The term Accurate Thinking is popping up in more and more places these days. What is Accurate Thinking? Knowing the world just is, events simply are, and what happens just happens. Those concepts constitute Accurate Thinking.
People assign meaning to events, often creating Stinking Thinking. Stinking Thinking kinds of thoughts cause you to feel hurt, sad, angry etc. Such thoughts lead to judgments about how something is, and how it should be, according to you.
When something in your life goes differently from how you expected, you have two choices. You can interpret the result as being good (or bad) OR you can simply recognize that the event just went the way the event went.
Accurate Thinking entails knowing you control how your world flows or ripples. You alone place obstacles, and you alone burst through obstacles, once you see how you created them in the first place with the stories spoken in your mind. Life comes down to the choices you make in each instance.
How do you find possible choices? Ask questions. You got to ask questions. The quality of your life depends on the quality of the questions you ask yourself.
Start by asking what you were thinking when you had certain feelings or emotions. Notice the thoughts that were present for you during specific emotional experiences and you will uncover hidden information about how to alter your reality around those types of situations.
Replace old choices and old actions with new thoughts and new actions, with actions that allow you to feel differently--happier and healthier. The more you repeat your new behaviors, the sooner your new habits will form. For most people new behaviors become automatic in 21-28 days.
Remember what you think about yourself determines your self esteem and dictates the limits you impose on yourself. Want to change your self esteem? Live consciously. Catch yourself feeling down. Ask yourself what thoughts had you in such a mood. Then think happier thoughts--and automatically flip the switch to a happier way of being.
Simple? Yes. Easy? No. Creating change takes replacing the disempowering programs in your subconscious mind with new, healthier programs, for full and optimal functioning.
Nothing can stop you when you choose to be someone who does things you've never done. Discover how to stay on track so you don't derail yourself in Ali Bierman's free ebook What You Don't Know You Don't Know. Grab your free copy now at
Always Question Your Religion
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