Thursday, August 7, 2008

What Is A Spiritual Relationship?

A Spiritual Relationship is when the two or more parties involved experience harmony, joy, understanding and peace. With a spiritual relationship the persons involved are connected at the heart. Emotionally they sense the deep connection they have together, and it is felt at their core or heart. A spiritual relationship is one that has a spiritual union felt both physically, mentally and at other levels. Both parties feel like their spirits are connected. There are certain people we connect to instantly. These are people to whom we have karmic connections. The same holds true for people we can2238t stand immediately. We have a karmic connection with them as well. Both of those types of relationships are spiritual because our spirit as or essence either is attracted or repelled beyond our conscious control.

A soul mate is another spiritual relationship that many folk encounter in a lifetime. With a soul mate there is a karmic connection that can span several lifetimes or incarnations. We can have more than one soul mate and they can be incarnation with us in a lifetime or serve as a spirit guide if they are not incarnated in our lifetime. Soul mates have shared many experiences with us and know us inside out. This kind of spiritual relationship can be very deep and stir both positive and negative emotions out of us. Just because someone is a soul mate does not make him or her always peaches and cream with us.

For the most part, a spiritual relationship has a lesson for us to learn. They give us the tools to develop characteristics and qualities that we need as human beings. Spiritual Relationships can also be identified with the patterns we pick in relationships. Issues of abuse, abandonment, love, manipulation, power struggles, intimacy and rejection all fall under the category of karma and spiritual relationships. These situations all teach us a lesson or two. The trick is do we really learn from these types of experiences or ignore the lesson. This is particularly true when one partner executes power over the other as a dominating person over a dependant person. The karmic lesson is the struggle that ensues as the dependant person struggles to regain the independence and get their power back.

Sometimes we become spiritually stuck and cannot evolve in a relationship. These are not spiritual relationships. These types of relationships hold us there not allowing for growth or other experiences. It is true that being a victim, martyr, persecutor, rescuer or love addict may have a karmic lesson but in this case the spiritual lesson is learning how to let go.

In conclusion a true spiritual relationship is one where both parties feel wholeness and complete together. It is the harmonization of male and female energy, which creates freedom within the relationship to accept each other unconditionally without hidden agendas. In a true spiritual relationship one know how to give or take without being asked and to meet the other parties needs without question.

Regina Schwartz has been involved with metaphysical practices through her great grandmother since the age of Nine years old. She is a polished medium and reader. She has had her own psychic phone line since 1998. Her site is a must for information on Psychics, Readings, Mediums and Spiritualists. Visit it at: psychic information

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Spiritual Awakening 4 - Signs of Contact

I dare say that many of us have been sat at home and felt that 'something' wasn't quite right. Had a feeling that there was something different about the place but not quite been able to pin down where that feeling was coming from. Somet2218imes is can drive us to distraction trying to figure out exactly what it is and what triggered the feeling, unfortunately we can't always find the source.

I know when I walk into my home whether I have an extra 'guest' as it were, as I can feel the shift in the energy. The best way to describe how this feels to me, is for you to imagine walking into a room filled with electricity, almost like a static charge, as if the room contains dozens of TV screens all emitting white noise. Somehow the energy in the room feels more dense, the air seems to change and more often than not I feel the 'pressure' of someone near to me, a closeness that make me feel like I could reach out and touch someone stood there. But that's just how I feel, everybody has different reactions.

So how can spirit let you know when they are around? Well, to be honest, how spirit choose to make contact can often be based upon personal references. For example, a common method used by spirit it to use a smell, this could be a hint of perfume, or a cooking aroma etc. As smell is the strongest of the senses linked to memory, a scent or aroma can transport us back to a place in time when that smell was common place, leading us to link it to the people that were around us at that time. It could be tobacco smoke linked to a grandfather, sweet perfume linked to an aunt, or face cream linked to a grandmother. The smells that are chosen generally have a specific link to a person you are connected to. I won't say that it is always easy to make the connection, as occasionally the link can be pretty bizarre, and you may have to search way back in your memory to place the smell, but the link will be there.

