch a home needs. But, it is the brain child of a few pioneers who have incorporated a fireplace into the outside setting as well. It must be done right, or it's merely a glorified grill.

    With a nice patio extending your house into the yard, it's a perfect addition when a fireplace accompanies your outdoor leisure. Like a fire on a camping trip, people love the crackling of the fire and the warmth it throws. When the fireplace meets with the theme of the patio, it seems like one structure. A fireplace simply grows out of the ground and the chimney extends itself into the sky.

    An impressive patio fireplace I once observed was made from a white rock that matched the patio theme. The same rock made the walls of the patio where benches lined the outer edges. The fireplace itself was square with an opening on the inside and outside of the fire area so that warmth could be enjoyed on either side.

    The fireplace is rather large and does indeed have a grill insert for accommodating patio cookouts. It also has a tuner that could hold a pig for a roast. But when I asked the homeowners how much it all cost them, they just shook their heads. I didn't want to know.

    I've seen brick outdoor fireplaces that matched the brick patio. I've also seen brick fireplaces to accompany the wooden deck. The wood was treated with a fire retardant and it really did look rather distinct. The structure for that particular fireplace was built to the ground so that a solid base existed. But, there was also a patio area on ground level and the fireplace had two different openings.

    These are really nice structures that add class to any patio or deck. They may take awhile to build and they might cost a little money. But, it's worth it to have the added comfort and style you want.

    If your pocket book can't quite handle the structure of the fireplace on the patio or the deck, there is an alternative you might like. There are ventless gel fireplaces that are made for the patio. An iron stand holds the chimney in its place so that you can enjoy the fire wherever you place it. A whole assortment of patio products are offered for an outdoor fireplace experience you'll just love.

    When you begin to let your imagination run wild, you see the many possibilities that exist. A fireplace on the patio might be the last thing you would have ever thought about. But now that the thought is in your head, I'd be willing to bet that you'll look into it. It's very captivating. And with the ventless gel, money won't be your holdup.

    Jessica Brylan is a home improvement expert. She loves remodeling homes. She has even built a few. In all her work, she has split off into interior design every once in awhile. But, actual construction is her first love. She knows enough to get by with the big guys.

    Concrete Countertops

    Friday, April 24, 2009

    Promotion of Green Building Construction Technique

    Construction of Green Building is a technology to use all resources efficiently for the creation of human habitats which improve human health, build a better environment, increase working efficiency of human beings and minimize the cost of buildings. Green buildings are also known as sustainable buildings, which are designed, built, renovated, operated and used in an ecological and resource-efficient manner.

    In fact, Green buildings are designed to meet certain objectives such as protecting occupant health; improving employee productivity; using energy, water, and other resources more efficiently; and reducing the overall impact to the environment. These buildings with good overall environmental quality can reduce the rate of respiratory diseases, allergy, asthma, sick building symptoms, and enhance worker performance. The green building construction technique include following elements:-

    Elements of Green Building Construction Technique

    1. Proper Ventilation

    Green Buildings provide adequate ventilation to all habitable rooms including bath rooms, kitchens with high-efficiency in-duct filtration system to allow proper drainage of air-conditioning coils to control humidity including heating and cooling systems which ensure indoor air quality.

    2. Prevention of indoor microbial contamination

    Under this technology, construction and finishing materials are selected with zero or low emissions to improve indoor air quality. Many building materials and cleaning / maintenance products emit toxic gases, such as volatile organic compounds (VOC) and formaldehyde gases which result in a detrimental impact on occupants' health and productivity. Such products are not to be used in building construction and their finishing.

    3. Utilization of recycled material for minimizing the cost of building

    Demolition and reconstruction of old buildings is a continuous phenomenon. Population and demand for buildings are increasing day by day whereas our resources are depleting in the same proportion. Building construction activities consume one-sixth of the world's fresh water withdrawals, one-fourth of its wood harvest, and two-fifths of its material and energy flow. About 22 percent waste material (bricks, concrete, wood, steel, metals, steel pipes, plastic pipes, electric wires, sanitary material etc.) of demolished buildings can be reused or recycled thus prolonging our supply of natural resources and minimizing construction cost. In green buildings, about 25 % recycled material is used.

    4. Installation of glass panels

    Instead of wood window glass panels are installed in green buildings to allow flow of natural light inside the building during day time.

    5. Installation of Rainwater Harvesting System

    The green buildings are well equipped with rainwater harvesting system to preserve depleting water resource.

