"True Leaders are not those who strive to be first but those who are first to strive and who give their all for the success of the team. True leaders are first to see the need, envision the plan, and empower the team for action. By the strength of the leader's commitment, the power of the team is unleashed" Author Unknown
All summer my son James and I have been traveling back and forth to Austin for him to play tennis up there at the Austin Tennis Academy. He was accepted recently into their academy so we decided to transfer him to Lake Travis High school and so we've been in a huge life transition this summer.
Fortunately the career I've built for the last ten years in Network Marketing is paying us to accomplish some big dreams.
The key is to have a dream that is sooo BIG that it's almost impossible to achieve and then you BECOME the person to achieve the dream.
Because it's not really the dream that matters but the person you become in the process of achieving it and the more that you achieve the bigger your dreams will become and in turn the more you grow into a better person to achieve those BIGGER dreams.
While doing all this driving we've been listening to one of my favorite speakers, a man by the name of Mark Gorman. Mark does business presentations for Network Marketing companies and I had the chance to hear and meet him live at a company event a year ago out in Vegas. (http://www.markgorman.com )
I have most of his CD's and he happens to be the only speaker that my 14 year old son really enjoys listening to!
We started listening to one of his messages titled 'Stop Thinking Like Dirt'. It's based on a proverb in the bible, Proverbs 20 vs 4 which reads
"A Sluggard does not plow in season; so when harvest time comes he looks...but finds nothing".
The dirt sits and waits for someone to give it something. Do you ever have people You've sponsored who sit around waiting for someone to constantly give them something or DO something for them? And even when you do everything you can To help them it's never enough is it? They're not making things happen, they're waiting for something to happen. There not headed anywhere or trying to do anywhere, they're just trying not to go somewhere.
They wait on their upline, they wait on the people they sponsor, they are waiting for the company to do something, their spouse to give them permission, they are waiting to make money BEFORE they'll attend a company event, they are waiting to make money before they will tell their friends and family about their business. They are waiting around like dirt.
Some people are waiting on God to do something before they'll do anything. Guess what? God is waiting for US to do something first!
So when harvest time comes they go out looking and cannot figure out why everyone else is getting harvest and how come they aren't? After all everyone deserves a harvest right?
Actually they don't! Everyone deserves the same opportunity and we all have the same opportunity in Network Marketing don't we? It's a level playing field but everyone doesn't deserve the same REWARDS! Only those who make things happen deserve the REWARD!
The FARMER on the other hand MAKES THINGS HAPPEN by taking the first step!
The Farmer knows he or she h5B4as to PLANT when it's time to plant before they can expect to see a harvest!
The Farmer is a business person and knows he or she has to invest in his or her business and knows to do that SEEDS must be planted in the ground. So what does the Farmer do?
The Farmer goes to the bank and borrows the money, then goes to the feed store and buys the seed, plants it and then reaps the harvest.
Then do you think the Farmer takes the harvest and sits back and enjoys the good life?
Nope, the Farmer then takes that harvest and pays back the bank and buys more seed to plant to reap an even bigger harvest!
We do the same thing in Network Marketing which when treated like a business will pay us like a business.
First we've go to invest in our business by buying seed! We've got to get lot's and lot's of seeds planted and those seeds require an investment. Then we teach others, our team, to duplicate the same thing so that not only do THEY reap a harvest but we also reap from their harvest too!
Let me share a story I heard a few years ago about another Mark in a small town in Austin, Texas who was headed for bankruptcy and just about to lose his car and home. Mark wasn't gonna sit around like dirt so he looked for a way out and discovered Network Marketing.
Mark was ready to make things happen like a farmer.
So he invited 200 friends over to his house to watch a video. 80 said NO, not interested. Mark had encountered ENEMY #1 REJECTION
He thought "No problem. My sponsor warned me about that. I've got 120 people still coming over".
Guess what? 50 didn't show up. He had just met ENEMY#2 DECEPTION. Again thinking like a farmer, Mark thought "No problem, my sponsor warned me about that. I've got 70 people who watched the tape".
Guess what?
57 said, Not interested. He had just encountered ENEMY#3 Apathy From Mark's seed planting, 13 people signed up"!
Guess what?
12 of them dropped out of the business shortly after. ENEMY #4 ATTRITION had left Mark with just one serious associate.
That one distributor went on to create a huge harvest for Mark earning him over $50,000 per month. Today Mark earns hundreds of thousands of dollars a month in passive residual income. All because he chose to not sit around like dirt waiting for something to happen. He went out and made things happen like the Farmer and now he's reaping a huge harvest because he planted when it was time to plant!
My own story is similar. For years I've been planting seeds, making tons and tons of connections online.
I started this business oB68nline in 1996 and worked very hard building a presence and branding myself for the first four years, calling thousands of people hearing thousands of "NO's". Why have I been so successful over the years?
