Sunday, March 22, 2009

Do You Ever Loose Your Keys - Planning Advice

You obviously don't need to read this article if you rarely lose your car keys. However if you misplace your car keys often and have a pretty good relationship with your locksmith, it's time to change these bad habits into good ones.

One of my friends, recently lost their car keys. I would like you to listen to what I'm about to say and see if it makes sense to you. Most people get two keys when they buy a car. This means, if they lose one key, they now have a spare key. When they lose their first key, this should give them a pretty good clue that the second key is now the only key, if they wish to drive their car.

Does that make sense? If you lose your first key, you don't have a second or spare key anymore. Now is a good time to purchase a spare key or have one made. Don't wait until you lose the second one, unless you are planning to change your bad habit into a good one.

Now let me get back to my friends who recently lost their car's key. The car they were driving was a new Honda and you can't go to the locksmith to get another key made. You have to order one from the Honda dealer and this key cost them over $200. That's a lot of money for one key.

Now my friends lost both of their original keys and now have one key to operate the vehicle and this key cost them over $200. Now if I had to pay this amount of money, I would make sure that I never lost this key ever again. I would do whatever it to to change my old habits and create some new ones.

How hard is it to get in the habit of placing your keys inside of your purse. Placing your keys in your pockets and then only removing them when you are going to place them inside of a drawer, container, cup, bowl or on a shelf in your bedroom. If you place your keys in a drawer, this will keep them out of other people's temptation.

If you choose to lay your keys in a bowl, in the kitchen, there's a good chance someone will take them or another member of your family could lose them. Place your keys in a protected area, do not leave them out in the open ever.

If you want some tips to prevent you from losing your keys, simply talk to someone who rarely if ever loses their keys. Most of these people have simple and easy to follow tips. You can consciously create a habit that can save you money and frustration in the future.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a spiritual video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.

1 comment:

San Diego Lock and Safe said...

Hi Jasmine...

Just to clarify a point. Not sure what your friends were told by whom when they lost their keys, but there are no Honda keys that cannot be made by an equipped locksmith, at the car, at the time they're requested (no mail order required).

The defining factor is what year and model they have, and whether the locksmiths accessible to them have the equipment necessary to cut and program the type of key they need. Many do, many do not. But there were no Honda keys as of model year 2008 that cannot be made by a locksmith with the proper equipment. Generally at a lower cost than the dealership. :)

Overall however, your advice is good advice. Always make sure you have a spare now vs when you suddenly need one in the middle of the night, or in an area where you're limited to the dealer. The costs to have a new key made is far lower if you have one or two original keys (again, depends on the make, model, and year as to requirements) and are able to take it to a locksmith to have a simple duplicate made and programmed in advance of your needs.

