Saturday, April 25, 2009

Home Building With Steel

Home building with the use of steel framing is exactly what you must go for. Aside from the traditional method of using wood construction in order to frame your new home, you will see that your contractor may make use of steel beams to hold up your home. Going for steel framing will allow your house to look and feel stronger than wood construction, since it does not undergo warping like wood. Furthermore, steel is impervious to insect infestations. With this, if you intend to build a new home, it's important to think about metal stud framing.

Probably the biggest draw for you to make use of steel to frame your home is the structural integrity that it gives. Even if you search everywhere, you can't find a stronger and more resilient framing within the market; this is why steel framing has been the popular choice of people living on areas that are susceptible to earthquakes and hurricanes. Steel has a less tendency to split or crack and it can deal with winds ranging to 180 miles per hour!

The major argument against the use of metal stud framing is the fact that it hasn't proven to be energy efficient as compared to the wood version of construction. However, with the use of proper construction techniques, steel can become energy efficiency which tends to be higher than the traditional wood construction. Furthermore, if you are concerned about its impact on the environment, you can consider the fact that it is created from 25% recycled steel hence it is 100% recyclable.

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