Sunday, May 31, 2009

Believing in God

I was talking to a Muslim man who lives in another country through e-mail and we have been having a very pleasant conversation about why we believe, what we believe. This man seems very caring and someone I can actually have a educated conversation with. Some people that believe in their religion so strongly, are hard to communicate with and often start yelling and screaming at me. These conversations and very abruptly and sometimes painfully.

If believing in God makes you right and everything in your religious texts is true, then the least you could do is back it up with some factual information. Factual information is the key to proving any theory or belief. In a court of law, you have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt,... but if my life's at stake here, this really doesn't apply. I won't bet my life on reasonable doubt, but only hard scientific facts and sometimes this doesn't even apply.

Sometimes scientific facts can be proven wrong over time.

Let's say for an instance, that we take the Bible into a court of law and are going to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that one verse is true from this book. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Now that we have our Bible verse, let's just say for the record, that our hypothetical court case was proven to be true, beyond a reasonable doubt. In other words this is now a factual statement.

Just because it's a factual statement based on something that was proven beyond a reasonable doubt doesn't really make it a truth. When someone tells you, for example your parents or a teacher, that something is true (factual information) and you start spreading this rumor as a truth, because you believe these people, without any evidence for factual information, you're spreading a rumor. If these rumors were to be spread for about 2000 years, we come up with a factual belief not a scientific fact.

Nobody wants to hear that their religious text don't make sense to an open-minded person, even beyond a reasonable doubt. The belief that God created the earth isn't a fact, but if enough people say it is, then in their minds it becomes a truth. This doesn't make them right but often makes them feel comfortable.

Life Changing Books

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Starting Your Own Religion

How to Find a Good Landscape Architect

Whether the project involves hard or softscape, improving your property can be a big investment. But you don't have to go it alone. Put your money and trust in a landscape architect to get the beautiful results you want. This article gives you a few tips on finding a good landscape architect for your project.

From planning parks to designing stone pathways, a landscape architect's activities are varied. When you begin planning the scope of your project, find an architect whose track record and experience matches up with the level of design you are seeking. You will waste money and create worry if you choose someone whose plans are too grandiose for your particular needs.

After deciding on the overall scope of your project, go architect shopping. The best way to do this is to ask for recommendations, whether they be from friends or neighbors, or even a stranger whose yard you admire. Always make sure to ask why they would recommend this person. If you are looking for someone whose expertise lies in designing swimming pools, then a planting expert may not be right for you.

After getting several recommendations, narrow down the list by getting bids and checking out references. Above all, make sure that no matter the person's area of expertise, he or she has experience in and knowledge of local regulations, construction oversight, and site engineering and building techniques. As with any contract work, make sure that the architect has professional liability insurance for the service you require.

Once the playing field is cut to two or three potential designers, interview them on the phone and ask to see examples of their work. If a designer comes to your home to give you a bid, he or she should also bring a portfolio of their past work. Going through the portfolio ensures that you like the architect's style and solidifies their work history. A word of advice: Only invite the most promising designers to your property to give you an estimate. This will save time and allow you to make a quicker decision.

Two final but very important considerations: A degree in landscape architecture is always a bonus, so if you it comes between two designers that you like equally well, you can never go wrong with one that has the most qualifications. Second, during the interview establish in the designer's mind a clear understanding of your expectations, and choose someone that you can communicate this vision to easily. Look for signs that the designer is listening to you and translating your words into your dream landscape. While every designer's aesthetic is different, you want a designer who is working for you, not for your money or worse, for themselves.

Lone Star Land Design ( offers full service landscaping in Austin, TX, offering residential and commercial design and construction services. Rachel Spohn is a freelance writer.

Older Homes With No Dryer Hookup

It's Easy If You Try

Imagine There's No Heaven, It's Easy If You Try, No Hell below Us, above Us Only Sky, Imagine All the People Living for Today. Imagine There's No Countries, It Isn't Hard to Do, Nothing to Kill or Die for, and No Religion Too. Imagine All the People Living Life in Peace. Think about It.

It's hard to imagine, with the information today and even 50 years ago that most people still believe in religions all over the world, just because they were raised to believe in them. Religions of the future will have to adapt to change, a little faster as more people read articles like mine to promote education within your religion.

Find out a little bit more about Your Religious Freedom

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religous help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

What Is A Exorcism

Awakening - White Sun

If we are not in the state of awakening and enlightenment, then we are still in the state of slumber and drowsiness. This awakening is not that we wake up from our sleep and aware from our dormant state. It is very difficult for the soul to wake up from its deep slumber without the guidance of Truth. Buddha in Sanskrit means the awakened one and it describes a person who has come to the understanding of the Truth and reality of life. It is to wake up from the delusions of the transient world of illusions.

We can look at the meaning of being awakened from two points of view. Firstly, being awakened means to be conscious or aware of what is going on around us. If we are wide awake, then no thieves would dare to steal the treasures from within us. Being awakened also means realization that is to understand the real and true purpose of life. When we come to this realization, we can put together and manifest fully the precious divine qualities in us. Unfortunately this is not easy to achieve because most of the time we are still lost and trapped by the colorful world around us. Our basic senses, like what we see, hear, smell, taste, touch and think, often deprive us of our peace of mind. This is akin to our precious treasures being stolen without us realizing it.

Secondly, to be awakened is to come to the realization of ones True Self. He makes sure that whatever he says, acts, and thinks are faultless. He maintains tranquility in his sensual organs. He gives convenience to others. He makes no distinction between himself and others. He conveys the Truth to others so that all, including himself; can become Buddhas. He vows to save the world out of his mercifulness.

If we are not awakened then we will find it very hard to let go of attachments and do not know how to untie entanglements. Many people would do anything to acquire what they desire to the extent of jeopardizing their own integrity and morality. They may act unscrupulously and ruthlessly to fulfill their innermost desires induced by the six senses. Such unrighteous behavior of mankind is a consequence of the attachment to the myriad worldly objects. The attachment to the temporal world will give rise to all obstacles and entanglements.

What do we mean by obstacles? The path of Truth is originally bright and smooth. It is because we choose to act in opposition to our conscience that our heart is then fill with guilt and remorse. The path thus becomes rough, narrow and full of pains and sorrows. We were originally a liberated soul that was free from troubles and worries. It was due to the attachment to the physical world that we became blinded and confused. We then cannot be the master of our destiny unless we are awakened to the Truth of life and its purpose. Fate will then determine our lives but if we are awakened then we can change our fate by knowing how to let go of attachment and untie the entanglement that can suffocate us to death.

The saddest thing of all is that we have been entangled in the worldly realm for too long that we are used to living in such manner and considered it as normal for human to live, grow old, fall sick and then die. We are confused and lost and our sense of spiritual awareness may not be deep enough to help us out of this misery. Sufferings become normal and thus we live in this world helplessly and lack the courage and wisdom to find a way to free ourselves from all these entanglements. Fortunately there are people who are awakened to this misery and search for the Truth to end this suffering.

We all wish to live a meaningful and fulfilling life that will end up with the attainment of eternal life like the previous Saints and Sages who managed to transcend the cycle of birth and death. To achieve this, we must firstly recognize that the worldly realm is not our real home and the physical body is not our true self, it is the false self. We know very well that one day we will all die. There will be a time when this body is no longer usable. When our time is up, we need to leave our body and everything we possess behind. Therefore, this body and this world are actually not ours and thus cannot be depended on but however, we need this body to save the true self, meaning using the false self to save the true self.

In the teachings of Tao of Heaven, we say that an awakened lives in the adulterated society, yet he is not tainted by emotions and desires. He devotes himself to the spreading of Tao to the world, transforming Hell into Heaven. He points out Tao of Heaven to those who are lost so that they can also realize their True Selves. He acts according to Tao. He will correct all his bad habits, perform good deeds, speak only of the Truth, practise only Tao, take only what he justly deserves, think of only righteous thoughts, be honest, and have an everlasting reputation by establishing his virtues. He takes ferrying those who are predestined to encounter Tao of Heaven as his mission. He vows to save the world out of his mercifulness and spread benevolence, justice, virtues and the truth.

