Sunday, May 4, 2008

How to Meditate - Is there a Simple Way to Meditate and Get the Benefits?

I was told if I learned how to meditate I would reap all kinds of wonderful benefits! I would feel more centered I would be more clear I would have less stress -- I would have more focus...

OK I thought lets do it! So to the bookstore I went... Wow lots of books on meditation!

I ended up buying several of them and started to read. Some of this information sounded like it was for the gurus up on the mountain tops!

They were talking about how to position my body, how to position my eyes Where my hands should beSome said I should say a mantra others said I should alternate breathing from each nostril

This did not sound like it was going to be easy! I was not at all comfortable with these body positions. Now I am aware some people like this and do these positions easily but for me I felt like I was twisting into a pretzel!

Remembering mantras and which nostril I was suppose to breathe with next making sure my feet were on the floor and my back rigid and all the while I had a gazillion thoughts running around in my head.

None of this was relaxing to me My head was even more full of thoughts trying to remember what I was and wasnt supposed to do. How was I ever going to find this meditative state of quieting the mind? I was ready to give up on meditation!

Then 2 things happened for me I bought a tape program on meditating I dont even remember that name of it but it said I should listen to this tape and I would reach a meditative state. It didnt tell me how to sit or how to breathe it just told me to get comfortable and listen.

At about the same time I read an article by Deepak Chopra. He was talking about meditation and he said that all of us will get thoughts that come into our heads while we meditate. Then he said in between those thoughts are gaps they are there whether we realize them or not and those gaps are meditation. I liked what Deepak said the message to me was that the gaps, the meditative state was/is there even if I was not aware of it. Then I popped in that tape I bought and for the first time I actually had some relief it only lasted a few minutes but as Deepak said it was there!

That is when I decided I did not need someone elses techniques I did not need to sit in a special position. What I needed to do was find what worked best for me I wanted something simple and flexible. Its now years later and I meditate on a fairly regular basis. When I say fairly regular what I mean is I do not have a stringent schedule of meditation. Most mornings I do meditate but there are those days that I dont. It isnt a big deal.

I dont have that tape anymore but I do usually listen to a cd with soft music or nature sounds I always sit in my comfortable reclining chair and I do direct my attention to my breathing. So when I start having a thought I gently redirect myself back to my breathing.

This simple way to meditate has brought me many benefits. I am calmer now I do not have as many thoughts at one time running through my head it is easier for me to quiet all of my thoughts. I feel that meditating has truly given me balance and the ability of focus. I am much more in tune with my own inner guidance. I feel clear and calm and balanced.

While I was very skeptical at first after I realized I could find my own form of meditation this whole process became easy and enjoyable.

If you want to learn how to meditate I would highly recommend getting some information from others and trying some techniques that you learn. Then you can make a decision of what works for you what feels comfortable for you.

When you find your own personal meditation practice your rewards will be great as you tap into your own inner voice.

Meditation is one of the Secrets of utilizing the Law of Attraction. Learn how to Deliberately Create Your Life - Visit Living the Law of Attraction ~~

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