    6. Maximizing the use of renewable natural resources

    In order to maximize the use of renewable natural resources in green buildings, the energy efficient equipments such as Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL) and Solar Water Heating Systems etc. based on non conventional energy resources are installed.

    7. Minimizing The Use of depleting resources

    Since, forest cover is depleting day by day in the world, therefore, use of fresh wood is minimized in green buildings. Wherever, use of wood is considered necessary, in such buildings, the wood of fast growing trees is only used so that utilization of such material may not effect the ecological balance of the earth.

    8. Minimizing energy use in green buildings

    The green buildings are fixed with energy censors to minimize the use of power within the building. When there is no person within a room, the lights would automatically go off.

    9. Water conservation and efficiency measures in green buildings

    In green buildings, water is used in most efficient way. The gray water from bath rooms is again recycled to flush toilets.

    10. Proper disposal of garbage

    The garbage of green buildings is properly handled, placed and disposed off as per Building Bye Laws of respective Civic Bodies by segregating it into biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes.

    11. Maintenance of greenery

    In green buildings, the open areas are well landscaped with maintenance of maximum greenery for building healthy environment.

    Vinay Choubey
    SEO Manager
    For more details on Green Building Construction Technique visit

    Rhode Island Landlord Tenant and Eviction Law FAQS - Nonpayment Rent, Termination

    1) How long does it take to evict a tenant for non-payment of rent in Rhode Island?

    In order to begin the process of evicting a residential tenant in Rhode Island (RI) for non-payment of rent, the tenant must be more than 15 days late and then a five-day demand notice must be sent to the tenant. After the five days, you are entitled to file a complaint for eviction of the tenant for non-payment of rent and the court date will be nine days thereafter. If the ninth day falls on a weekend or holiday, then it will carry over to the next business day. After attending court to get the tenant out, it will take a minimum of five days to evict the tenant up to a potential of a month or longer (if there is an appeal).

    2) Is it legal to do a self-help eviction in Rhode Island?

    No. Under Rhode Island law it is illegal for a landlord to do a self-help eviction. The landlord must go through the proper legal channels in order to evict a tenant from the premises. In the event that a landlord does an unlawful eviction, the tenant is entitled to collect damages against the landlord.

    3) How long does it take to evict a month-to-month tenant?

    In order to evict a month-to-month tenant, you are required to send a thirty-day notice to terminate the tenancy pursuant to Rhode Island law. After the thirty-day period has expired, then the landlord is allowed to file a complaint for eviction. This type of eviction is a lengthy process because you must not only wait the thirty days, but the tenant has a minimum of twenty days to answer and after that it takes a minimum of ten days before you can get a court date. After that court date, it takes a minimum of 5 days up to a month or longer to get the tenant out (depending on whether or not there is an appeal).

    4) My tenant has a lease but is violating the lease and causing problems. What do I do?

    Pursuant to Rhode Island law you can send them a notice asking them to terminate the offending behavior within 20 days. If they do not terminate the offending behavior, then you are able to file an eviction against them. These types of evictions are lengthy and you must prove that you sent the notice and that the tenant did not comply with the notice after receiving the notice. If the tenant is a month-to-month tenant, then it is better to terminate the offending tenant's tenancy rather than go through the above-described process.

    Rhode Island Attorneys legal Notice per RI Rules of Professional Responsibility:

    The Rhode Island Supreme Court licenses all lawyers in the general practice of law, but does not license or certify any lawyer or attorney as an expert or specialist in any field of practice.

    David Slepkow is a Rhode Island RI lawyer who has handled landlord tenant matters and evictions on behalf of both landlords and tenant for ten years. The Attorneys at Slepkow Slepkow & Associates , Inc. represent clients in Real Estate, Probate Law, Elder Law, Divorce & Family Law, Zoning law and Corporate law.

    Please go to Official Website of Rhode Island (RI) Lawyers / Attorneys, Slepkow Slepkow & Associates, Inc. for more information or to contact attorney David Slepkow.

    Please visit our webiste: East Providence, Rhode Island Real Estate and Eviction Law Attorneys / Lawyers

    Please also visit: East Providence, Rhode Island Divorce Law Attorney / lawyer and RI Family & Child Support Law information

    Window Repair Video

    Great video on how to repair a window screen.

    If you're thinking about buying a home, check out this home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping. For under $15, you can save yourself a lot of frustration and money.

    Broken Electrical Outlet Cover
    Mold Growing On Cement Wall

    Thursday, April 23, 2009

    Self Knowledge

    Self knowledge means more personal power. You can more effectively use a computer when you know more about it, and in the same way, you can more effectively use your own brainpower, mind and body when you understand them better. There is, however, one big stumbling block to learning more about ourselves. It is our tendency to rationalize, as demonstrated in the extreme in the following true story.

