Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Signs and Stages of Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a problem that develops in stages. As the individual continues to consume in large amounts, the signs becomes visible and one can't function properly without the influence of alcohol. Severe signs start when you start looking at yourself in the mirror for any symptoms of alcoholism and feeling guilty or offended when you are asked about your drinking habits. It also leads to withdrawal symptom where the addict enjoys drinking alone in secret places.

The alcoholics continue drinking in large amounts. They have preset time for drinking and if they fail to drink that time, the response is very aggressive. They gather in specific place after work to drink. All social and recreational activities are centered on drinking. They lose interest in activities which used to bring pleasure like hobbies, entertainment and outings with friends.

Alcoholism leads to marital disharmony. If the husband is a drinker, he won't attend social meetings that there are no drinks. The partner, being a normal person who likes to have normal social life, will get offended and this will lead to conflict. The nature of the individual changes and the loving sensitive human becomes an aggressive and reckless person. The aggression is reflected in reaction to small things at home or place of work with extreme anger.

The extreme sign is when the individual starts keeping alcohol in weird places like home or office and always drink to feel normal. Isolation is dominant at this stage. Alcohol leads to enlarged hearts with weak cardiac muscles and raised blood pressure. The lipid levels are raised which causes heart diseases like angina and cardiac failure. The effects are fatal because late stages of alcohol is not curable. The best thing is to keep the poison bottle away from you!

Peter Gitundu Researches and Reports on Alcoholism. For More Information on Signs Of Alcoholism, Visit His Site at Signs Of Alcoholism. You Can Also Add Your Views About Signs Of Alcoholism At My Blog here SIGNS OF ALCOHOLISM

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