This is the advice from my Heavenly Teacher JiGong, Everybody can become Sheng-Xian (saints and worthies); everybody can become Xian-Fo (angels, immortals and buddhas). It only depends on whether the person has aspiration or not. So long as one has aspiration, one can cultivate no matter if one lives as a commoner or leaves home and lives as a priest, a monk or a nun. For those who have aspiration, although they live at home, they would regard their wives or husbands as friends and their children as companions. The worldly affairs cannot pollute them and conjugal love cannot bind them. They take the Spirit and Life as the vital, and take Truth and Virtue as the honorable. They borrow the worldly and common way to cultivate the transcendent and uncommon way. For those who lack aspiration, they cannot see through the reality behind the worldly affairs; they focus on the unreal but slight the real, and they do not realize that Spirit and Life and Birth and Death are a great matter indeed.

Author: T.A Chew

T.A Chew was told that in order to save the True Self (soul), we need the False Self (body) and only human can be awakened. Upon initiation of Tao, he realized that it is very important to restore his True Self and overcome emotions and desires. Website:

Living Your Religion One Day A W

The 11 Forgotten Laws - The Law of Thinking

There is one thing that you must first master before you can create the result that you want in life and that is not other than the law of thinking. The law of thinking simply states that your result will always in-aligned with what you think in your mind. You can't get things that you don't have in your mind.

Your circumstances, regardless good or bad is the result of how you use your mind. Thinking is the roof of everything because as you think, you speak and as you speak you do and as you do, you create the results or effect that reflect what you have thought initially. This is just simply a chain of cause and effect.

Most people are unaware of this simple truth and when bad thing happens they begin to freak and start dealing with the effect instead of the cause. If you find out that one of the pipes in your kitchen is leaking and thus causing the floor wet, will you fix the pipe or keep cleaning the floor? I bet you'll do the former.

Life is a thinking process because as you think along, you are constantly creating your reality that matches with it. This is the basic principle of the law of attraction and you can't attract things that you do not have in mind. It's just that simple but due to the collective consciousness that tend to focus on the negative instead of the positive, most people are pulled into the same kind of thinking.

One of the biggest influences that shaping the way we think is our parents. While I'm not trying to put the burden on our parents' shoulders but they do a major part on this. What would you think a child will 'tend to behave' when his parents always tell him that money is hard earned? Well, this opinion will definitely affect the way he earns money in the future because he will be using his mind to think of ways of earning money the hard way.

This is nevertheless same with prosperity and abundance. Wealthy people think in wealthy way and poor people think in poor way. They way that they use their mind determine their ability to make money and which this has nothing to do with luck or education or even the economy and government.

Scientist found out that our thoughts travel 930,000 faster than the speed of our voice and no other force or power in the Universe yet known is as great or quick, not even light. This also simply means that your thoughts have tremendous power in attracting whatever that you want in life only if you do not judge your current situation with what you have in mind. Physical manifestation definitely could not match up with the speed of your thought.

Remember that the cause always lies in your mind as The Buddha says:

"We are what we think."

Are you struggling to make a living in this economy slowdown? Did 'The Secret' failed you miserably?

Click on this link to check out what you have been missing:
The 11 Laws that have been missing from 'The Secret'

Do You Believe In The Bible

The Truth About Gutter Protectors and Leaf Guards

All gutter covers and leaf guards are not created equal. A gutter guard or gutter protector has to do three basic tasks:

1. Collect all the water
2. Keep out leaves and debris from the gutter
3. Be easily maintained easily by the homeowner.

Except for one product, in mild-to-heavy debris conditions all gutter guards fail to do all three tasks effectively--read on.

All solid top gutter guards work by the principal of surface adhesion. They generally have a solid top and a curved front surface that leads the water downward and into the gutter.

It makes sense to do some research before buying gutter protection. A product that really does its job could cost thousands of dollars. But in the case of gutter covers, more money doesn't necessarily mean a better performing product. Remember that salesmen are good at telling you what they think you want to hear.

The bottom line is that choosing the wrong product can be a night mare. You might end up with birds living in your gutters and if they clog, you won't be able to get into your gutters to clean them or worse yet, a roof leak. And the mother of all failings is overflowing gutters that leak into your basement providing a fertile environment for toxic mold.

Basically there are six different types of gutter protection devices:

1. Screens-the basic ones are flat and made of metal or plastic with round holes, square holes, and louvered openings. The more sophisticated types have rounded tops, steps, or troughs. Debris lays on the top, dries, and is then pummeled through the openings to clog the gutter inside or the debris clogs the screening device. Bottom line is they work if the homeowner is willing to go up the ladder to clean them and replace the ones blown out by storms or hijacked by squirrels.

2. Filters, membranes, and brushes installed on or in existing gutters. One is a solid top with a filter strip in it that requires replacement every few years (sometimes the squirrels help with the job). Others are basically meshes or brushes installed in the gutter. Bottom line is that they clog like screens. One manufacturer touts his benefit is that the brush is removed and cleaned as required. Can you imagine removing a brush full of mucky tree debris and shaking it out? You'll need to wear a rain coat and then power wash your home.

3. The fin type with a solid top and a rounded front nose. It's one long fin extending the entire length of the gutter-more about them later.

4. Fin Type with trough has a solid top with rounded front nose and a trough.

5. Flipping type gutters, rain dispersal....

6. Flat solid top with rounded front nose and a double row louvered front vertical surface.

Which gutter covers may not perform the first task and collect all the water? Answer: Those with a very tight radius or use a series of bends on the nose of the gutter cover. The larger the radius and the smoother the radius, the more water that the gutter protector will collect, otherwise the water just skips off onto the ground in heavy rainfall conditions.

If your home has a valley, there is little hope of collecting the water unless you use gutter screens (the first type) or the sixth system--more later.

The second job a gutter protector has to do is keep the gutters clean. Most any gutter protector will keep gutters clean in a light debris environment. However, in mild-to-heavy debris environments--especially spring time--debris will stick to the rounded front surface of the third type (fin) and fourth type (fin with trough) of gutter covers and go into the gutter or the trough.

The third concern is about the ease of maintenance of the leaf guard gutter. Unfortunately, most manufacturers will either out right tell you that no maintenance will ever be required or that they will infer that none is required. But think about this. If you live in a treed environment where you need to clean your gutters several times during the fall, would you honestly believe that you'll never have to do anything to maintain your gutter guards? Asking a homeowner to believe that there is no maintenance required is like asking him to believe in Santa Claus.

The truth is that all six types of gutter protectors will clog in mild-to-heavy debris environments. The question is, "Where"? Only one clogs where it can be easily dealt with by the homeowner.

The third and fourth types of products require the gutter to be cleaned inside. One of these gutter guards also use clips to anchor them to the gutter that work loose causing the cover to collapse into the gutter. You'll also notice that many of third type are very similar in design and appearance. One actually has sieve type openings on the top of it which act like a screen.

All products thus far mentioned have to be maintained by having someone climb a ladder and clean the gutter and or the gutter cover. With some of the fin type products, nails need to be removed from the roofing to remove the product which could contribute to roofing leaks.

Wouldn't it be great to have a gutter protector that does live up to all its promises-a product which uses two rows of interspersed louvers in the front vertical surface to collect rain water and limit the size of the debris that can enter the gutter? And wouldn't it be great to have a product that can collect water in valley configurations.

Can you actually imagine a product that can keep gutters clean and free flowing for twenty plus years in heavy debris conditions? A gutter guard that can easily be maintained while wearing a suit and tie with a telescopic pole and brush from the ground?

Find out more about advanced gutter protection that makes all gutters self cleaning gutters by visiting

Ice Dam Problems And Solutions

How to Develop a Positive Mental Attitude

Why develop a positive mental attitude?

Well, if you look around at the high achievers in this any field, you will find nearly always that they display a positive mental attitude to their field of success. They may do this knowingly or otherwise but simply put you will get much more success if you do the same.

Here are a few qualities that successful people with a positive mental attitude display which you can emulate with a bit of effort:

1) The word failure does not exist and therefore has know power over successful people. Look for the positive possibilities in every situation. What other people would term 'failure' should simply be translated into a sign of what not to do the next time you attempt to do it, and believe me successful people will always try again...

2) This neatly brings us to the quality of perseverance. If something is worth doing now, then you will likely still want to achieve it next month, next year or whenever, so why stop trying? If you desire your goal there is no reason to stop trying until you have attained it, come what may. Know before you start that success won't be immediate, accept this, formulate a realistic plan, write it down, follow it through, make modifications if necessary but keep going. Writing down your plan immediately gives you a confidence boost as it allows you to see exactly how you can achieve your goals which in turn stimulates your motivation as well.

