Sunday, May 31, 2009

The 11 Forgotten Laws - The Law of Thinking

There is one thing that you must first master before you can create the result that you want in life and that is not other than the law of thinking. The law of thinking simply states that your result will always in-aligned with what you think in your mind. You can't get things that you don't have in your mind.

Your circumstances, regardless good or bad is the result of how you use your mind. Thinking is the roof of everything because as you think, you speak and as you speak you do and as you do, you create the results or effect that reflect what you have thought initially. This is just simply a chain of cause and effect.

Most people are unaware of this simple truth and when bad thing happens they begin to freak and start dealing with the effect instead of the cause. If you find out that one of the pipes in your kitchen is leaking and thus causing the floor wet, will you fix the pipe or keep cleaning the floor? I bet you'll do the former.

Life is a thinking process because as you think along, you are constantly creating your reality that matches with it. This is the basic principle of the law of attraction and you can't attract things that you do not have in mind. It's just that simple but due to the collective consciousness that tend to focus on the negative instead of the positive, most people are pulled into the same kind of thinking.

One of the biggest influences that shaping the way we think is our parents. While I'm not trying to put the burden on our parents' shoulders but they do a major part on this. What would you think a child will 'tend to behave' when his parents always tell him that money is hard earned? Well, this opinion will definitely affect the way he earns money in the future because he will be using his mind to think of ways of earning money the hard way.

This is nevertheless same with prosperity and abundance. Wealthy people think in wealthy way and poor people think in poor way. They way that they use their mind determine their ability to make money and which this has nothing to do with luck or education or even the economy and government.

Scientist found out that our thoughts travel 930,000 faster than the speed of our voice and no other force or power in the Universe yet known is as great or quick, not even light. This also simply means that your thoughts have tremendous power in attracting whatever that you want in life only if you do not judge your current situation with what you have in mind. Physical manifestation definitely could not match up with the speed of your thought.

Remember that the cause always lies in your mind as The Buddha says:

"We are what we think."

Are you struggling to make a living in this economy slowdown? Did 'The Secret' failed you miserably?

Click on this link to check out what you have been missing:
The 11 Laws that have been missing from 'The Secret'

Do You Believe In The Bible

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