Thursday, June 18, 2009

How to Achieve a Confident Foundation of Self-Esteem

You know those people. The ones that when they walk into a room you just assume they are success. Confidence appears to flowing through them. Everyone wants to be that person's friend and you feel a bit jealous towards them as they look like they always get everything they want in life with ease.

In order to be THAT person you need to have a high level of self-esteem. To behave with that level of confidence you need to a solid foundation in the knowledge of who you are and what you want from life. This is the key to your self-esteem. Taking control of your life. Without high self-esteem, you wont achieve anything, unless you get lucky of course, due to a lack of self-belief.

So where to you start to build a solid foundation of self-esteem?

Self esteem is so important in everything you do. Be it in a relationship, as a parent, or at work. Your decision making and ability to cope with change is dependent on how well you know yourself and what you want. If you dread anything in your life you really need to look at changing what you are doing. If a decision does not give relief or cause excitement then you are not truly making decision for you.

You mental attitude towards anything you set out to do defines whether you action will be a success or failure even before you started.

If you are overly critical of yourself and start worrying about all the "what if" situations that might happen you are just going to paralyze your ability to do anything with confidence.

If you listen to other peoples opinions or think too much about what other people might be thinking about you, again you will not achieve what you want. It is your life not anyone else's so why leave decisions to anyone else. You can guarantee the right choice is being made if you made the decision for you to get you where you want to be.

Felix Nutter
Step Up Speak Out
To get more confidence, self-esteem and anxiety tips, visit to learn more about how to take control of your life

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