3) Take responsibility for your situation and actions. Most successful people acknowledge that they created their current circumstances due to their previous actions. Their current situation is believed to be merely a reflection of their previous thought patterns. If you have this the opposite way around then you will seemingly feel the victim to circumstance rather than the controller of it and the deliberate creator that you can be.

By taking responsibility there is therefore know attempt to blame others or for you to hide from the fact that you might have made a mistake which created your situation. By being honest in this way it is easy to make amendments to your thoughts and actions to create future success.

4) Be committed. Develop a 'whatever it takes' approach. This mentality is an extremely important part of a positive mental attitude. Life is full of stories of people with less natural talent becoming more successful than their more talented counterparts. They go the extra yard to be successful, they do the extra training, stay behind after class, run a few more minutes on the treadmill and so on. In short they make life pay the price. Often this part of displaying a positive attitude can feel frustrating. However successful people realize that success is just on the other side of frustration and use it as a good sign post towards future success.

5) Focus your energies on what you do want and not what you don't want. Energy is always creative, particularly your thought energy so don't waste it on negative things. Remember, what you resist persists. So, by seeing the negative in a situation you are actually fueling it and making it into a greater problem. Simply, if you have what you term a negative situation look again and focus on the positive possibilities and give them your thought. These areas will subsequently expand in your mind with avenues that could lead to positive solutions to the initial problem. These thoughts will naturally lead you to more successful thoughts and the spiral continues.

6) Be decisive. Successful people with a positive mental attitude make decisions and stick to them. If they decide they will achieve a certain goal then they will not go back on their decision regardless of how fruitless their task can seemingly appear to be. Remember Thomas Edison the famous inventor of the light bulb. 9,999 attempts and no success commented that he had achieved 9,999 ways not to invent a light bulb, before actually doing so. Imagine if he had given up after 2, 3 or even 500 attempts!. His decision to invent a light bulb was made and remained unchanged until he had done so.

The above are just a few of the main ways in which you can adopt a positive attitude which only you can develop through your efforts and through being persistent. Make a conscious effort each and everyday to be positive and it will naturally become a habit and lead you to success.

Author Tim Ryan provides FREE guidance and training on the power of positive thinking. View positive thinking articles, profiles tips and more by simply clicking: Personal Development or Positive Steps now.

30 Days To Creating Super Habits

Roofing Company - Protecting the Roof That Protects You

You are in your room clicking happily on your computer and surfing the net. Then suddenly, rain pours. Heavy rain. It is so heavy that you would have thought that an entire pond is being poured down on you.

Aside from the frightening sight of lightning and the equally terrifying sound of thunder pounding on your ears, are you worried about the heavy rain? Of course not, you will say. You have your roof to protect you. The roof is one of the most basic and yet one of the most necessary structure of your house (imagine a house without roof), it covers the whole house, effectively protecting its inhabitants (both biological or not) from natural interventions and even adding the needed protection and security from human intrusions. It is therefore necessary that you roof be made of the best quality, after all, it also keeps you in shade when the sun is shining so hot in the sky. It is a good thing that any good roofing company can provide you with the best service that you may need.

Your roof, among others, is definitely one of the most exposed parts of the house. It catches the burning sunlight, weathering rain, pounding hailstorm, heavy accumulated snow, the wrath of a hurricane, and often times whatever it is that a bird can bring (or excrete). Therefore, it is important that you will always avail of the maintenance and repair services of your local roofing company. Often times, a patch of your roof in itself need to be replaced, and since it is an obviously difficult and not to mention dangerous job, you can enlist an expert from a roofing company can easily do it for you. You can find a reliable roofing company online, from the yellow pages, and from your friends who have availed of their services before. You can actually contact again the construction firm who had built your house, and ask for their roofing services, or for contact details of any roofing company that they can recommend (they usually are associated to one another).

The material used for the construction of the roof is of course important for the durability and general appearance of the roof. Modern houses have came a long way since the use of straw, and now the most common materials for roof construction are galvanized iron sheets, aluminum sheets, concrete (precast), and ceramic or clay tiles, among others. You should consult first with your roofing company before you start planning on the materials and design of your roof, because of course materials are subject to their availabilities on your area, although it is highly probable that your roofing company can get them from somewhere available for you, and do not forget that some materials are cheaper than others.

Your roof is simply one of the most important parts of your house. First is of course because of the protection that it provides you and second, because of the beauty and grandeur that it adds on the general appearance of your house (which is usually since by most from the outside). You should then of course contract the most reliable Roofing Company for the construction of one of your most valuable asset.

For more information about Roofing Company

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I Have A Squeaky Floor

Believing In Jesus Video

I was reading a book on advertising when the author mentioned, "All Advertising Is about Hope."

Check out one of his recommended books, Read This Book

Greg is currently creating articles on religion filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

What Are Affirmations
Stop Feeling Guilty Part 2

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Become a Dreamer!

Cool Facts: Walt Disney went bankrupt several times before he built Disneyland and was fired by a newspaper editor for lack of ideas.

Henry Ford failed and went broke 5 times before he finally succeeded.

After realizing what Walt and Henry went through to achieve their dreams, I began to realize a few things; achieving your dream is as much about persistence and determination as it is talent. I started to ask myself these questions: What dreams have I given up? How many times did I tried to achieve them first? What moments, big and small, make me smile even now after so many years?

I that just as important as the dream itself, is the feeling you get after achieving whatever you were striving for. The confidence you felt then can be recreated to apply to new areas where you now want to challenge yourself and succeed.

We all have times when we want to accomplish a dream, but fail to find the motivation. Without this motivation to overcome obstacles we are often stopped short of our dreams. I would like to invite you to embrace any one of the following ten ways to inspire yourself into action:

1. Smile! Humor boosts your immune system, is conductive to each healing process, is a great method for reducing stress and can help you relax.

2. Breathe slow and steady, take deep breaths to promote relaxation and reduce stress.

3. Clean your house or office space. While doing your chores, imagine you are cleaning out the negative things in your life, working out your problems, and scrubbing away your frustrations.

4. Give someone a gift. One of the greatest gifts you can give someone is the gift of listening. No interrupting, no interjections, just pure listening.

5. Help a friend. Do you know someone who is having a difficult time managing to keep a positive outlook on life? Encourage them! Cheer them on.

6. Find a quiet room first thing in the morning or late at night. Believe me, silence works miracles.

7. Trust yourself. One of the most powerful assets anyone can harness is the ability to trust their own instincts. It allows us to become more aware of ourselves, as well as others around us.

8. Exercise. A routine of regular exercise has been proven to reduce anxiety and stress.

9. Revolutionize Yourself. Make radical changes in your eating habits in a positive way.

10. Forgive someone, for your sake, not the other persons. However, you will surprise yourself with what it will do for you.

End today or start tomorrow like never before. Do not wait until Monday or December 31, to take action.

Like my friend, Alan would say, there is nothing to it; but to do it!

P.S. I have created an Affirmation Demo track download it and burn it on CD and listen to it first thing in the morning. Do it for 21 days. It will change your life. Make it a point to share it with others. If you have problems creating your CD, write me or next time you see the BOE tour vehicle stop us for a FREE copy.

The American Dream, it's more than just an archetype, a symbol, or a mere idea. It's a journey. For Bert Oliva , that journey began when his mother, a single parent, brought him to the United States from Cuba when he was just 11 months old. She dreamed of a better life for him. Though being raised in a poverty stricken neighborhood did not offer Bert much opportunity for success, he knew early on that there had to be a better life, and he set out to find it.

As Bert got older, he went to work, immersing himself with educational materials and reading as many motivational and self-help books he could get his hands on. In doing so, he discovered the limitless opportunities available to those who were willing to actively seek them. His hard work and determination led him to Xerox University in Leesburg, Virginia. He has received extensive sales training through countless workshops, seminars, and training programs, all of which have helped him in honing his craft.

Throughout his career, Bert has been recognized as an excellent communicator, having highly developed presentational

A Rich Man To Enter The Kingdom

How to Stay Positive No Matter What

Now more than any other time in our recent history is as important that we find ways to stay positive no matter what. Why? Because your success depends on your mindset, not on the economy or on the marketplace. How do I know this to be a fact? I've interviewed hundreds of top producing real estate agents all over the USA and Canada, and when I asked them the secret to their success, unquestionably and without a doubt and independent of each other, they all said the same thing, "My mindset."