Electricity is also a useful tool for spirit. Affecting lights, TV's and radios seems to be a common method of signaling their presence. I have good friends who have had music playing through their sound system when it has all been switched off, even after disconnecting the speakers! The kitchen seems to be the centre of activity in my home and amongst other (non electrical activity), I have spirit switching the kettle on in there, playing with the telephone on the bedroom, and draining batteries in mobile phones and MP3 players.

Another method of contact is through sound. Unusual bangs, knocks and clicks, that you know are not naturally occurring - the kitchen is a great resource of sound making devices. The kettle switch, dustbin lid, cupboard doors etc. Instead of disregarding the noises that your house makes, as most of us do. Listen to the sounds, try and decide where they are coming from, investigate what could have made the sound, could it be naturally occurring? If not, who made the sound?

Of course there are the tales of having objects moved around the home, but this takes a lot of energy to perform, so is perhaps not as common as we would be made to believe by television programmes. Although it is common for small items to disappear for a while, only to turn up in the strangest of places! Keys seem to be a popular choice and television remotes, things that we notice being out of place very quickly.

In reality, the most commonly reported sign that of spirit activity is temperature change. Generally referred to as 'cold spots' where the temperature of a specific area can be quite dramatically lower than that of the surrounding area. Warm spots also occur, though there are generally regarded as being formed by loving energies as opposed to generic spirit activity. Whether they are warm or cold, make a note of where you encounter them, how long are they there for, and whether they always appear in the same place. At the same time you notice the temperate change, keep you eyes and ears open for any other signs that you have a 'visitor' in you home.

The author is a practicing witch and psychic/intuitive who hosts a spiritual and witchcraft forum at and who runs a web based business Supplying the mystical community with reference materials, pagan, wiccan and occult supplies, crystal therapy items and beautiful distinctive jewelery.

Family Matters - A Spiritual Portrait - Part 1

Wherever you go in America, there are varying degrees of emphasis on family. Debates also abound as to whether or not the changing family structure is responsible for the current, cha21DBotic state of our Society. Instead of focusing on external factors, let's consider the altering family composition as a dynamic metaphor depicting a spiritual yearning for wholeness that transcends religion, culture and social policies alike. Entertain for a moment as well this spiritual longing as the underlying impulse for familial acceptance and belonging in both individual and cultural consciousness. In this context, rather than the shifting family structure causing the current social and cultural upheavals, this unrest becomes an inevitable phase of spiritual growth and social reform driven by the pervasive though often unconscious thirst for individual wholeness, or holiness.

This metaphorical interplay reveals itself in various philosophies and traditions with phrases like, "as above, so below," and "as within, so without." Equipped with this basic premise, consider the desire for physical family then as a symbolic projection, an urging for the reunion of personal identity with our original spiritual heritage. Thus, rather than defined by archetypes, role players or biological relations, the visible family unit structure transforms into a metaphor for an individually self-contained, holistic entity. As such, this spiritual or holistic family unit comprises the human self and personal identity, sometimes called the inner child, with its parents, heavenly father and earthly mother.

The symbolically -rich structure of the chakra system, a widely accepted energy model used in healing disciplines as well as certain spiritual philosophies, reveals this spiritual family motif. These disciplines recognize seven primary energy centers called "chakras" whose locations range from the crown of the head down through the tailbone in the individual consciousness structure. In the first or Root Chakra resides correspondences with the earth, goddess, and the material or tangible environment. Within the seventh or Crown Chakra resides correspondences with heaven, god, and the infinite or intangible forces. The fourth or Heart Chakra is the center of the seven chakra system and the environment where heaven and earth, or spirit and matter, synthesize as Love. These chakra correlations provide universal metaphors illustrating heaven (father god, spirit) blending with earth (mother goddess, matter), or spirit (invisible) blending with tangible (visible), to produce the inner child, or human personality (personal identity).

