Soul is the essence of a living being. While people argue the place of soul in the body, C.S. Lewis , the British Scholar and Novelist said "You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body." However, the body and soul are so integrated to each other that they can not live independent to each other. There can be no living body without soul and there can be no soul without body. Hence of the body is said to be the material reflection of the soul in the material world while soul is considered to be the spiritual manifestation of the body in the spiritual world.
Soul has been compared with the master of the chariot called body. In the Indian Scriptures of Katha Upanishads, Yama (The God of Death) reveals this mystery to Nichiketa as he said,
Know the body for a chariot and the soul for the master of the chariot: know Reason for the charioteer and the mind for the reins only. The sense they speak of as the steeds and the objects of sense as the paths in which they move; andOne yoked with Self and the mind and the sense, is the enjoyer, say the thinkers. Now he that is without knowledge with his mind ever un-applied, his senses are to him as wild horses and will not obey their driver of the chariot. But he that has knowledge with his mind ever applied, his senses are to him as noble steeds and they obey the driver
The soul being the master of the person, controls the body, mind and senses of the person. There is always a communication between the souls and the mind. This communication is beyond the control of the mind as the master can be controlled by the servant. The voice of the soul simply emerges in the mind of the person. If the mind listens to this voice, he follows the right path as the soul has the wisdom of the ages. One who avoids listening to his soul suffers.
The Inner Voice
All people listen to the voice of their soul. The voice of the soul provides the information and knowledge that we seek and desire and deserve. However, people have given different names to this voice of soul.
This inner voice or the voice of the soul is known to the mankind since ages. Even Buddha after getting the knowledge from all his teachers and external scriptures finally replied on his inner voice to learn the final truth and achieve enlightenment.
The voice of the soul is also known as sixth sense to the mystic, intuition to scientists, inspiration to poets and musicians. People received this voice in the form of idea that guided them in the path of discovery.
Gandhi called this voice as "inner voice". He always relied on his inner voice for taking the right decisions. In his own words
You have to believe no one but yourselves. You must try to listen to the inner voice, but if you will not have the expression "inner voice", you may use the expression "dictates of reason", which you should obey, and if you will not parade God, I have no doubt you will parade something else which in the end will prove to be God, for, fortunately, there is no one and nothing else but God in this universe.
Thus the voice of the soul actually represents the voice emanating from the Soul of Universe or God.
The Thoughts of God
Albert Einstein called such an voice as the thoughts of God as through such inspiration or voice he could understand many secrets of the universe that were clearly beyond the realm of mind and reason. He said,
"I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details."
However, the voice of the soul comes without warning and there is always a danger of forgetting it unless it is remembered or copied somewhere. Einstein, therefore, always carried a small notebook and pen. He used to immediately note down such voices on his notebook as soon as it is heard. Once, he heard such a voice when he was dining in the restaurant with his wife and friends. He had forgotten to carry his notebook then. He immediately started noting down the voice on the tablecloth of the dining table at the embarrassment of the host lest this voice stop and he forgets it.
Soul is God in You
The soul in ancient traditions is believed to be part of God and it is present in every single creature as the Spark of Him. Thus God communicate to people through this voice of the soul. However, most men are so busy listening to the noise of this world, that they fail to listen it. Since the voice is not the creation of the mind, the man has absolutely no control over it. It may direct the person to do something that the man does not find logical and possible.
One needs considerable courage to follow the voice of the soul as each voice is unique and guides the person in the path that is uniquely designed for the person. Most people ignore such voices and gradually develop a sort of deafness for it.
The voice of the soul can be heart only by a person whose soul has peace. The soul can have peace only when the person acquires a perfect balance between the body and the soul. Since body pertains to the material world while the Soul pertains to the Spiritual World, the balance is achieved only when the man understands this world which is visible and also the spiritual world that is not visible. Thus the voice of the soul connects the person this visible world to the invisible world.
Since the man has little or no knowledge about the invisible world, he always fear listening to the voice of soul which comes from the spiritual world. Yet without listening to the voice of soul, there is no way, a man can find his destiny and the path. Thus he suffers by ignoring the voice of the soul.
Why Listen The Voice?
Everyone is designed by nature for different task just like every cell in the body is designed to perform a different function. Though every cell can function for any other cell but it does best when it performs the function for which is designed.
The main source of all pain and misery in this world is that most of us are following the paths of others based on logic that is created by man. The material world values every job based on its capacity to pay. Hence the jobs that are best paid are most sought after while the jobs that are less paid are less respected and avoided. Hence people instead of choosing what they like to do mostly chooses to do what pays them best.
The result is that most people are in the wrong job and not happy with their profession and their life.
How can one feel comfortable in the skin of other person? You can be happy only if you like to be what you are.
The voice of soul always guide the person to follow the path is best suited for him so that not only he but also the whole world can become happiest. However, one requires considerable courage to follow the path that is less valued and less desirable by the world.
It is for this reason that most men prefer to follow the world rather then follow their heart by listening to their voice of soul.
Listen to Your Inner Voice
The only method to live the life of peace and joy is to listen to the voice of the soul. The soul being part of the Universal Soul has all the wisdom of the universe and can never go wrong. However, one has to develop faith in the Self and God to believe that the vice of the soul are wiser than the wisdom of the logic. This voice alone is the best teacher of the person and the correct representation of God in every person. Listen to it and get the divine joy and happiness.
A Brief Profile of Dr Awdhesh K Singh
I am an Engineer by education, a public officer by profession and a spiritual person by intuition.
I hold my PhD degree in the field of E-Governance.
I am a founding member of The Aatmic Science Foundation (The Science of Soul Foundation) that is working for the synthesis between all religions, spirituality and sciences.
The website of the foundation is
My main area of study and research is to use religions, spirituality and scientific methods of investigations to understand and solve the real life problems of human beings.
I have published hundreds of articles and research papers on this topic on various websites and journals.
Please contact me on my email aksinghirs [a] for any help, suggestions or feedback.
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