These are top producing real estate agents that have been in the business for sometimes 10, 20, or even 30 years. They've been through up times, down times, and all kinds of different markets, and they said without a doubt it was their mindset, and I feel that this is kind of a best kept secret. I think when times get tough, people start to look outside of themselves for answers and what they really need to do is look inside themselves and ask themselves the question, "How can I stay positive, how can I stay hopeful, how can I stay optimistic?" And this article will provide you with some tools to make it easier to be in a positive mindset no matter what.

The first tool is to really stop watching, or listening, or reading the news. Why, because the news is based on negativity. The news amplifies fear and negativity in order to capture more listeners, more readers, and more viewers. The media is a business like anything else and there's a saying called, "If it bleeds, it reads." So the more scared they can make people, the more people will buy more newspapers to find out what's going to happen, or turn on the TV more, or in some way stay fixated because they're in fear, they stay fixated on what the media is telling them.

The second tool is stop being around negative people. Your colleagues are going to want to constantly come up and talk to you and tell you how bad it is. Maybe your clients or prospective clients are going say to you on the phone how bad it is, and even friends will do the same thing. You will go through a day and everybody will want to tell you how negative it is. Here are my suggestions. First, avoid those kinds of people that are negative and second, if you're stuck with them in an elevator or your car, I suggest you do what a former client of mine does. When the other person is talking negatively, my client just tunes them out and just says, "Well that may be true for you, but that's not true for me." It's like an inner mantra "It may be true for you, but it's not true for me." You're creating your own inner environment.

The third tool is a technique that I've used with my clients this past 12 years as a real estate business coach. It's a very powerful tool called The Stop Technique, and there's three steps to it, and the first step is just called Stop. The way it works is that if you start to notice your mind going in a negative direction such as, "Oh I can't succeed in today's economy. Oh I just don't have what it takes to be successful or to make money. I have to work really hard and struggle and sacrifice." Any of those negative thoughts that will bring your energy down, your job is simply to catch those as early as you can in the beginning and say, "Stop." Take a deep breath, and then put in a positive new thought.

You can put in your choice of however many positive new thoughts you have ready in your aresenal. If some of your negative statements are about yourself like, "I'm not good enough, or I'm not smart enough, or I'm not experienced enough," or whatever those kind of disproving thoughts, I would say a really good generic thought to put in, an empowered belief to put in is, "I love and approve of myself unconditionally." That takes care of those self judgmental statements. Another kind of self limiting belief is something that you continually tell yourself, "Oh well, to succeed I'm going to have to really struggle, and sacrifice, and stress out, and work hard, and then I won't have a life." If that's been your primary belief then you put a stop on that when you hear it coming, and in inside you're saying to yourself, "I'm not going there. I'm not going there." You take a deep breath and positive new thought could be, "I'm committed to working smarter, not harder."

One of the things that's great about this technique is that it really forces you to become aware of what you're thinking from moment to moment, and it's what you're thinking from moment to moment that will create a negative or positive mindset. If you're continually thinking negative thoughts either about yourself, or the market, or about money, or any of that, then guess what, you're going real fast into a negative mindset. Then what happens is what you believe tends to come true, and it becomes a self fulfilling prophesy. For example if you tell yourself, "I don't have what it takes to succeed in today's market," and you tell yourself that over, and over, and over again, your thoughts will create your reality and then you'll find that you don't have what it takes.

Henry Ford said, "Whether you believe you can or you can't, either way you're right,". The way to create a positive mindset is to continue to bring your thoughts back to, "I can do it,". You need to have unwavering faith in your ability to be successful. The way you do that is to retrain your mind. The stop technique is the most powerful technique for retraining your mind, but you may have to use it a few hundred times a day at the beginning. Your mind has been going down that negative track in a very undisciplined way for a long time and like wild horses that have been all over the place, you now have to reign them in and that is going to require a lot of vigilance at the beginning.

Dr. Maya Bailey, author of, Law of Attraction for Real Estate Professionals, integrates 20 years of experience as a psychologist and 12 years as a business coach with her expertise in the Law of Attraction. Her powerful work creates a success formula for real estate professionals ready to double and triple their incomes. Get Dr. Maya's free report, 7 Simple Strategies For More Clients in 90 Days, by visiting Also, check out her new Success Program, designed to help you get focused , motivated, stay on track and create a Positive Mindset, no matter what.

Backup Plans Feel Good

Solar Tiles - Solar Power Without the Solar Look

If you're seriously considering the switch to solar power but you're turned off by those bulky, unattractive solar panels that set atop your house like something from a bad outer space movie, then you might want to consider using solar tiles, or shingles, instead.

They look just like tiles on a traditional asphalt roof, plus you will gain the added benefit of harnessing the natural power and energy of the sun. They're easy to install, and while they can be somewhat expensive upfront, they can result in substantial energy savings in the long run.

Roofing systems that use solar tiles incorporate traditional roofing materials such as slate, asphalt, metal, and fiber-cement with the solar tiles. In this way, the appearance is not much different from a regular roof, which makes it aesthetically pleasing.

In effect, you get the benefits of solar energy panels without the unsightly look. They're generally a dark bluish-purple in color, which makes them suitable for most homes. Many types are even compliant with areas that have strict rules regarding historic preservation of local buildings.

But the big question you may have is whether or not solar tiles really work. The answer is, yes! Although one tile by itself doesn't produce a ton of power (roughly between 50 and 200 watts, or about enough to power a small window fan) covering an entire roof can be quite substantial. In fact, an entire roof covered with solar tiles can generate enough power for your entire home.

However, you still will need to maintain ties to the local power company since even the sunniest climates have cloudy days, which limits how much power the tiles can actually generate. Still, the savings in power costs should be huge over a period of time.

As far as the cost, solar tiles are somewhat more expensive than solar panels, but like with just about anything involving solar power these days, there are lots of additional benefits. For example, if you live in a sunny part of the country like Arizona, the tiles may actually produce more power than you actually need. This unused power can be sold back to the local utility company for a credit, resulting in substantial savings.

In addition, the federal government offers generous tax breaks to those homeowners who make use of solar power. If you are looking for ways to cut energy costs, solar tiles could be the answer. To learn more visit solar roof tiles.

Do you want to learn more about solar tiles and find solar tile systems? Be sure to visit the authors website at Solar Roof Shingles.

Painting Metal Siding

Window Repair Video

Great video on how to repair a window screen.

If you're thinking about buying a home, check out this home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping. For under $15, you can save yourself a lot of frustration and money.

Think About Your Life
Small Things Lead To Change

How to Escape the Hamster Wheel - Self Help Tips

Do you ever feel like you're trapped on an out of control treadmill, running faster and faster, working harder and harder, yet not getting anywhere? Right now do you actually feel like you're losing ground, with all the bad economic news and political turmoil? If so, you aren't alone. Many, if not most people in the developed countries are feeling much the same. Trapped and forced to run endlessly, with no hope of ever achieving our life goals. It's been called the hamster wheel life.

We are surrounded by technological marvels. Our standard of living is beyond that of even the wealthiest rulers only a few generations ago. And we have access to an almost limitless selection of products and lifestyles. So why should we feel so trapped and stressed out?

I think we feel this way because we've lost our way. That is, we have lost touch with the traditions, customs, and rituals that people have traditionally based their lives around. Our lives are fast. We are always on the run, always behind schedule, always chasing the next goal. As a result, we experience most of life shallowly. That is, we don't have the time or the energy to delve deeply into the meaningful experiences of our lives. The hamster wheel doesn't stop and we don't have time.

We experience life shallowly. With endless interruptions and distractions, we don't have the time or energy to experience most things deeply or intensely. About the only things that can knock us off the hamster wheel for long are major crises. Family or personal disasters get our attention. So do massive disasters like September 11. But all too soon, we're back on the wheel, running for all we're worth, with our current events and experiences a blur, and our strongest impressions those left over from the latest disaster. No wonder we feel stressed out and helpless to achieve our personal goals.

You can escape the hamster wheel life. You don't have to sell everything you own and abandon modern life either. If you can bring some positive intense experiences into your life, and dive deeply into them, you can transform your experience. It doesn't take a huge commitment of time, or lots of experimentation either.

Until very recently, humans always included these kinds of experiences in their lives. There are tried and true traditions that you can easily incorporate into your own life to counteract much of what is wrong with our modern way of life. What we're talking about here is our natural way of life. All you need is a little help to find your way back to it.