    Jack, while hypnotized by his therapist, was given the post-hypnotic instruction to get up and put on his coat whenever the doctor touched his nose. Once out of the trance, he and the doctor talked. During the conversation, the doctor scratched his nose, and Jack immediately stood up and put on his coat.

    The doctor asked why. Jack said "Oh, I thought we were finished," and he took off the coat. A few minutes later, the doctor touched his nose again, and Jack again immediately stood up and put on his coat. "It's getting cold in here," he explained. By the third time, it was getting more difficult for Jack to explain his behavior, yet he still tried to.

    Now, is this scenario really unique to hypnosis? I don't think so. We are often just assuming that we know all that goes into our decisions and actions. Like poor Jack, we feel compelled to explain ourselves, and to believe our own explanations. Of course, this isn't self knowledge, but self explanation, or rationalization, and it is one of our strongest human habits.

    Self Knowledge Versus Self Explanation

    When a child throws a book at his brother, and his mother demands "Why would you do that!?" What usually happens? The child answers, "I don't know," which is true, but entirely unacceptable. With five seconds to come up with an answer, the best psychologists couldn't understand the child's action with certainty, yet a five-year-old is expected to do just that.

    Though he may not understand, he learns quickly how to explain himself. With this pressure to explain, it is no wonder that by adulthood, we rarely say "I don't know" when asked about our behavior. Instead, we simply create an explanation. Isn't this a problem if we want true self knowledge? How do we learn the true causes of our behavior if we already have our explanations?


    Self Knowledge - I Don't Know

    A better approach is to say "I don't know." If it helps, follow it with "Maybe it's because of..." and let the explanations spill out, but don't be too quick to accept any of them. It isn't always necessary to explain.

    For example, suppose you are avoiding a certain person. If you never know why you are avoiding them, isn't it better to leave the question open than to accept a false explanation based on a habit of self-justification and rationalization? When you leave questions unanswered, you may someday have a better understanding. A quick answer just means a quick stop in your thinking, and less self knowledge.

    Why not just say, "I don't know." Isn't it better to learn to accept your ignorance, and to keep observing yourself? Don't let self-explanation get in the way of of self knowledge.

    Steve Gillman has been studying brainpower and related topics for years. For more on How To Increase Brain Power, and to get the Brain Power Newsletter and other free gifts, visit:

    Bathtub Refinishing

    Bathtub refinishing as the best green remodeling alternative benefits homeowners, hotels, motels by saving them money over replacement. For example, a new bathtub may cost as little as $300, but when you add the cost of tearing down that old bathtub, removing it, getting rid of the bathtub and all the fixtures, and then dumping all the mess including that heavy bathtub at the landfill. Bathtub refinishing benefits the environment.

    Bathtub refinishing costs go up when you add the bathtub parts, tile work, flooring, carpentry and permits, you see the cost of replacing a bathtub can go into the thousands of dollars. So what you think was going to be a simple bathroom remodeling job, turn into an expensive job. Bathtub refinishing is done without a tear out and that alone saves a lot of money. You are dealing with one contractor, the bathtub refinishing contractor. Compare bathtub refinishing to replacement.

    When a tub is refinished, it involves only one contractor, and there is no headache in scheduling. Replacing old bathtubs with new bathtubs, instead of refinishing, can impact the environment badly. Tub refinishing services, saves the landfills.

    Bathtub refinishing benefits in a nutshell:

    Savings of up to 80% the cost of bathtub replacement.

    Savings in time since an average bathtub is refinished in about four hours and can be used 24 hours later.

    Choice of many colors.

    The environmental benefits of bathtub refinishing are many.

    Bathtub refinishing is done in the bathroom. The tub is cleaned, primed and a special coating applied, all in the bathroom. There is no mess brought in during the process and none goes to the landfills after the bathtub is refinished.

    This is very significant, since an estimated 47% of all the waste that goes to the landfills is from home remodeling or renovation. Fixtures like bathtubs, sinks, and cabinets are traditionally replaced, which means that they end up in the landfills adding to the environmental problems of replacement.

    In addition, it takes a lot of energy to manufacture new fixtures that are used in home remodeling. The raw materials have to be sourced, then transported to the factory, using energy. It takes energy to manufacture the fixture and energy to transport it to the store. When fixtures are purchased, it takes energy to transport them to their final destination. Finally, energy is used in the installation of the new fixtures and the transportation of the old ones to the landfills.