The mother or feminine, receptive element consolidates consciousness into a tangible form contained with the enveloping omnipresence of the father or masculine element. It is the goddess who provides the ordered structure, or matrix, upon and within which god pours forth his legacy, i.e., qualities and characteristics, to manifest in the visible world. Life in the human body and tangible reality flourishes by the on-going, dynamic interplay between the god/goddess polarity and gives birth to the holistic family. The inner child's perceptual reality, sense of divine association and belonging reflects the quality relationship of this father-mother dynamic and hence, family stability. The idea of parents "staying together for the sake of the children" rather than divorcing is a metaphor illustrating the critical importance of this holistic, interdependent structure to individual well-being. As a metaphor, our culture's high divorce rate suggests the rational, linear mind's perceptual separation between holistic family members, a condition which also gives rise to the current state of social, health and environmental challenges.

There are religions and philosophies emphasizing god or goddess as well as both divine facets; however, in actuality it is impossible to exclude one from the other since it is essentially a single vertical flow generating the polarity principle. While acknowledging our dualistic aspects, the idea of a "mother/father" god ignores, and inadvertently splits, the distinction existing within a whole already supporting a mother/goddess facet. Single parents will readily testify to the challenges inherent in fulfilling both mother and father roles. Reality as a dualistic paradigm is plainly evident with male/female gender metaphors in addition to psychologically catalogued masculine/feminine qualities. In addition to its association with balance, I understand the yin/yang symbol accurately represents this polarity-based marriage by illustrating each aspect present within the other, i.e., each facet is contained within the other and neither exists exclusive of the other.

Holistic awareness reveals the heritage of the mysterious, unseen god usually reserved for religious philosophies with its complimentary pole, the physical world as goddess, divine by relationship. The marriage tradition of a woman taking the last name of her husband is a metaphorical correlation between the sacred divinities of the material world, i.e., earth, and the intangible god. In many traditions, the intangible god is often considered exclusively divine though by reason of their polarity relationship or partnership, the material world must also, therefore, be divine. The current mainstream "mind-body connection" focus is a growing awareness of these interplays in an individual, personal context and summarizes the interactive consciousness network forming the holistic family structure. A communication breakdown within the unit brings challenges, just as it does in the human family, and contributes to disease, insecurity and the unrest prevalent today. While distinctions between spiritual family members are natural, examples of the long-range, damaging implications of their on-going, perceptual divorce are historically traceable. For example, in the early 1900s, this culture began its move away from the pure, whole foods of previous centuries as refined sugar and flour moved into prominence in the American diet. This movement coincides with a dramatic increase in the incidence of disease and illness as well as a growing reliance on prescription chemicals in an effort to restore the resulting distress.

Although individuals once relied on developing personal craftsmanship for such daily care items as cloth and food staples like butter and bread, basic survival goods are now readily available in stores, provided by lifeless machinery and impersonal production lines. In addition to diminishing the vital force in food, the mass-production of finished food products jeopardizes holistic family solidarity by dividing individual, personal seasons from the cycles of nature with her instinctively familiar, maternal rhythms. The effect is a compromised connection with our Mother Nature through the loss of natural, intimate, daily interactive communion. As technology and industry gain popularity, surface engagement with life has grown so that "doing" fills a "being" void, conformity masquerades as loving acceptance, intellect substitutes as intelligence and value finds itself defined by the numbers game -- communion within the spiritual family network, i.e., genuine quality family time, succumbs to overscheduling as compensation for an instinctive lack and growing hunger.

Continued -- Part 1 of 2

Cheryl Stroup is a Reiki Master Teacher and has been providing Reiki and other healing services since 1993. As a Reiki teacher since 1996, her classes induce transformation while her teaching material is well known for its cutting-edge perspective. Transform your daily bathing routine into a healing, self-caring ritual.