There are nine types of positive experiences that successful and happy people across all cultures seem to share. To learn about these 9 intense experiences, and get yourself back on track to achieving your life goals, visit:

William P. Smith is the author of dozens of how-to books and articles, and is busily working on adding more intense positive experiences to his own life.

Religious Faith Or Religious Fac

Roofing Companies - Covering You From Roof Problems

Every time you come to any one's house, you may inevitable notice something. It may be something beautiful, unpleasant, rare or even bizarre.

It may be the giant Oak doors, the grand and magnificent stairway, the kitchen that looks at home in a restaurant, the striking porcelain displays, the glistening bathroom, or even the adorable wallpapers. On the outside, one might notice, the chalk-white colored rough walls, the vegetables in the garden, the seemingly Santa Clause-welcoming chimney, or even the slithering water gutter system. Sometimes and often times only in rare cases, that one notices somebody's roof. As a regular part (necessary at that) of the house, the roof is sometimes left only for the helicopter riders to marvel, if they bother. But sometimes, and not in rare cases, mother nature takes notice, and tears one's roofs away for it to play with.

Your home is where your heart is, as a saying goes. Well, actually, it should always be where your eyes are-with all most of your assets inside, your life investments, you need to make sure that what's inside are secured and protected from human and natural interventions. Much has been seen on the television featuring great furniture and high-end gadgets going down the drain with the water that soaked them. A simple problem in the roof exacerbated the effects of a heavy rain, which in the first place, no matter how heavy it is, should not have done much damage on the then proud house. Indeed, the roof, sometimes overlooked as a simple part (definitely a necessary part) of the house. With all these impending natural disasters, your home (where your heart is) should have the best protection possible, and Miami roofing companies are ever-ready to provide them to you. Not only can they supply the best materials and make the most durable roofs for your valuable home, but Miami roofing establishments can provide you with equally important services such as follow-ups and fixing or repairs, whatever your roof needs. Incredibly, while still focusing on the main function of the roof, Miami roofing companies can give you provide you with selections of beautiful but sturdy materials and designs, finishing with elegant roofs that is as strong as one need it to be. It may be undeniable that Miami roofing companies can, and will, improve your house's security and protection from natural (and sometimes human) interventions such as the dreaded roof-raising hurricanes.

If you value your house, then you should value one of the things that protect it, your roof. A good Miami roofing company is always available to give you the services you need. The most reliable Miami roofing companies are just one call away from giving you the best roof that are not only strong enough but also stunning enough-enough for maybe even helicopter riders to pause and say "that's one amazing roof in there!"

For more information about Miami roofing company feel free to visit:

Eliza Maledevic Ayson writes for - SEO Company

I Have A Squeaky Floor

Friday, May 29, 2009

You Absolutely Must Know Now - Self Help Tips

1) Find out what you really want (xyz income a year, romance)
2) And who you want to be (loving, successful, happy)
3) Know WHY you want the above (more time, less stress)
4) State them as specific Intentions (I am / I have vs I will)
5) Start being that person (How would a happy person earning $ xyz act?)

The word "Goal" often brings up draggy, hard to achieve images for most of us. Groannnn! No wonder we lose motivation - 'cos we didn't really care about the goal as much as what we thought it would bring us. It also says "DO DO DO" and while doing is a big part of it, it isn't quite the start point. So what is?

Being. As you focus on who you want to Be, the Doing action flows naturally.

You can be a successful entrepreneur. A great parent. Courageous. Happy. The good news is you get to consciously choose whoever you want to be!

Planning. Next, create SMART goals (specific, measurable, actionable, resonant and thrilling - a little twist on the conventional definition). Your goals should (not that I'm telling you what to do ha-ha) excite you, scare you and align with your values.

Doing. Be ready to take inspired action, and make it consistent action.

Some things you can do to climb back on the horse when you fall:

Hold yourself accountable to a friend, a coach, an accountability partner. Join a mastermind group. Change your goals if they don't excite you anymore. Yeah, really! Let them go. Be nice to yourself, have fun, treat yourself when you accomplish a task and ask for help - you don't have to go it alone.

This isn't an exhaustive list but it's definitely a good place to tap into when stuck.

Bottom-line: By clearly knowing what you want and why, you've got a better chance of getting it. Sounds good to me!

Tia Singh,
Inspired by Fun! Life Coaching -
Life And Success Coach, LOA Coach, NLP Practitioner and Psych K facilitator.
"Bust those self limiting beliefs - they're not working for you anymore!
"Live your Best Life Ever"
Simply stated, I inspire and support people like you to live a life of love, courage and fulfillment. It's time to live the life you were born to live.
Visit my website at to learn more about my services and to book a free consultation. Let's get this party started!

Power Of Positive Thinking

Computer Repair Support and Services

Despite your technician recent assurance, you find that your computer is not performing the way it should. There can be numerous reasons for this. It could be because of hard disk failure or non-functioning CD-drive or an uncompromising mouse or malfunctioning of any other component. What would you do? Roll up your sleeves and start extricating the hard disk and CD-drive? Or haul your PC to the nearest repair shop.

Well! This is something that most of PC owners would do. But why not to opt for another convenient method when it is available? Before frustration catches up, give a call to online computer support resources. Some of them even offer home repair services. They send trusted technicians directly to your home to resolve your computer problems. But they may charge you on hour basis which can turn to be an expensive option.

Another way is to avail computer support over the phone or through remote session. Online computer repair resources attend your computer problems on the same-day, so you need not miss your office to have your work done. Just ring to any good online computer repair service and your problem is already half-solved.

Furthermore, technicians offering you computer repair service do not overcharge you for services rendered. They would happily counsel you at no extra cost on keeping your PC trouble-free. You can also ask them for a rough estimation of expense with detail break-up of cost elements before hiring them for repair work. This clearly helps you to understand the work on hand and the cost involved. You may even re-check costs with those of others.

Being online, these computer support centers offer their services with 24x7 availability, another factor grabbing attention of computer enthusiasts. You may start searching for instant PC solutions on the Internet now by using keywords like computer repair services, online computer support , remote computer repair etc. This will refine your search and help you to narrow down on the best results.

Daisy is an online technical and security specialist for iYogi, a leading computer support company that is synergistically aligned to offer computer support services to its clients based in UK, USA, Canada.

There is no need to frustration. Just give a call to online computer support resources. Some of them even offer home repair services. They send trusted technicians directly to your home to resolve your computer problems. But they may charge you on hour basis which can turn to be an expensive option.

Stairwell Mold To Basement

What's Jesus's Real Name - Christian Thought

I've been studying Christianity for over 30 years now and would really like to know what his real name actually is. What was Jesus's real name? In the new International Version Bible it states.

This is from the book Matthew in the New Testament.

22 All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: 23 "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel" which means, "God with us."

24When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. 25 But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.

Jesus has always made sense to me, because I was raised speaking the English language. It wasn't until I was in my teens that I first heard some one tell me about Yahweh and that's pronounced (YAH-WAY) . Now I had a hard enough time, the first time I seen Jesus's name on one of the payroll sheets at work. I couldn't believe my eyes, Jesus was working with us, and I wanted to meet him. Lots of luck, come to find out he was a very busy person.

Later on I found out that Jesus is a popular Spanish name and is pronounced (hey zoos), and that's who was working with me. Now again this isn't the only name for Jesus. How about: God, Lord, Word, Messiah, Alpha and Omega, Redeemer, Savior, Lamb of God, Light of the World, Ruler of Creation, Immanuel , King of the Jews and Rabbi.

Another program I watched, said that Jesus's name was Joshua and was pronounced Yeho-shua . I guess Yeho-shua is the closest I have came to his actual Christian name that might have been given by his mother Mary and father Joseph. Oh wait a minute, there weren't Christians back then so this would have been his actual Jewish name.

Well that's the best I could do, good luck on your search for Jesus's real name. Have fun.

What Happened to the Wise Men's Gifts

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site: Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Adult Pier Pressure

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Religious Fanaticism and How Jim Jones Impacted on My Life

"To the extent the actions in Jonestown were viewed as a mass suicide, it is one of the largest such mass suicides in history, and the greatest single loss of American civilian life in a non-natural disaster until the events of September 11, 2001. One of those who died at the nearby airstrip was Leo Ryan, who became the only Congressman murdered in the line of duty in the history of the United States."

This is a quote from Wikipedia, you can find out a little bit more about Jim Jones by searching Wikipedia or the Internet.