One of the main reason's is simply because I never quit! Another reason is because many people have joined our team because of a lot of seeds being planted over the years.
Today I'm reaping a nice harvest because I did not give up in those first four years before these seeds sprouted.
Lot's of seeds were planted with publishers those first few years of writing. Sending the first few 10, 15 times before someone published one of them. After that another one would publish one and then other publishers would see those articles and write for permission to publish another one. I had no experience in writing. In fact, I had NO experience in anything except how to be a wife and mom.
I had no degrees when I started, no corporate background, no income of my own, no credibility, no contacts, and no confidence. After all what else would I be doing for the last ten years, working in some job building someone else's dream? Instead I decided to not sit around like dirt but to make things happen like a Farmer creating a solid career and building a Network Marketing business and an entire team of Farmers who are creating a harvest for themselves and in turn I'm reaping a big harvest too!
Recently another business woman found me from an article I wrote FIVE years ago! That article is still floating around the Internet and she recently became a team member because of that seed planted several years ago!
Remember where you are today is because of decisions you made or seeds you planted five years ago. Where you'll be in the next five years will be determined by decisions you make or seeds you plant today!
Here's how you can take ACTION every single day to move your business forward by getting seed into the ground to reap the Harvest (reward) you deserve!
This is an activity that will get you quickly into taking simple everyday action steps that will lead up to MASSIVE ACTION and create success in your business by building your team one seed at a time!
Get two JARS, label one of them SEEDS and one of the HARVEST
Fill the SEED jar up with some sort of seeds like beans for instance.
Everyday put 10 seeds in ONE of your pockets
Tell your spouse and family especially your kids that every single day your job is to talk to 10 people and each time you do and give them some sort of information on your business or products you move ONE seed from the pocket to the OTHER pocket.
At the end of the day take the 10 seeds that you moved to your other pocket and put them in your HARVEST jar.
When you tell your spouse and kids that holds you accountable to do what you say you'reB68 doing to do. If you don't have a spouse or kids tell your sponsor. Tell someone of your seed planting plans! Trust me when you come home and still do not have all your seeds moved over you are not going to want to see the look on your kids or spouses face!
Make sure you have plenty of marketing materials in your car when you go out. Catalogues with labels, biz brochures, biz cards, product samples. Always carry something even if it's just your biz card.
People to share your business and products with will be Hot Market are people you know, friends and family. If you were to open up a book store, or a boutique or flower shop do you think you'd keep this a secret from your friends and family? Then why in the world would you do that with your Network Marketing business?
Warm Market are people you do business with everyday or people you know from your children's sports teams, post office, hair dresser, etc. Cold Market are people you do not know at all. People you run into at the grocery store, a sales clerk, or leads which are SEEDS that you buy for your business.
Do not think of the outcome of what will happen when you speak with someone or give them your information. Don't worry about the outcome. Just think about moving those seeds from one side of your pocket to the other side and putting them in that HARVEST jar at the end of the day! You're the messenger and all your job is to do is get the information out and plant those seeds! So when the day is over and your kids say ok show me the 10 seeds in your other pocket and let's get them into the HARVEST jar!
Be creative but keep it simple! Keep planting seeds!
If you do not go out or you are not feeling well or you have a sick child that day and cannot contact people in person then send an email to 10 people, call 10 new people or follow up on 10 people. Go into a chat room and give someone your info, or an online forum community.
Do whatever you have to do to get seeds planted.
Do this every single day (taking off a day to rest) and watch your HARVEST jar fill up. This is your PIPELINE filling up!
You'll also be following up with people on some days so you'll move a seed with each follow up. Make sure you keep a good record of your follow ups. Keep a spiral notebook, use your computer, whatever works best. The whole idea is to keep this very simple and to plant seeds everyday. Focus on that! Not the outcome! Let the outcome take care of itself because of the eventual MASSIVE ACTION you are taking to fill your pipeline when HARVEST time comes you will SEE one!
Taking simple everyday steps to plant your 10 seeds a day will help you stay active and reap your harvest!
What are you waiting for? Make it happen, Dream BIG, be the Farmer, teach your team to be Farmers and you will all reap the harvest you deserve!
Copy5A6right 2007 by Sue Seward. All Rights Reserved.
(***You may copy this article using the attached bio below)
Sue is a wife, mom, entrepreneur, top income earner with her company, who has been working from home online since 1996. She encourages millionaire mind thinking and shows people how to develop valuable connections online and turn them into lasting relationships for long term business profits. She is also a public speaker and published author of numerous print and electronic articles as well as coauthor of the book 'Build It Big: 101 Insider Secrets From Top Direct Selling Experts'. To find out more about how Sue builds her business online visit http://www.eCommerceHomeBiz.com
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