Visit our handcrafted soap web site for a selection of soaps made with flower essences and infused with energy techniques.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Rain Gutters And Downspouts - All You Need To Know

Rain gutters and downspouts are obviously one of the more important aspects on the outside of any home. They help in protecting your foundation from eroding as well as your roof and siding from rotting as well. Not to mention preventing a complete muddy mess that you have to try and avoid walking in. The biggest question about rain gutters is, what do you really need for your particular home? Here is a quick look at some of the basics on choosing a gutter system for your home.

What size of rain gutter do you need?

Because gutters come in different sizes, as well as materials one of the first things you will need to know is what size you need. This will depend on what part of the country you live in. If you live in an area which receives heavy rainfall then you should go with a larger 7" gutter channel. You need the bigger size to handle the heavier amounts of precipitation to prevent them from overflowing. For those living in areas which get little rain then a 5" or 6" gutter will be fine.

What kind of material do you want your gutter made out of?

Your next step is deciding what type of material you would like to have your gutter made of. The most common materials are aluminum and vinyl. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but you can also choose to have them made from copper, steel or other materials. Obviously, cost will be a consideration when you are looking at copper gutters, but copper will last a lifetime if cared for properly. If you live in an area where you do not have extreme temperature fluctuations then a vinyl gutter system would make for a good choice.

Seamless or not?

Finally, you will need to decide on whether you would like to have a seamless gutter system or one that is in sections. Seamless gutters and downspouts are considered by most experts to be the best choice. It eliminates the "seams" that could eventually lead to leaks and sagging. Keep in mind though; a seamless gutter will still have seams at the corner breaks. Also, seamless will be a more expensive option. All in all though, it is the best route to go.

Installing rain gutters

Finally, whatever gutters and downspouts you decide to install, don't use the old style of putting them up with big spikes and ferrules. This is a very outdated method of installation and will only lead to problems down the road since these spikes expand and contract with the weather and wear out the fascia boards as well. Use gutter hangers and you will eliminate this issue altogether.

Once you have made your choice for the type of guttering you want you can have it installed by any number of contractors for a nominal cost. It is well worth leaving to the pros. Getting up on a ladder and trying to do it yourself is not a great idea, especially if you have ever fallen off a ladder as so many people have. Let a pro do it and you can enjoy the benefits of their work for years to come.

You can learn more about Rain Gutters And Downspouts as well as much more information on all types of gutters and downspouts at

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Are You Seeking Plumbing Repair And Replacement Services?

Big house, small house, old house, new house, we all suffer our fair share of plumbing nightmares. Most of the times, we may not have contact details of a good plumber and before we end up in a bigger mess, it is crucial to learn a few plumbing skills. If you know that the problem is more than you can handle, do not attempt to DIY. It's a waste of time and you will end up paying more to the plumbers who come to fix the mess. Word of caution: Always wear thick, rubber gloves that are resistant to chemicals.

To fix easy plumbing problems, most plumbers suggest owning some basic plumbing tools. These are:

  • An adjustable wrench
  • Basin Wrench
  • A pair of pliers
  • Screwdrivers
  • Philips head and common kinds
  • Pipe Dope/Teflon Tape
  • Pipe Vises
  • Toilet plunger
  • Toilet auger
  • Washers

Common plumbing issues are:

Clogged drains:

What would you do if you dropped a family heirloom or your engagement ring? The problem could also be bigger. Say, your main drain is blocked. In this case, if you don't want to tackle the problem yourself, it is wise to call in the experts. In the first case, things you shou16D0ld do are:

1.Beneath the sink, is the 'P' trap or the 'S' trap(these are both shapes). Place a chemical resistant bucket, wear thick chemical resistant gloves and wear protective goggles to safeguard your eyes.
2.Release the two nuts of the 'P' trap's couplings. Use a wrench. After the pipe is free, retrieve the item.
3.This is a good time to check the washers and replace them if necessary. This will prevent further leaks etc.