It was November 18, 1978, I was in the 11th grade, living and Anaheim, California when I heard the news about a man and a group of followers that I would think about often throughout the rest of my life. I didn't know Jim Jones or any of the followers but their impact will leave a lasting impression on me for the rest of my life.

As a teenager, during a critical part of my life. I was always trying to understand things that the government, religious and world leaders were doing. Often very confused. I was confused about the life of Christ and couldn't quite get a grip on evolution and creation. I could always count on getting one thing from every person I had ever met, and that was an opinion, with very little factual information to back it up.

It was hard for me to imagine, that anyone would follow another mortal being the distances that Peoples Temple's followers had followed Jim Jones. I guess I could understand this in a supreme being or supreme race extraterrestrial beings, with magical powers and supreme knowledge of the universe. But a regular person, I don't think so.

I rarely watched the news on television and gathered most of my information from teachers and other students who I went to school with. There was an English teacher whom I was fond of and she let the class express how they felt, about what had happened and only then did I realize, this had actually happened. It was real.

I couldn't believe that people were this stupid. How could anyone commit suicide like this? I could understand something like this happening 500 or maybe a thousand years ago but in 1978, it's not possible. I started to get a better understanding as I learned more about Jim Jones and The Peoples Temple based in San Francisco, California. I could understand, that religion offers people hope and we all need a little bit, if not a lot of hope. Hope helps us get through our humdrum and boring everyday lives.

These people were hoping for a better life and when there was no more hope in sight and these people would be going back to live in America, with nothing (most of the people had given everything they owned to The Peoples Temple) I could understand this a little bit better but not clearly enough. When people have no hope or they feel like they're at the bottom of the valley, looking up at an impossible hill to climb, I could see where suicide becomes a viable option.

Looking at 9/11, most of the people that died, had hope. What happened in Jonestown Guyana was a lot different, most of these people did not have hope but all had a reason to live, but chose death. Was this actually their choice or were they so caught up in someone else's dream that they couldn't see reality anymore. There are still fanatical leaders today, causing pain and grief all over the world. Jim Jones was not the first and he won't be the last, make sure you're not one of the victims if this ever happens again.

Over 900 people died that day and I hope we never have to see something like this ever again.

Sir Winston Churchill - "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Here's a question I would like you to think about, winning or losing with Christianity. Fanatical groups like Jim Jones are not a thing of the past, make sure that, what ever religious organization you are following is not leading you down the wrong path. Use common sense and if that doesn't sound right, it probably isn't.

Neil Donald Walsch

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches

Cockroaches are tropical and subtropical household pests that thrive in dark, warm, and humid areas. They are useful when outside of the house because cockroaches may help breakdown organic wastes. This favorable characteristic of cockroaches outside your home however is the same reason why they are dangerous indoors.

Cockroaches may cause allergies and diseases that may be harmful to your family. It is therefore necessary that you learn how to get rid of cockroaches to save your family from harm this insect may cause.

Getting rid of cockroaches using chemicals Your purpose in getting rid of cockroaches is to save your family from diseases that cockroaches may bring; therefore using toxic chemicals to get rid of cockroaches may not be good as well. If you really need to get rid of cockroaches using chemicals, boric acid and swimming pool filter earth may be a good choice. They are also toxic in a way and needs to be away from children and pets but they are preferred from sprays that may affect the air you breath.

How to get rid of cockroaches inside your home naturally As mentioned, cockroaches prefer dark areas, they do not usually come out in the open. Therefore, when you find one roaming around your house, this means there are plenty of them inside your home.

The following will help you get rid of cockroaches inside your home:

  • Avoid leaving food items in the open, even on countertops because they will be attractive to cockroaches.
  • Avoid leaving the sink overnight with dirty utensils and even leaving it wet. Cockroaches thrive on humid areas and your sink is open their target.
  • Insulate pipes; cockroaches love that area under the sink, in the toilet and the wet area under the refrigerator.
  • Other sources of food for cockroaches are those rummage in your drawers and cabinets such as stray bags, papers, old newspapers, plastic shopping bags and envelopes. Throw these articles away to avoid leaving with this household pest.

Finally, clean your home regularly; clutters are welcoming sight for cockroaches. Therefore, how to get rid of cockroaches is definitely living in a clean and well-lighted home. Save your family from diseases cockroaches may bring, how to get rid of cockroaches may no longer be your problem if you continue to be careful all the time.

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Wood Rot From Stucco

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Is It Time For A Remodel? Are You Ready For A Remodel And Do Not Know Where To Start?

Some good areas to focus on when remodeling are:

Kitchens: Updated Kitchens can dramatically increase the value of your home. Not only is it a wise investment for many but for most, what you put into your kitchen remodel, you get in return. Options are endless with more products than ever in the market place with new appliances and countertop options on the rise as well. New cabinets will be one of the bigger deciding factors for the overall look of your kitchen. Do not be overwhelmed by the vast amount of choices because there are professionals that can make this whole process run seamlessly. If you already have newer cabinets and want to spruce up your kitchen, then adding new flooring and a backsplash is a good way to improve the overall look of your kitchen. The right lighting can also add a dramatic look to your kitchen.

Baths: Updated Baths are also a great way to increase your home's value. A Master Bath remodel is one of the best ways to increase the value of your home. Remodeling an existing bath is a simple way to give an updated look to your home. For most bath remodels, it is wise to replace everything because it is outdated and can turn potential buyers away upon resale of your home. For others that may have tiles that are newer, you do not need to replace the tiles. Grout cleaning or grout replacement is another alternative to give your existing tiles a new and fresh look. You can update a look by simply adding new moldings, mirrors, lighting, new sink/counters, fixtures, and toilets. Accents such as area rugs, decorative paint finishes, and lighting some candles can create a beautiful oasis.

Living &Family Areas: Living/Family areas are some of the best areas where you can add some personality to your home. The Kitchen, Living & Family areas are some of the most used spaces in the house. Spice up the room with a new Fireplace mantel, wainscoting, and/or some crown moldings and start to hear the complements roll in. Built-Ins are also a fantastic way to add value because they have a wide possibility for use and storage. Besides your home being the envy of your town, you are increasing the value by just adding some simple touches. Brighten up the space with fresh paint and do not be afraid to pick a bold color. Buy a new lamp and some throw pillows (accent colors are important) and Enjoy!!

Basements: Utilizing unused space such as a basement can increase the square footage of your home. Anywhere you can gain livable space you should take advantage of it. Basements have great potential being utilized as a home gym to a home office. Many remodel their basements to use for their children's playroom. A great use for space in your basement could also be a Wine Cellar. Basements are a great way to add some extra space in which otherwise is used to store unused items. As you can see, the possibilities are endless..

Exterior: Curb Appeal is very important in the overall aesthetics of your home. It is the first thing people see when they pull up to your home. First, you should always keep a manicured lawn and keep your grass well hydrated during those warm summer months. Planting some flowers and shrubs are some quick ways to help aid in the process of adding curb appeal. Painting the exterior of your home or simply just cleaning up the exterior with a power washing can dramatically help. Adding shutters to the front of your home and/or garage, installing a decorative fence, and adding trim to your home (around your door, Etc.) are all great ways to increase the curb appeal as well.

For more helpful information regarding your next home improvement, visit us online at Our photos section has many examples of how we have helped homeowners increase the value of their homes. Feel free to contact us with any questions.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Xbox 360 Repair - Read This Before You Look For Xbox 360 Repair!

With the creation of all the next generation consoles and as we move into new technology it is no wonder that these consoles encounter more problems.

One console that has really had quite a few problems is the Xbox 360 and it is amazing how many people are looking for Xbox 360 Repair. This is because the console is quite small and has all the equipment of a high end gaming PC put into a small space!

I have written this article to give you a few ideas of what you can do if you have a broken Xbox before you pay money for Xbox 360 Repair.

Firstly there are to many errors to list here so I will just deal with the main problems:

One of the main problems with the Xbox 360 is overheating and I would say that over 60% of Xbox 360 Repair is done because the console has burnt itself out! You can minimize the risk of your console overheating by making sure that you keep it in an are that is well ventilated!

This means if you have it right next to a heater or fireplace then it would be a good idea to move it and try keeping it cooler.

The second most common reason people look for Xbox 360 Repair is the DVD drive and there tends to be three different types. You normally know if you have this problem as when you put a disc in it starts making a loud crunching sound.

