Thursday, September 10, 2009

Donald Trump Knows Feng Shui, Do You?

Feng Shui, pronounced (Fung Shway) is a 3000-5000 year old Chinese philosophy that is alive and well today! The "Donald" doesn't start any business unless he has had his Feng Shui Master on the spot taking compass readings and measurements. He became interested in Feng Shui when he lost a contract to Asian clients. They didn't like the Feng Shui of the building and none of them would invest in his company.

The ancient science of Feng Shui interweaves the directions of the compass with 9 specific areas of each of our lives. It explores the relationship of a person in the space and provides simple solutions to create a comfortable area for us to live or work.

The areas that it relates to and the colors and symbols in our lives are the following:

- NW-Wealth/Prosperity-Color Purple
- N-Future, Fame/Luck-Color Red
- NE-Relationship-Personal or Business-Color Pink
- W-Community/Family-Green
- Center of the Room-Health-Color Yellow & Earthtones
- E-Creativity-Color White
- SW-Knowledge-Color Blue
- S-Career/Business Success-Color Black
- SE-Helpful people-White/Grey

This mapping of Feng Shui is called a Bagua and it helps you to do the Feng Shui of your home or office. If you think of a tic tac toe diagram, you just place all of these areas in the spaces provided and you will be able to do a basic analysis of a room. This basic bagua/map is not compass driven.

The way to start your Feng Shui is to walk into a room. If you have several doorways, choose the doorway that you use the most. When you walk through the doorway, you are already in your Career Area. So in saying this straight ahead of you is directional North, not compass North. Proceed to do your Feng Shui working clockwise in the room.

Before attempting to do your Feng Shui, be sure that you have cleared the clutter. This can be completed easily by bringing in 3 bags or boxes and identify one as a garbage bag and one for throw away and the last one for Goodwill. Proceed quickly through the room and complete this task and remove everything from the room. You are then ready to start looking at the room with keeping in mind your goal for doing Feng Shui and also who is going to be using the space.

Yvonne Phillips is a National Feng Shui Practitioner, Author and Speakerwith over 18 years of experience. Yvonne is certified with Feng ShuiInstitute International and has trained with world famous Feng ShuiMaster Lillian Too. As owner of Creative Color & Design, sheincorporates Feng Shui principles into both residences and businesses, from small businesses to large corporations. Please visit for more information. Send an email to for a FREE article on Feng Shui Tips for the Bedroom.

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