Simple Ways of Cleaning a Sink Drain:

  • Pour in copious quantities of hot water after each single use. Make sure there are no clumps of hair, dirt and other particles blocking it.
  • There are two simple and easy ways to clean drains and avoid odors. Clean it by dropping a handful of baking soda into the kitchen drain, once every week. On the other hand, you can also use hot tap water mixed with 1 c. vinegar or lemon juice in and let it stand for 30 minutes. Rinse it well.
  • Purchase a drain cleaner liquid. Make sure the chemicals used in the solution are compatible to the materials of your bathroom pipes, fittings etc. Once a month is sufficient to keep your drains clean and unclogged.
  • Why not opt for a natural cleaning solution to unclog drains? The world wide web is a great resource of finding ingredients to make natural drain unclogging solutions.

How To Tackle Noisy Pipes:

  • When water pressure is more than 50 pounds psi, this causes noisy pipes. Other reasons can be loose pipes or even air chambers that are filled with water.
  • Avoid using galvanized straps on copper pipes.
  • In case pipes are loose, fix them up with straps or hangers as required to stop movement.

Other Plumbing Problems:

  • Broken Water Heaters
  • Clogged Plumbing Vents
  • Clogged Showers
  • Frozen Pipes
  • Leaking Pipes
  • Plumbing Emergencies
  • Preventing Kitchen Drain Clogs
  • Sink Sprays Diverters
  • Shower Heads

Only try to tackle the problems if you know your way around a wrench and other basic plumbing tools. This is not child's a play and require extreme care. When in doubt, call the experts.

The article was written by the owner of George Brazil -a leading name in experienced and registered plumbers in the Los Angeles area.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Window Replacement Project Tips

Windows provide us with a view of the outside world while bringing the beauty of sunshine into our home. Windows, however, are much more than just a view. In fact, they help to shield us from the harsh weather that mother nature often sees fit to serve up, including rain, sleet, snow, hail and harsh temperatures during winter and summer. Because they work so very hard for us, we have to take the time to recognize the signs of a needed DIY window replacement. If we protect our windows they, in turn, will continue to protect us.

When the inevitable time comes that your windows need replacing, the first thing to do is to decide whether to purchase a wood or vinyl DIY window replacement. Typically, window replacements can be matched to fit the current look of your home and, best of all, many current products are expected to last for up to 20 years and often are accompanied by a warranty.

When it comes to DIY window replacement installation, it is pertinent that special attention be paid to any small cracks around the window that may be present. If they are there, energy costs may be higher as a result. The reason is because the outside air will be able to enter the home through these cracks, which will cause the heating or air conditioning unit to work harder in order to maintain the homes temperature. In order to prevent this from occurring, homeowners must carefully inspect each DIY window replacement carefully. The best way to remedy a crack is through the use of caulking and weather stripping, which will help to eliminate the problem.

The best place to find all of your weather protective products is through the local home improvement store at which you purchased the window replacement. If you are not comfortable undertaking a DIY window replacement project, there are contractors in every area that are experienced in everyday installation and can often help your project get completed with minimal inconvenience to you. At the very least, you can hire a contractor or window installation professional who can help to supervise your work. Their fee may be considerably less if they are simply onsite and supervising someone elses work, but this is something that each individual DIY window replacement scenario will determine.

When selecting a professional, whether it be for installation or supervision, make sure that they are experienced in window replacement and have completed similar projects with success. In addition, try to hire someone who has been in business for several years and has a positive reputation with the local Better Business Bureau. Even with a DIY window replacement project, it never hurts to have professional supervision.

Find all types of home improvement contractors who specialize at installing carpet, doors, siding, roofing and much more. If you are a home improvement contractor or an author of home improvement articles, add your site or articles today.