There really is no way to fix this problem and you will probably have to send in the console for Xbox 360 Repair but I have heard that if you keep your console horizontally then you can minimize the risk of this error.

Will Turner is an Xbox 360 Enthusiast and writes reviews on anything to do with the 360.

I hope this article has helped give you a few things you can try before you send in the console for Xbox 360 Repair.

For A Complete Step By Step Guide On How You Can Do Xbox 360 Repair Yourself And Be Playing Your Favorite Games By Tonight Click The Link Below:

Xbox 360 Repair

Remodeling Professionals Needed

How would you like to help other contractors, home improvement specialists, builders, real estate professionals and anyone else involved in home remodeling. If you have any tips or home improvement advice to you would like to share with our readers, it would greatly be appreciated. Leave all comments below.

Pest Control Books
Home Remodeling Books

Monday, May 25, 2009

Building Stairs With Old Concrete

What a great idea using your old side walk or driveway to build a nice stairway for your front or back yard. Using the old concrete instead of sending it to the landfill. Wow talk about earth friendly. Who would have thought that using recycled concrete would create a beautiful center piece in your landscaping plans.

That's enough about that lets get to the nuts and bolts of building the stairs. I came across the idea by visiting one of our favorite breakfast stops in Fallbrook. I had been walking down these stairs for quite a while when it dawned on me that the stairs where kind of jagged. When I took a closer look I couldn't figure it out, What kind of building materials did they use.

Then I realized it was recycled concrete in other words someone's old side walk. They even used the old concrete to make some nice planter boxes and retaining walls. The whole area really looks nice. The landscaping created natural look with a old world look to it.

How do I build the stairs using recycled concrete? Simply put first thing you need to do is get some recycled concrete. If you are going to be tearing up a old sidewalk, driveway or patio then you won't have to look far.

If not you can contact some local general or demolition contractors. They would love to have someone haul away their concrete. The reason for this is they have to pay around five hundred dollars for every ten tons hauled away from the jobs they are working on.

The more recycled concrete you need the easier it will be to get it. If you need a lot you will be able to contact a concrete recycling plant and get the phone number to a local contractor that hauls broken up concrete to their plants. These people can drop off a large load if you have a large area to drop it.

Remember that most contractors don't want to be bothered because they are busy working or planning on working. The easier you can make it on the contractor the more likely you will get what you want from them. They usually aren't interested in doing extra work just to make you happy. You can get a lot by being courteous from most people.

Now that you have the concrete you can start building. The concrete will be stacked on top of the other concrete to form the steps. Depending on how long of a stairway you are building you will have to level the dirt and stack the recycled concrete to make the stairs.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

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What Kind Of Wood Rot

Feng Shui and Symbols - What You Have in Your House Says a Lot About You

What does a broken statue of a rooster have to do with Feng Shui? Feng Shui teaches us that everything in our house is a reflection of what is in our mind. Symbolically speaking, your house and the things in it reflects your thoughts, feelings, and spirit.

So let's get back to that rooster. One of my clients had recently separated from her husband. I noticed that a statue of a large bird was directly facing her bed, so it was probably the first thing she saw when getting up in the morning. Upon closer examination, I noticed two things; first, one of the legs had previously been broken and was wrapped in what appeared to be a cast. Second, I realized that it was not a chicken; it was a rooster. Unfortunately, the coxcomb on the top of the head had broken off, probably in the same fall that broke the leg of the statue.

I examined this unfortunate art piece for a moment and then said to my client, "Do you realize that the first thing you see in the morning is a broken cock?"

After I picked her up from the floor (she was laughing so much she just collapsed), she gasped out, "You have no idea of how perfect that observation is." Not wanting to really know much more, I suggested we send out the broken rooster for repair. We then talked about what she really wanted to see first thing in the morning; it was her flute and music and a picture of her daughter.

Another client was having a hard time keeping relationships with men going. Visiting her apartment was like seeing a shrine to her daughter. Everywhere was a mother/daughter photograph. It felt like she was already in a relationship and there was no room for any other one to grow.

Everything that you choose to surround yourself with has symbolic meaning and reflects something about your life. Whether intentional or not, all those objects, pictures, photographs, and pieces of furniture resonate with information about you. Take a look around at your house. What is the first thing you see when you enter your home? When you get up in the morning? When you sit down to eat? Do those objects support you in living your best life? Observe what you have around you and then experiment. See how you feel swapping out the images that surround you for other ones that are a better reflection of who you are and where you want to go. I've seen this simple action do amazing things to improve people's lives.

Interested in learning more about Feng Shui and ways to improve the energy in your home or office? Get great tips and motivating messages by subscribing to the Empty Your Nest newsletter at

Learning From The Four Agreement

The Jewish Menorah - A History

The menorah is a seven branched candelabra which has come to represent the Jewish People and Israel. Its origins directly derive from the Torah and its symbolism has proven to be long lasting.

Early coins and pottery containing images of the menorah and dating back to biblical times have been recovered from archaeological sites.

The first menorah was originally made for the tabernacle and later placed in the first and second temples. The Torah records how the great artist, Bezalel, fashioned the menorah in accordance to detailed Divine instructions. These instructions are recorded in Exodus 25:31-40, see excerpt below:

"31 And thou shalt make a candlestick of pure gold: of beaten work shall the candlestick be made, even its base, and its shaft; its cups, its knops, and its flowers, shall be of one piece with it. 32 And there shall be six branches going out of the sides thereof: three branches of the candlestick out of the one side thereof, and three branches of the candle-stick out of the other side thereof..."

Listed below are some of the facets of the menorah:

- (as stated above) it was hewn out of a single block of pure gold

- it weighed approximately 150 pounds and just under 5 ft in height

- it had seven branches; a middle branch and three branches extending from each side

- according to Maimonides and Rashi, the side-branches extended from the middle branch in a diagonal line, not in a semi-circular arc as most drawings depict

- extra pure olive oil was used in the cups - gently pressed, not crushed and just the first emerging drops were considered pure enough

- it was positioned beside the southern wall of the temple, opposite the 'shulchan', the table which held the twelve show-breads.

The daily maintenance and lighting of the menorah was a task allocated to the Kohanim (priests). Interestingly, although only the Kohanim were permitted to prepare the menorah, there were no restrictions as to who could light it.

It is written that one branch of the menorah miraculously stayed alight continuously. Synagogues today have a 'ner tamid' (everlasting light) situated opposite the ark, which contains the Torah scrolls. This reminds us of the significance of the menorah during temple times. In addition many synagogues also display a menorah, or an artistic impression of one, in painted decorations or on stained glass windows.

After the fall of the Second Temple, Jewish historian Flavius Josephus recorded that the menorah was taken to Rome and carried along during the triumphant homecoming parade. A depiction of this event is preserved on the Arch of Titus that still stands today in Rome.

During the Jewish festival of Chanukah a menorah is lit on each of the eight nights. This menorah differs from the temple's menorah in that it has nine branches instead of seven.

The location of the original menorah is unknown today but the symbolism lives on; the national emblem of the State of Israel is a menorah, flanked by two olive branches.

The author of this article researched the origins of the menorah during the development of a range of Judaic themed homeware.

Listen To Advice From Confucius

Cascading Style Sheets Versus Tables

Once upon a time, 'Gopher' ruled web development and 'Archie' was the mother of all search engines. Since then, there has been incredible advancement in technology and web development has been completely revolutionized.

Today, with web standards being changed every alternate day, Cascading Style Sheets or CSS combines the best of HTML, XHTML and Java into one full package. CSS is one interface through which you can make your web page attractive. Now, geek internet is no longer only for the geeks. We all like pizzas and deserts being served with the main course. You find more tags in codes than anything else with a punch of GIF images and background colour. This is where CSS gains over all.

CSS also increases your search engine ratings but the question is, when CSS becomes a standard everywhere how does ranking make a difference? One can never really say whether replacing images with text makes any difference to a search engine ranking. To quote from a book, "Speaking of accessibility, minimizing your mark-up and using header tags properly will also help improve your search engine ranking. Reducing the ratio of code to content, using keywords in your header tags, and replacing header GIFs with actual text will all help your sites get better search engine results".

Forgetting semantics, web standards layout still has the massive benefit of separating content and presentation. Tables will lock you into a design. If you need to change it, you need to go into a page and fiddle with the table structure and you can forget about device independence. And forget about those who choose to use their own style sheets.