    Take for instance, the replacement of cabinets. It takes quite some trees and there we go again, yes, energy to transform a tree into a piece of furniture. Trees are needed for our survival. They clean our air, suck up carbon dioxide, and moderate the temperature of our environment. A lot of species, need trees for survival, and we need their survival for our survival. It is also known that old wood has more character and luster than the young trees that are snatched out of the forests for making furniture. Cutting down more and more trees, simply because one has not considered, refinishing as the best alternative to replacement is inexcusable.

    Here are the fixtures that can be repaired and refinished and not replaced:

    Kitchen cabinets
    Bathroom marble bathtubs and sinks
    Kitchen cabinets refinishing

    As more and more people understand refinishing is a better alternative to replacement, the less and less fixtures go to our landfills. Equally important is the less energy we use when we refinish instead of replacing all fixtures during home improvement. To find out more information on how bathtub refinishing saves money, time and the environment, visit our website.

    Wilson Ukah, owns Refinishing Stars, a bathtub refinishing company serving homeowners in Atlanta, Chattanooga, Nashville and Knoxville. Refinishing Stars, refinishes bathtubs, sinks, and countertops for hotels and motels nationwide. Wilson can be reached at or

    Home Electrical Books

    Remodeling Books and Home Improvement Ideas

    The other day, I was surfing the Internet and came upon an online home building bookstore that put together a website with the best-selling home building books on the market today. These books range from basic carpentry to advanced structural engineering and everything else you could possibly think of that could be related to the home building, selling, remodeling and construction process.

    I couldn't believe the simple and easy to use. Here's a list of some of their books selections.

    Photo Guide to Home Repair - The most up-to-date, complete, and useful guide to home repair a homeowner can have. With more than 350 projects and 2300 photos, virtually every home repair challenge.

    Exterior Siding, Trim & Finishes - This first ever compilation by Fine Homebuilding on the popular subject provides builders with ideas for choosing the correct finishes for home exteriors, plus solid how-to information.

    Flipping Houses - This book is designed for realty investors who want to profit from buying below market, making cosmetic improvements to add value, and then quickly reselling.

    Bathroom Remodeling - Remodeling a bathroom is a challenge - it's action-oriented and requires extra energy and stamina. But you, undoubtedly, realize it's a challenge you want to take on.

    One $20 home building books or home repairs book, can save you lots of money, if you're willing to do a little research and the labor to complete almost any home building project.

    By the way, if you're interested in learning how to repair a roof, build your own house, interior decorating, structural engineering, building a deck, gathering some more information about home painting or even remodeling your bathroom. Our online home building bookstore can save you money if you're willing to do the work.

    Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

    If your looking for some more House Remodeling Pictures or home building ideas.

    Crisis in Christianity - Spiritual Books - Movie Video

    Are you one of those who believed in your religion wholeheartedly and never has doubted it. Watch this video to gather some more information about questioning your religion.

    Personal Developement and Create a Wonderful Life For Yourself And Your Family. Greg Vanden Berge is one of the best inspirations on the planet. You will be hearing a lot about this guy in the future. You can count on it.

    Going To Heaven Or Not
    Listen To Advice From Confucius

    Accomplishing Personal And Professional Goals

    All things are created twice. There is a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation of all things. You have to make sure that the blueprint, the first creation, is really what you want; that you have thought everything through. Then, you put it into brick and mortar. Each day, you go to the construction shed and pull out the blueprint to get marching orders for the day. You begin with the end in mind.

    -The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey-

    Many organizations and individuals have not been exposed to a systematic process that allows them to develop a creation mentally so they can understand the steps to develop their creation physically. They have goals but have not been trained on the mechanics of goals accomplishment. They do not realize how powerful the process can be.

    Goal accomplishment begins by looking at where you are now, where you want to go and what the difference is between the two. Begin by taking a personal and professional assessment to help identify your dreams and aspirations. What do you want to accomplish, achieve, own, do and be? Let yourself think big and out of the box.

    Then look at your strengths and areas you might want to improve. Prioritize what is most important to you now based on your dreams, evaluations, and assessments of items or goals that you want to take action on. This is the blueprint for your success.

    As Covey states, blueprints alone will not generate success. The brick and mortar is establishing and accomplishing your written goals. Many people do not commit their goals to writing. Writing forces you to clarify your thinking and serves as a reminder of your objectives. They keep you on course in the midst of interruptions and distractions.