10 Steps To Achieving Maximum Performance Through Recognition

As a conscientious leader, you can:

Build a high performance team

Value your team members

Bring out the best in each of the members of the team

Employees will actually become a part of the team. This will happen when they feel included in plans for the future and when they feel rewarded for achieving goals. Everyone wants to be part of the team, part of the company, part of the big picture.

Being included doesnt mean being consulted or being asked for approval. It does mean taking those employees into consideration and keeping them informed of the plan and the progress.

Being rewarded for achieving goals doesnt have to include money or awards but in fact could be just high 5s and back patting as steps are achieved along the way. Show them that you understand that they actually helped achieve that goal. I read that at MDI, every time a major contract was signed, a giant gong in the entrance room was gonged loudly enough so everybody in the building heard it and knew of that success. Timing is important

The word rewarded, conjures up thoughts of money or gifts that are considered expenses or costs. Rewards can of course range anywhere from a thanks, you did a good job to Cash bonuses and everywhere in between. Promotional products fit almost every catagory except cash.

Rewards can be the success of the company and the continuance of operation or even expansion which could lead to promotions and long term employment.

Actual rewards should be considered as investments.


Set criteria for awards program, Present lasting, personalized awards

Standard, classy timeless awards stand the test of time

A personalized award will be kept and treasured

A functional gift will be used and discarded.

Trendy and gimmicky gifts are fun for a while

When your company name is on an award, you are in fact advertising your company while rewarding or acknowledging someone. Everyone will see the image you project.

Set clear objectives for your company


Management & Shareholder needs

Company Vision and Mission Statements


Main or Key products

Ancilliary products

Possible new products


Short term goal, 1 year goal, 5 year goals, beyond Year end

Expansion/merger/takeover plans


Product Volume

Dollar Value



Progress tracking



1. Timing, Timing, Timing. (Not Location, Location, Location)

2. Quality (not cheap, does the trick)

3. Appropriateness (choose the award to match the event)

4. First Impression, Last Impression (there is a 'right' time to make it the best)

5. Corporate Image ( everyone sees what you project. Be good and be constant )

6. Achievability of contests or programs ( make sure you get winners)

7. Image building. Communicate/advertise the program, the winners (You want your image to travel.)

8. Reciprocation creates obligation payoff repayment (be cognizant and make it your advantage.)

9. Consistency exudes reliability ( you see this in all the major players )

10. Focus on all, one at a time
- Families
- Community

Is it all about Recognition, Promotional Products, Awards Program and Incentives? NO!! It's about business. It's about you. It's about them.

You've heard it said 'Business is Business' but I believe more and more that 'Business is Family'. Sure there are times when bad things happen but you get over it, solve the problems and get back to business. Get the 'family' working again.

My name is Rod Winning I own and operate Winning FairWays Inc. Promotional Products for Success I can be contacted at

Rod Winning is President of Winning FairWays Inc. Promotional Products for Success. contact him at or at

About Home Improvement

Indeed, theres no better feeling than being at home. Here, you can enjoy doing the things you love while being comfortable at your own pace and space. But, how can you enjoy ultimate comfort in your own abode when your home needs fixing and improvement?


If you would want to do some improvements in your home, the first thing you should consider is whether you can do the fixing all by yourself or you need the services of a professional home fixer.

If you are planning to do it on your own, there are actually many references you can use. Aside from magazines, websites are also available in the Internet that designed for those who prefer to the task by themselves.

But, better make sure that you are indeed prepared to these tasks of home improvement because it is hard to keep everything hanging when you no longer have the drive to finish what you have started. Before trying on any big projects like remodeling any part of the house, changing wall papers, buying a new set of appliances, or renovation of windows, rooms, and even gardens, ask yourself first if you can dedicated a lot of time because these changes will require many of it.

For you to know if you are ready in doing drastic home improvements, try repairing small things or do modest installations. If you think you and your partner can handle bigger projects than these modest tasks, then you can start doing major renovations. By doing the renovation yourself, you can save more money because you wont have to pay a pro.

