Monday, September 7, 2009

2 Great Tips on How to Save on Energy Bills

There are many ways to save energy, from decreasing the wattage of the bulbs in your house, to eliminating the functioning of any electronic device unnecessarily.

Fluorescent light bulbs.

One of the easiest and inexpensive way to save on energy in your home is with the switching from incandescent to fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). This is a simple and effective change that anyone can make at a moments notice. This change does two things.

  • It can decrease the average home electricity bill by up to 75%
  • It reduces greenhouse gas emissions that leads to changes in the global climate.

Energy Star Appliances

The Energy Star Program was developed as a rating for all products that were tested and determined to use less energy than those in that standard. Appliances range from printers to washing machines and refrigerators. If you are in the process of upgrading your appliances or just replacing one, making your purchases based on the Energy Star Standards is a sure way to ensure the use of less energy at home. At least 14% less energy.

These two steps are very simple and easy t follow for anyone who wants to save energy at home. There are other ways to conserve energy of course. Many people are using this season of high energy costs to go green. When doing this folks seek more permanent ways of saving energy by using solar or wind energy. These two ways, if done correctly ,can take you off of the electricity grid permanently. Due to the fact that they both seem a little extreme, you may think it would be rather expensive, but it is not.

If you could build your own solar panels for under $200 would you do it? Here shows the different energy options that you could use at any home or residence.

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