Frustrated by traffic jams, over-crowded malls, having only 24 hours in a day? Do you complain about your boss, your partner, your kids and a lack of anything really meaningful in your life? Difficulties such as these often take over our lives and become our focal point.
These difficulties create a desire in us for more peace, more money, a quieter and slower way of life. We look for the things that we believe will fill us up, that essence that seems to be missing within us.
Having things in our lives that we do not want and not having things that we do want is not the issue. The issue is that we believe that these things create barriers on our path. We often accept as true that the troubles we encounter in our daily lives means that we aren't destined to be successful, or happy, or peaceful.
What we tend to forget is that our greatest measure of achievement comes not from what we accomplish but from the obstacles we conquer in the process.
So, instead of asking "Why me?" when you are faced with challenges, ask yourself, "What now?" Don't despair over the challenges in your life, reflect on the things you can discover from them and how they can inspire you to make better choices and take stronger action.
It is all about choice. How you see these challenges in your life will either cause you to choose to be miserable or determined, either lessen your power or stir it up, either hold you back or drive you to ever higher levels of achievement. It's your life, your choice, choose wisely!
Affirmations, success principles and quotes have shown Maureen Oliver what it means to be able to live a powerful and abundant life and her goal is to share that knowledge with others with her website,">Affirmations For Success and the">Affirm Your Life E-zine Sign up now and receive a special FREE report on applying the power of visualization for success.
Transcendental Meditation
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