Tables have few benefits such as laying out forms. But then forms can be seen as tabular anyway, so it's sound. Tables is only good for old browsers but one doesn't have any reason to support such a cause The benefits to the vast majority who have more capable browsers will far outweigh the disadvantages to the tiny minority who will see un-styled yet fully functional content. If you want to stay with the comfort of an inefficient hack methodology, that's up to you. But if you want to push things to their limits and make the most versatile, accessible, lightweight pages possible, make the effort to switch.

Graduating in 2003 in Business and Information Technology Jonathan Popoola has since become an expert in web design cheltenham and web design gloucestershire Visit my site for more information on webdesign and also information on graphic design in cheltenham.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Yoga For Women - Five Fast and Effortless Ways to Unwind and Relax

If you are a busy mum, how do you relax at the end of your day? What do you do to look after yourself and care for your body? Do you take time-out for yourself or are you so busy caring for your family that you don't have energy or the time for "me-time?"

You may even be wondering, how can I relax and have me-time with so many demands made on your time.

With so much activity going on in your life, what can you do to relax, to find time for yourself?

Constant rushing, multi-tasking and caring for others takes its toll on your health. Over time, your ability to effectively manage your work load and meet family and other life commitments is effected. You may constantly feel tired, exhausted and stressed. Failure to rest and relax leads to stress related symptoms such as migraines, high blood pressure and in some cases depression

With so much at stake, it is vital you make time to care for yourself. In the long run, the more quality time you invest in yourself, the greater your capacity to give your best to friends and loved ones.

Five Fast and Effortless Ways To Unwind and Relax At the End Of A Busy Day

When the pressure is on try the following five easy-to do yoga relaxation exercises to help you unwind, boost your energy and relax at the end of the day.

1. Give yourself a hand and finger massage. Gently massage your fingers and thumbs. Take time to really enjoy your mini-hand massage, if you have a favourite hand cream or even warm olive oil, use it to add a bit of luxury to your evening.
2. Shake and flap your hands, vigorously for 2 - 5 minutes. This is a wonderful way to get rid of excess energy. Make a dance with your hands and shake them up in the air, behind you and below your knees.
3. Stroke down your arms and upper body, this is a loving way to release blocked energy from your body. Stroke down each arm and your chest at least 3 - 5 times.
4. Practice the yoga pose - the seated forward bend. Sit on the floor, legs straight out in front of you, back straight. Stretch your arms overhead, exhale and bend forward, place your hands on your feet, shins or thighs. Inhale, and as you exhale press your chest down towards your legs and press the backs of your knees into the floor. Take 5 - 7 rounds of deep breathing in this pose. Slowly come up and sit still for a few moments.
5. Sit comfortably, straight back. Close your eyes. Relax your facial muscles. Gently breathe in and out through your nose and whisper the word "peace." Do this 3 to 6 times. As you say the word, feel the peace inside you as you relax and breathe.

So, next time, you come home from work, or had a long day caring for your children, spend a few minutes and practice any one or all of these simple yoga relaxation exercises. You will feel relax, calm and ready to have a restful evening.

Ntathu Allen, Yoga and Meditation Teacher works with working women to inspire and support you feel the fun and joy of living in the now. She teaches you simple yoga relaxation techniques, prayers and guided meditations which support you to live a life fully alive and energised. To find out more go to:> and sign up for your copy of Ntathu's free monthly yoga Inspires enewsletter and regular Quick and Easy Yoga Solutions for Stress Relief and Relaxation.

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Landscaping Books

Basics of Sauna Heaters

If you have a sauna, of course, it's not going to be complete without a heater. The heater is what makes it possible for you to relax and de-stress for a while. This is true whether you utilize a sauna at a place such as a health club, or have your own home version. However, technology has made it possible for you to pick from several choices when it comes to choosing the type of sauna heater you want. There are several choices and sauna heaters available weather for a home unit or for a commercial application.

There are several different types of models you can choose from when you're picking out your sauna heater. Each provides its own benefits, and in some cases, consumers are confused as to what type they should buy. Some experts and manufacturers provide tips so that you can choose the best one for your sauna, as well as one that will fit your budget and your needs.

First, decide on the type of sauna you want to use. Do you want an "old-fashioned" one, where you have to use wood to create a hot environment? These are perfect for places that don't have electricity, or for where putting in an electric system would be a lot more work. Some of the places these types of heaters are often used are in vacation homes or in other rustic settings. Some sauna establishments also use this kind of heater, since it provides an atmosphere consumers like to experience.

You can also decide that you want an electric heater. These are usually made of stainless steel or aluminum, so they're very durable. You can install the electric heater in the sauna wall or place it in a corner. You can also usually easily adjust your sauna's temperature with an electric heater, because they usually utilize remote controls that you can use for easy access.

After you decide the type of heater that you want to have, choose your brand. Purchase your heater from a reputable company instead of from a manufacturer who does not have a solid reputation, or whose service is less than stellar. Credible heater manufacturers will sell their products at higher prices, but the quality you'll get will be well worth it. If you buy an inexpensive sauna heater at a low price, it's likely that you'll pay for it n the end with a cheap product that doesn't work as well. In some cases, it could even be hazardous and cause damage to you or your property. Therefore, make sure you keep your health and safety in mind, and buy a sauna heater that is of quality, so that not only will you be safe, but will allow you to use your sauna for years to come.

Thomas Oak writes articles for If you are in the market for a new sauna stop and take a look at what new in the world of far infrared saunas and get of all the latest information on new saunas, sauna heaters, steam saunas, sauna kits and steam saunas for your home.

What Style Is My House

Friday, May 22, 2009

Rat Zapper - The Latest Update of Reviews

Technology in contemporary times is so very fast paced that what is 'novel' today, becomes 'outdated' tomorrow. Rodent control is not something that has remained unaffected by latest know-how and the change has been an improvement in every way. Rat Zappers have introduced high-tech mechanism in rodent control and made possible a humane and tidy way eliminating rats and mice. Ask somebody who has suffered from a severe infestation and he will be able to testify that the problem continues to be an acute and nagging pain until total eradication may be achieved.

Being environment friendly is not just a vogue limited within a conscious and concerned circle but a crying survival prerequisite for everyone. It is not surprising then that though rodent control methods like poisoned baits and the ordinary snap-traps and glue traps continue to be in use, electronic devices have gained a decided advantage over them. An incidental discovery by Mr. Robert Noe, and now manufactured by his company Agrizap the Rat Zapper has received acceptance in twelve countries worldwide apart from the U.S.A. The original Rat Zapper Classic has been supplemented by the development of the bigger Rat Zapper Ultra and both models use patented electronic technology to deliver a fatal electric shock that kills rodents immediately on contact. The Rat Zapper battle station is an extended system of several individual units that was devised to meet rodent control needs of larger homes and commercial establishments. It is convenient to use and may be placed in remote positions and yet tracked through the Rat Tale, which is a cord attachment.

Two modern electronic pest control methods are the ultrasonic and ultra- magnetic and both have seen some favor with users, but unlike Rat Zapper, which applies an electric shock, the ultrasonic and ultra-magnetic devices use high frequency sound waves and magnetic waves respectively. These have an initial repelling effect for rodents, but they almost always return after a while when the devices are turned off. Ultrasonic sound waves may also affect pets and humans. Rat Zappers do not interfere with the natural fields present in the environment and the electric current is activated only when the rodent contact completes the circuit.

Rat Zapper has featured in various magazines, newspapers and TV channels and received positive reviews. The Wall Street Journal and highlighted the vision of Robert Noe in creating a 'sexy rat trap' as he called it. The Wired magazine listed it under the 'coolest gizmos of the universe' and Sky Mall even featured it in their annual marketing conference. The device has appeared in a History Channel documentary on rodents and NBC's 'Today Show'.

Testimonials from satisfied customers are pouring in everyday at the Rat Zapper customer care. It has a team of tech support ready to answer queries and troubleshoot if necessary and may be contacted through email or a phone to 888-Dead-Rat. In keeping with the customs of environment friendliness, Agrizap advises customers to dispose of machines that have served their purpose through electronic recyclers and do 'the green thing'.

Christopher Schwebius is an entrepreneur who seeks out sharply defined, specifically focused topics to research. Upon finishing his research he provides relevant, un-biased information to his readers based on his discoveries and/or personal experiences.

One of his latest ongoing projects can be viewed at