1) Phrase your affirmations in the present tense
2) State affirmations in positive phraseology
3) Make your affirmations personal and about you personally
4) Be as specific as possible when stating your affirmation and set a deadline for its achievement
The subconscious mind is very literal and can only act on commands phrased in the present tense and ignores negative phraseology.
In other words your subconscious mind focuses only on the image presented in your command and the emotional charge that anchors it. For instance if you state, "I don't want (image)" and you feel alot of fear around what you don't want (image) your subconscious mind will interpret this to mean you want more of the (image) and feeling (fear) that anchors it and will work to attract more opportunities for you to experience the (image) and feeling (fear) you don't want.
You cannot affect change in another person's behavior through your affirmations. You can, however, install affirmations that will help change the way you see and respond to people and life situations which will effect what you attract from your environment.
Additionally you can focus your intent to see and affirm a positive, balanced outcome for a person or group of people, or a particular part of the world, a life situation or event.
Beginning your affirmation with "I am," is the most powerful command to your subconsious. Follow your "I am," or other personally phrased, positive and present tense statement with the emotion you would experience achieving your desired goal with as much specific detail as possible.
While developing confidence for effecting change through affirmations using I allow at the beginning of your affirmation may be easier for you to experience a strong feeling of emotion for its achievement.
Using these fundamental building blocks for affirmations consider the following affirmations: I am enjoying perfect, radiant health in my body, mind and emotions. I am feeling deeply relaxed and at ease in my body with full freedom of movement. Remember include as much detail as possible about the state of health you would like to experience.
Join me for Imagery & Affirmations ~ Success Tools for Healing and Attracting Your Desires - Tenth Action Exercise Process of Creation.
Aloha I'm KG Stiles a MindBody Therapist & Health Educator with advanced certification & training. For more than 30 years I've facilitated healing for thousands of people suffering from personal trauma, injury & illness and taught the practical tools necessary for maintaining a balanced, healthy state of well-being using imagery & affirmations. I developed the Seminar, Success Breakthroughs Using Imagery and Affirmations as a way for anyone to learn my easy step-by-step system for getting outstanding results using Imagery and Affirmations. Click to purchase CD SUCCESS BREAKTHROUGHS USING IMAGERY & AFFIRMATIONS Click to learn about KGs CONSULTING SERVICES Click to learn about KGs PRESENTATIONS & WORKSHOPS More Info? Contact: KG Stiles at Springhill Wellness Center, 2520 Springhill Drive Ashland, OR USA (541) 941-7315 Mahalo!
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