Hiring the services of a professional is needed if you are the type of homeowner who is only interested in planning the project and doing the finishing touches afterwards. Usually, professionals charge high rates because they can assure you that the job can be finished faster, more accurate and more reliable. Since these people are experts in home improvement, they can guarantee you that the work will be done precisely.

But, before you hire a contractor, make sure that you have set all the records and terms straight. Make sure that the pro knows what you want them to do and when do you want them to finish. Also make sure that you established a clear division between your work and the contractors.


If you are planning to do some home improvement, familiarize yourself what are the aspects that might need renovation or fixing.

1. Electrical safety. This is one of the basic concerns of any household. Double check if your electrical wirings are all intact and check if theres a need for a repair. To ensure safety, try developing a simple home electrical safety to minimize the possibility of accidents due to faulty wirings and the like.

2. Hardware. Maybe its now time to check if all your cabinets in the kitchen, bedroom, garage, and storage are all okay. Who knows, these cabinets need changing of nuts, bolts, nails, screening, etc? If you want to fix these yourself, you can look for the things you might need in home hardwares found at home centers.

3. Windows and doors. Windows and doors are indeed wonderful decorations to your home. If you want to recreate your windows, try adding flower boxes for a change.

4. Wallpaper and borders. Bored of your old wallpapers and borders? Then, you can now renovate these to turn your room into a unique room. You can find discounted wallpaper and borders almost anywhere but make sure they are high-quality so you can use them for a long period of time.

5. Outdoor projects. Look around your garden if it needs updating or repair. You may also want to change the theme of your garden to make it look more refreshing.

Home improvement may also include storage and garage, metal roofing, house plans, deck designs, patios, fences, appliances, craft projects, and bathroom fixtures and furniture.

Bob is the owner of Explore this home improvement web site and get the latest home improvement idea.

Is Today The Day You Take Action

You will either step forward into Growth, or you will step back into Safety.
~ Abraham Maslow ~

As the year quickly moves forward, this could turn out to be just another day, week and month that passes by, or it could be the beginning of something new. Take a look at your life. Overall, how is it going? Would you describe your life as a joyous, passionate expression of self? Are you living your most abundant, peaceful, loving life? Everyone of us carries within an idea, a dream, or a desire. Taking action on these desires is how excitement unfolds. Yet so often these dreams are dismissed or put on the cold back burner. Will today be another day that passes by without taking action on your dream?

What could I do dE11ifferently today that would effect my life?

What to Do?
We generally have some sort of an idea of what we would wish to create within our lives. Yet we also sense the enormity of all that it would take to change the status quo. The task ahead seems huge and unmanageable. All the familiar feelings of procrastination, doubt, and overwhelm rise to the surface to protect the known comfort of what is. It seems much easier to remain in the safety of what is known and familiar. And yet the desire to create change continues to exist. How do any of us get past the plateau that we sit on?

Take a Small Step
What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step. It is always the same step, but you have to take it. Antoine De Saint-Exupery ( 1900-1944, French Aviator, Writer)

In the end, as adults, no one can save us but ourselves. We own, and are responsible, for our own lives and happiness. To get what we want out of life, it helps to know what it is that we want. We need to know what we dream of. Close your eyes and be willing to take a look at the big picture. What is it you want? For example:

Be at peace with food and your body

Weigh a certain amount _________

Write a book

Begin a new business





Now step back from the big picture and find what steps you can do now, today, to make your dream come true. What are five small, achievable steps you can take today to move forward with this dream? For example:

1. Write down my desire.

2. Create a simple picture board illustrating my desire.

3. Take five minutes to imagine myself joyfully living my desire.

4. Create a daily action list to help create different habits.

5. Feel joy in the recognition that I took these steps today.

Will today be the day I gently push aside all of my excuses, and take tangible action on my personal desires?


