Cool Facts: Walt Disney went bankrupt several times before he built Disneyland and was fired by a newspaper editor for lack of ideas.
Henry Ford failed and went broke 5 times before he finally succeeded.
After realizing what Walt and Henry went through to achieve their dreams, I began to realize a few things; achieving your dream is as much about persistence and determination as it is talent. I started to ask myself these questions: What dreams have I given up? How many times did I tried to achieve them first? What moments, big and small, make me smile even now after so many years?
I that just as important as the dream itself, is the feeling you get after achieving whatever you were striving for. The confidence you felt then can be recreated to apply to new areas where you now want to challenge yourself and succeed.
We all have times when we want to accomplish a dream, but fail to find the motivation. Without this motivation to overcome obstacles we are often stopped short of our dreams. I would like to invite you to embrace any one of the following ten ways to inspire yourself into action:
1. Smile! Humor boosts your immune system, is conductive to each healing process, is a great method for reducing stress and can help you relax.
2. Breathe slow and steady, take deep breaths to promote relaxation and reduce stress.
3. Clean your house or office space. While doing your chores, imagine you are cleaning out the negative things in your life, working out your problems, and scrubbing away your frustrations.
4. Give someone a gift. One of the greatest gifts you can give someone is the gift of listening. No interrupting, no interjections, just pure listening.
5. Help a friend. Do you know someone who is having a difficult time managing to keep a positive outlook on life? Encourage them! Cheer them on.
6. Find a quiet room first thing in the morning or late at night. Believe me, silence works miracles.
7. Trust yourself. One of the most powerful assets anyone can harness is the ability to trust their own instincts. It allows us to become more aware of ourselves, as well as others around us.
8. Exercise. A routine of regular exercise has been proven to reduce anxiety and stress.
9. Revolutionize Yourself. Make radical changes in your eating habits in a positive way.
10. Forgive someone, for your sake, not the other persons. However, you will surprise yourself with what it will do for you.
End today or start tomorrow like never before. Do not wait until Monday or December 31, to take action.
Like my friend, Alan would say, there is nothing to it; but to do it!
P.S. I have created an Affirmation Demo track download it and burn it on CD and listen to it first thing in the morning. Do it for 21 days. It will change your life. Make it a point to share it with others. If you have problems creating your CD, write me or next time you see the BOE tour vehicle stop us for a FREE copy.
The American Dream, it's more than just an archetype, a symbol, or a mere idea. It's a journey. For Bert Oliva , that journey began when his mother, a single parent, brought him to the United States from Cuba when he was just 11 months old. She dreamed of a better life for him. Though being raised in a poverty stricken neighborhood did not offer Bert much opportunity for success, he knew early on that there had to be a better life, and he set out to find it.
As Bert got older, he went to work, immersing himself with educational materials and reading as many motivational and self-help books he could get his hands on. In doing so, he discovered the limitless opportunities available to those who were willing to actively seek them. His hard work and determination led him to Xerox University in Leesburg, Virginia. He has received extensive sales training through countless workshops, seminars, and training programs, all of which have helped him in honing his craft.
Throughout his career, Bert has been recognized as an excellent communicator, having highly developed presentational
A Rich Man To Enter The Kingdom
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