    You are the architect of your life, both personally and professionally. Congratulations if you are already enjoying success as you define it! You deserve it for all your hard work!! However, if it is not what you want it to be, use your goals to change it.

    As Founder of Kinesis Development LLC, Kathie Bobbitt builds potential and high performance in youth, educators, executives and organizations through seminars, workshops, executive and group coaching. The Kinesis Development processes include entrepreneurial and executive coaching and strategic planning, optimized process improvement and time strategies. Her focus is on Personal and Organizational Leadership and Character Education.

    Wednesday, April 22, 2009

    Seven Steps to Your Successful Year!

    Would you like this year to be your best year yet? Have you struggled in the past to meet the goals you've created? When you create your goals this year, follow these 7 steps and you'll be on your way to a year of success!

    Write Them Down!
    What happens when you write something down? It becomes real. You remember it. And, when you write it down, you can track your progress. There's an added bonus as well - you get the satisfaction of checking it off when you've completed it! So write them down and keep them in front of you.

    Take the First Step First
    Sometimes people set themselves up by setting goals they're just not ready for. An example would be a person who hasn't exercised in years setting a goal to work out 7 times a week. How successful is that person likely to be in meeting that goal?

    Think about what needs to happen to get you ready to accomplish your goals. In the example above, a first step might be researching what kinds of exercise are available. Or perhaps some internal work is in order - what beliefs does that person have about their ability to be physically fit?

    If a goal is feeling unrealistic to you it's a good sign that you need to "back up the train" a bit, and look at what steps you need to take to be ready for that goal.

    Break Big Goals into Small, Consistent Steps
    If a goal sounds too difficult, you may want to break it down into smaller steps. Years ago I coached corporate managers, and we only met once a month. Because of the four weeks between coaching sessions, their action plans could be pretty overwhelming, and sometimes they didn't complete them. That's why I love coaching clients on a weekly basis. Approaching goals one week at a time just seems more do-able to people. If you're taking an annual goal and breaking it down into 52 weeks, the individual steps are so much easier to complete!

    Let's say your goal is to be in an exciting new job by the end of the year. In scenario A you create the goal in January and know you have 52 weeks of taking action to accomplish that goal. In scenario B, you set your goal at the beginning of the year, but don't start working on it until November. In which scenario might you have more success in getting that new job? And in which scenario are you likely to end up completely stressed out?

    Taking small and consistent steps can serve you well. I see people get much better results because they're taking smaller steps toward the bigger goal.

    What would it look like to break your goals into smaller steps?

    Make Your Goals Measurable
    If one of your goals is to "be the best mom ever," it might be difficult to look back at the end of the year and determine whether you have achieved it. Your goal needs to be more specific and measurable. For example, a goal might be "When my kids want me to listen to a video with them or take an interest in what they're doing, I will," when in the past you might have used the dishes, laundry, or work as a reason not to.

    If your goal is a better relationship with your significant other, how might you make that more measurable? An example of a measurable goal might be going on a date with your partner at least once each month.

    The key here is to be able to answer this question for each of your goals: "How will I know if I achieved it?"

    Calendar Time to Work on Them
    Do you calendar time to work on your goals? I've found that people calendar all their meetings and commitments to other people, but when it comes to their commitments to themselves, they're not even putting them on the calendar! Instead they just fit them in "where there's time." And guess how often there's time left for them? I've also seen people write their work and kids' activities in ink on their calendar and put their personal goals in pencil. This of course indicates that their stuff isn't as important as everyone else's. What's wrong with this picture?

    It's critical that you calendar time to work on your goals in a way that says they're at least as important as everyone else's plans for you.

    Find an Accountability Partner
    It's amazing how much more accountable we become when we share our goals with someone else. This is why so many people hire coaches to help them reach their goals. Your accountability partner could be your coach, a friend, a mentor, or your mastermind group. Don't rule out your kids here! They would be happy to help you stay accountable to your goals. And what a great way to model accountability for them!

    Who would make the best accountability partner for you? Find someone who will ask you how you're doing with your goals. And make a commitment to share your progress with them from time to time. This is so important to your success!

    Review Them
    Make sure you look at your goals on a regular basis, whether that's weekly, monthly, or quarterly. I've found that reviewing my goals with my coach at the beginning of each month works well for me. Others find it helpful to post their goals on the wall at their desk or in a place where they see them every day.

    Which of these 7 steps will help you create a year you'll look back on and celebrate?

    Debbie Delgado is a Certified Empowerment Coach and owner of IdealLife Coach in Bloomington Illinois.

    Are you ready to create your ideal life? Please visit my website at the above link to learn how!