Dr. Annette Colby, RD can help you take the pain out of life, turn difficult emotions into joy, release stress, end emotional eating, and move beyond depression into an extraordinary life! Annette is the author of Your Highest Potential and has the unique ability to show you how to spark an amazing relationship with your life! Visit to access hundreds of content filled articles and sign up for a Free subscription to Loving Miracles! newsletter.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Small Bathroom Makeovers - 3 Things You Must Do Before You Hire A Bathroom Remodeling Contractor

Small bathroom makeovers are a lot of work and you need a good contractor

Remodelling your bathroom can be one of the most rewarding things that you do to your property. Not only can you make it look beautiful you can often rearrange things to fit more into even the smallest of spaces. But how do you go about getting the work done? You probably don't want to do the work yourself because even the smallest bathroom makeovers are a lot of work. No you want it done and finished so that you can start enjoying it. The most common way to go about it is to hire a contractor to do the job for you.

Hiring a professional bathroom remodelling contractor to do the work for you is the obvious way to go. You should expect him to follow your instructions, do a good job and finish it in a reasonable length of time.

But how do you choose the right contractor?. One that will do a good job and not rip you off in the process. Remember that you will be letting this person, or gang of contractors into your property and leaving them alone for long periods of time trusting that they are getting on with the job and not rifle through your jewellery.

I'm going to give you 3 things that you absolutely must do before you hire your contractors. Remember that you are going to be paying out a fair amount of money for your new beautiful bathroom so it's worth spending a little time and effort making sure you select the right people for the job:

  1. Use your gut feeling or intuition
  2. Get a background check done on your contractor
  3. Take up references

Use your gut feeling or intuition

Meet with your prospective contractors and talk to them about your bathroom renova5B4tion job. When you run out of bathroom things to discuss ask him about himself. Where does he come from? How long has he been doing this type of work? Where did he get his qualifications? Does he have a family?

Talk about anything and everything you can think of to try and build up a picture of this person. When you have that picture in your mind you can then say to yourself "Do I like this person?" Does everything add up? Do you feel as if you're being lied to or perhaps not being told the whole truth?

Believe it or not your gut feeling can often be remarkably accurate. You should listen to what your intuition is telling you and if it tells you that you don't trust this contractor then don't hire him. This isn't a very scientific test and you can't use it as the only way to select your contractors but if it tells you to run then you should. Move on to your next prospective contractor as quickly as you can.

Get a background check done on your contractor

Getting a background check done on someone can be as simple as entering their name and a few details into an online public records database. Discover how to do that in the article How To Do A Public Records Criminal Background Search On Your Bathroom Remodeling Contractor. It's important that you try to find out some information about5B4 your contractors past. Does he have a criminal record? Does he have arrest warrants out for him? Has he been made bankrupt?

Take up references

When I did my small bathroom makeover I asked if I I could see some examples of the contractors work and made a point of actually going to see it first hand. This turned out to be a fantastic way of selecting the good contractors from the bad and it was a lot of fun visiting people who had used the same guy that I was about to let loose in my house.

Bad contractors will avoid giving you any references like this and definitely won't want you visiting them. If this is the case then turn away and don't look back. If this contractor can't show you an example of his work then he isn't likely to do a good job for you is he?

The contractor that I used gave me 3 of his customers in the local area and made arrangements for us to go and visit the properties. This was great because not only were we able to see the results of his work we were also able to talk to his customers and find out exactly how the job went. Make sure that you ask whether it was completed on time and to the original budget. You can also ask how the contractor dealt with any problems that arose during the bathroom remodelling project. You can't stop problems from happening but it's how painless the contractor makes it for you that's important.

The information that you will gain from the t54Fips above can be invaluable to you in making your decision about the person you are about to invite into your home to do your small bathroom makeover. Take your time about your decision, it will pay off for you in the end.

You can do background checks on almost anyone in less than 10 minutes. Learn how to check for arrest warrants, criminal record and bankruptcy at the same time How Do I Check For Arrest Warrants? Don't know what an arrest warrant is? Learn about them here